10 Messages
274 Points
Updating an Film Industry Professional
I would like to update my industry involvement on IMDB. How do I efficiently do that? Currently, the last film in my IMDB is from 2018. I would like to add projects from that time to current. Thank you for any help, Jon Stephenson
Accepted Solution
7.6K Messages
277.8K Points
1 year ago
Jon: Are the films/TV shows/etc. you have worked on after 2018 listed in IMDb yet? If so, you can go to the pages for those titles, click "Edit page", and submit your name to the credits of the appropriate department for each title. If any of them are not listed yet, you can submit those titles to the database using the form that starts at https://contribute.imdb.com/updates/edit?update=title and continues on succeeding screens. This is a more complicated process, but you only need to deal with it if the film/TV show/etc. is not listed in IMDb at all. If you need further explanation, please provide all the details about your situation (what films you worked on, which job you had on each film, etc.) and the contributors here should be able to help you. I hope this helps. Good luck!
Accepted Solution
7.6K Messages
277.8K Points
1 year ago
Jon: Yes, if you did not have your name on screen in the credits, you will need to use the attribute (uncredited) for that film or TV show. For the TV series, make sure to submit your credit to the specific episode that you worked on -- not to the series in general. In terms of determining which episode you worked on, I recommend reading the plot descriptions to see which episodes sound like they would have underwater scenes that would be relevant to your work, then watching those particular episodes to confirm that those are indeed the ones you worked on. You are probably better suited to determine which episode you worked on than anyone else except the show's own production staff, whom you could ask if they are willing to help you. Good luck!
10 Messages
274 Points
1 year ago
How do I determine which episode I worked on? It's a blur now ;) Without watching them to find it. Thanks, Jon
10 Messages
274 Points
1 year ago
One final question - there are 2 Jon Stephenson's in IMDb and they are both me. How do I get them to combine the two profiles? Thanks, Jon