craig_wollman's profile

28 Messages


934 Points

Monday, November 5th, 2018 4:03 PM

adding a credit for film not in database

I tried to enter a movie credit for a film that has finished shooting but is now in post. My entry was rejected because IMDB told me that the film is not in their database. If the production company has no plan to add the film to IMDB, how can I have a credit on my page?

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7.6K Messages


277.7K Points

6 years ago

Craig: You can submit the film to IMDb yourself using the form that begins at and continues on succeeding screens. (I'm assuming that the production company is not intentionally trying to keep their film out of the database. If they are, I am not sure what their plan is. Anyone can submit a film to IMDb, even if their only involvement with the production is as a viewer, or even someone who just read about the film.)Please note that there will be parts of the form where you do not need to answer every item, but instead you can answer 2 out of 5 items, or 1 out of 4 items, or 3 credits from 6 categories. However, if you can provide more than the minimum number of items, please do so.If you run into problems along the way, you can always come back here and ask.Good luck!

28 Messages


934 Points

6 years ago

Thanks for your help. I'll give that a try. The interface on IMDB is so difficult to use. I'm sorry I couldn't figure that out on my own, but I appreciate your answer.

28 Messages


934 Points

6 years ago

I just tried to enter it as gromit suggested. It is so friggin' complicated to try to enter this, I gave up. There's just way too much required information that I don't know or some of the fields are just so confusing it's impossible to know what to enter.I consider myself fairly smart with a fair amount of common sense. I was an engineer before I became an actor and had 10 years of programming experience. I'd like to get my hands on the person who designed the IMDB data entry portion of the website.By the way, I don't know of any links to trailers or footage or any other hints to the production. It's a 30 minute film that was done by a large church in Denver and they're in the editing process. 

28 Messages


934 Points

Thank you Cliff. I've gone through the process and there is information that is required (even when I only need 1 of 3 or 3 of 5 items, etc. that I just don't have. So I don't see how I can complete this. It was a film short done by a church that will be used for their Christmas services. They want to pursue distribution but that won't be addressed until after the holiday.I do not have a URL to anything connected to the film. 

28 Messages


934 Points

I understand why IMDB wants to make sure the project is real and that we aren't just padding our IMDB page wih fake material but I just don't have enough information about the production to be able to get past IMDB's restrictions. It's just not actor friendly.

28 Messages


934 Points

Hi Cliff, I know there's a lot to read in this thread so I'll review what I mentioned above. The production just wrapped a week ago. They are in post production. They are planning on releasing it for their Christmas services in mid-December. I know of no media that I can access that will prove the existence of this production. (other than all the photos I took between takes!



7.5K Messages


182.3K Points

It sounds like this title may not be eligible for inclusion in IMDb in any case. Your best option would be to add it to your "Additional Credits" section assuming you have an IMDbPro account and have claimed your name page.  Please see you have IMDbPro there's a good example at 

28 Messages


934 Points

I believe I have an IMDB pro account. I pay $163 per year.I'll try what you suggest. Thank.

28 Messages


934 Points

Col, I'm actually doubting that I have a pro account. I pay an annual fee but I'm guessing that an imdbpro account is different from an imdb account. I tried to go there but all I get when in the pro section is offers to sign up for the pro serivce.In any event, I did try editing my page and adding the film but it took me back to the same page that requires information that I don't have. I didn't used to be bald but at this point I have pulled all my hair out. Having to deal with the only game in town when they don't provide support and on top of that, when they have an almost unusable interface is just unthinkable.

28 Messages


934 Points

Hi Cliff. The IMDB URL area explicitly says that links to FB or other social media are not acceptable.Frankly, I don't have anything except for the film title, the church who hired me and the names of the director and producer.If you think that will work despite what you say, I can try that but I wouldn't think it appropriate to create that page without contacting the production company first. I can do that but it just adds more hassle to the whole process.

28 Messages


934 Points

Sorry, I didn't completely answer that. Unless you need to know the details, I'd have to go back to IMDB and go through the process again to try to enter the film just to find out the things it's asking for that I don't have.

28 Messages


934 Points

Every time I hit "Check again" or whatever that mislabelled button is at the bottom, it tells me something cryptic about my having to fill out anything that's not green.

10.7K Messages


225.6K Points

6 years ago

For a movie, the fourth stage of the title addition form looks like... Mandatory Information Release Dates Miscellaneous Link Basic Identifying Information (2 items required) Country of Origin Languages Color / Black & White Genres Directors Production Information (1 item required) Budget Official Sites Distributors Production Companies Major Credits (3 items required) Cast Writers Producers Composers Cinematographers Editors OK? If not all of enough of the mandatory information can be sourced, then please provide relevant and thorough evidence in the "explanation" field of the submission form. Since the project is in post-production, the studio should be able to supply all of the information except maybe whether the movie will be in color or monochrome.

10.7K Messages


225.6K Points

The explanation field only appears after the corresponding checkbox is ticked and the "Re-check these updates »" button is clicked.

