10 Messages


274 Points

Monday, December 18th, 2023 6:59 AM



Updating an Film Industry Professional

I would like to update my industry involvement on IMDB. How do I efficiently do that? Currently, the last film in my IMDB is from 2018. I would like to add projects from that time to current. Thank you for any help, Jon Stephenson 

Accepted Solution



7.6K Messages


277.8K Points

1 year ago

Jon: Are the films/TV shows/etc. you have worked on after 2018 listed in IMDb yet?  If so, you can go to the pages for those titles, click "Edit page", and submit your name to the credits of the appropriate department for each title. If any of them are not listed yet, you can submit those titles to the database using the form that starts at https://contribute.imdb.com/updates/edit?update=title and continues on succeeding screens. This is a more complicated process, but you only need to deal with it if the film/TV show/etc. is not listed in IMDb at all. If you need further explanation, please provide all the details about your situation (what films you worked on, which job you had on each film, etc.) and the contributors here should be able to help you. I hope this helps. Good luck!

10 Messages


274 Points

@gromit82​ thank you! The shows will all be on IMDb.   I build and coordinate water tanks for underwater shoots. Website is being updated - filmpools.com to get an idea. Recent productions: Percy Jackson Black Panther Wakanda Forever Florida Man The Grey Man Jigsaw Chicago Fire Stranger Things The Last of Us Breathe and more since 2018. Likely not credited in most of these although that is unknown - do I need to note 'not credited'? Thanks for your help! Jon 

Accepted Solution



7.6K Messages


277.8K Points

1 year ago

Jon: Yes, if you did not have your name on screen in the credits, you will need to use the attribute (uncredited) for that film or TV show. For the TV series, make sure to submit your credit to the specific episode that you worked on -- not to the series in general. In terms of determining which episode you worked on, I recommend reading the plot descriptions to see which episodes sound like they would have underwater scenes that would be relevant to your work, then watching those particular episodes to confirm that those are indeed the ones you worked on. You are probably better suited to determine which episode you worked on than anyone else except the show's own production staff, whom you could ask if they are willing to help you. Good luck!

10 Messages


274 Points

@gromit82​ thanks! Makes sense! One more quick Q. If i don't see my name in the credits for that show - I should note 'uncredited'?



7.6K Messages


277.8K Points

@JonStephenson​ Yes, if your name did not appear in the credits, put (uncredited) in the Attribute box for that entry. I see that you have already gotten some of your newer work listed in IMDb since this thread started, so everything seems to be working correctly so far.

10 Messages


274 Points

@gromit82​ yes starting, there is a lot more to do.

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274 Points

1 year ago

How do I determine which episode I worked on? It's a blur now ;) Without watching them to find it. Thanks, Jon 

10 Messages


274 Points

1 year ago

One final question - there are 2 Jon Stephenson's in IMDb and they are both me. How do I get them to combine the two profiles? Thanks, Jon 



5.6K Messages


58.9K Points

@JonStephenson​ Hi- Please submit a name merge, follow our help guides for more. Cheers!

10 Messages


274 Points

@Bethanny​ thanks, when I follow the instructions and see have two tabs open it is not obvious where to hit the edit  and then there is no option to merge.



7.6K Messages


277.8K Points

Jon: First of all, please make sure that all the credits for both Jon Stephenson (I) (https://www.imdb.com/name/nm1409413/) and Jon Stephenson (II) (https://www.imdb.com/name/nm2847120/) are indeed yours. Jon (II) has substantially all his credits in jobs like "dive coordinator", "marine safety", and now "water tank coordinator", so that is obviously you. Jon (I), on the other hand, has one credit as a dive supervisor for "R. L. Stine's The Haunting Hour" (I assume that's yours), but all his other credits are things like "best boy grip" and "dolly grip" that would be done on dry land. Is that you from an earlier stage of your career, or is it a different person? If it is a different person, then the way to fix it would be to change the one credit for "R. L. Stine's The Haunting Hour" to assign it to Stephenson, Jon (II) instead. But if all the credits on both pages belong to you, here is how to merge them. Go to the page for Jon Stephenson (II) at https://www.imdb.com/name/nm2847120/. Click "Edit page". On the next screen, on the Name Merge line, select "Add merge". Scroll down and click "Continue". On the next screen, there will be a blank space in which to enter the corrected name. Enter it as: Stephenson, Jon (I) Un-check the box marked "Preserve previous name on existing credits. i.e. '(as Jon Stephenson)'" since it doesn't apply to this situation. In the Explanation box, enter something like this: "I am Jon Stephenson, and my credits have been mistakenly split between Jon Stephenson (I) and (II). All the credits on both pages are mine, and so these two pages should be merged." Click "Check these updates". On the next screen, you will get a warning that says, "You are about to merge two separate name pages into one. Are you sure you wish to merge this name page into the page for Stephenson, Jon (I)? ..." Check the box marked "Warning understood, go ahead anyway." Click "Re-check these updates". On the next screen, your data should appear with a green background and you should be able to click "Submit these updates". Allow a few days for the merge to go through. Good luck!

10 Messages


274 Points

@gromit82​ thanks. Yes I started my career as a grip above the water, did some rigging as well. and moved into water work - underwater grip diver etc. Both Jon II and Jon I are me.

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274 Points

@gromit82​ thank you again fro your long explanation - it is so helpful. I still can't find the Click 'Edit Page' This is where I am stuck doing the merge.



7.6K Messages


277.8K Points

Jon: The "Edit page" button should be at the very bottom of your name page, as I have indicated here with an arrow:

10 Messages


274 Points

@gromit82​ got it! thank you so much!!