28 Messages


934 Points

6 years ago

Frankly, I give up. I tried putting in the production company name and I got:This credit has been rejected. You need to correct this credit before it will be accepted.The company name is missing a country code.I have never seen a website that is so absurdly difficult. I don't think it's fair to ask them what their budget was. I know that not everything has to be entered but certain information is required and I just can't get past that. If the computer and monitor weren't my own, I'd take a baseball bat to it. That's how frustrating this process has been. But if budget were the only issue, I could get around that.I tried adding me as an actor, someone as producer, and someone as director and it forces me to choose from a list of producers and directors. Since their name isn't in those lists, it's just one more reason why I can't get this done.I do appreciate everyone's help on this but if I need this many people helping me and I still can't complete the process, there's something wrong with the process. I'm just an actor. I don't have all the details about the production.I would only express my frustration and anger with a few words, but big brother would delete my post based on the vulgarity of my word choice.I almost hope I'm the only idiot who has these problems. But I suspect I'm not.Jeorj, I will try the explanation field but I'm not hopeful.

10.7K Messages


225.6K Points

Well, there is the "let the IMDb staff decide" option, for ambiguous identities, when incorporating credits onto an IMDb title page.



7.6K Messages


277.7K Points

Craig: The country code is the two-letter abbreviation for the country, in brackets, which is placed after the name of the company. For example, if XYZ Films is a United States company, it would be entered as:XYZ Films [us]See for information about company name formatting and for the complete list of country codes.Regarding the issue of "it forces me to choose from a list of producers and directors ...", you should see near the end of the list a choice along the lines of "This is a different person not currently listed - create 'Wollman, Craig'." That's what you should choose if the person has no IMDb-listed credits yet.

28 Messages


934 Points

6 years ago

Jeorj, I am on the page similar to what you posted and I don't see an explanation field anywhere. But as I said, I'm about to get an ulcer so I can't devote anymore than the 3 hours today to this process. I sure am not getting my $163 worth per year this is costing me.

10.7K Messages


225.6K Points

Creating a new title page has nothing to do with IMDbPro.

28 Messages


934 Points

I didn't think it did. But for the price they charge, they should put a little of their budget into designing a website that at LEAST someone with a B.A. in engineering and a Master's degree can use and figure out without having to involve 10 people on a community help site.

10.7K Messages


225.6K Points

I'm confident that at least one third of all secondary school graduates, can figure this out (spending three hours everyday for two or three days), provided they have not been socially promoted and are still "fresh" with education. Apropos, engineering tertiary certification is typically in the form of Bachelor of Science rather than Bachelor of Arts.

28 Messages


934 Points

Yes, That was a typo, my undergrad degree is a B.S. from Penn State, but I digress. Not a certification, but a degree.I'm so happy three hours for two or three days will allow someone to add a credit. And if at least 1/3 of those graduates can do that, we'll that's all I need to know. Just think of the shape the world would be in if only (or at least) 1/3 of the population of educated people could figure things out. What does that say for the uneducated?



7.6K Messages


277.7K Points

Cliff: Please don't encourage people to submit arbitrary, inaccurate budgets. Craig would be much better off submitting the church that made this film as a Production Company and leaving the Budget section blank.

2.4K Messages


81.2K Points

I agree with Gromit.Moreover, please refer to what Col said above and namely: "It sounds like this title may not be eligible for inclusion in IMDb in any case." (do not ask me why!)

28 Messages


934 Points

Cliff, no, I was paid a reasonable amount for my work as an actor in this film so no assumption about the budget is appropriate.Just because a church has donors doesn't mean there is no budget for the work they do. Donations are there income and the have a budget for the various expenditures the church incurs.

10.7K Messages


225.6K Points

"Budget", "Official Sites", "Distributors" or "Production Companies". At least one of those fields has to be filled out, and often it is easy to identify/determine everything in that section except for the budget, if the project is non-fictitious.

28 Messages


934 Points

Jeorj, not true, I wish it were true. It's not fare to make the assumptions you have. The film was shot by a church. I assumed they were the production company but I can't be sure. I listed them in any event.Distributors? No, this film will be shown only at Christmas services for the church although the church will be seeking distribution next year. I suppose I could call the church the distributor for now.Official sites? None. There has been no website set up for this project as far as I know.And of course, I've already covered the fact that I don't know the budget."...if the project is non-ficticious?" If I shoot a 10 minute short on an iPhone with the intent of trying to get into some festivals but I have no budget (this church film has one, I just don't know the number) no distribution, no website for it, and no official production company, does that make my film fictitious? This church film is somewhere between that iPhone movie and a standard Hollywood film.I've been to the Sundance festival 25 times since the mid-80's. 90% of the time, the film representatives on stage, (director, producers, etc.) will not discuss budget and I don't think it's appropriate to ask the church what that budget is. I was flown to Denver from NYC, I was put up in an apartment, and I was paid a reasonable fee for my work. There is definitely a budget.

10.7K Messages


225.6K Points

An ecclesiastical organization can count as a production company if it exhibits studio behavior such as filmmaking.



7.5K Messages


182.3K Points

6 years ago

As we advised above, given the circumstances here, this credit is best added to your "Additional Credits" section on IMDbPro.  Here is a step by step guide which avoids the need to create a new title (which is likely ineligible anyway). On any page on IMDbPro, say click "Your Page" in the header:This will take you to your IMDbPro name page. Next click the "Edit" button near the top of your filmography:This will open an edit menu. Scroll down to the "Additional Credits" section and "Industrial" seems to best fit here:click the ">" and on the next screen, click "+ Add Credit" to take you to a form like this:enter the details, press "Save" and the information will be added to your "Additional Credits" section on IMDbPro within minutes. Please let us know if you need any additional help here. Note this assumes you have claimed your name page using your IMDbPro subscription.  If not, please see

28 Messages


934 Points

I looked up the pro rates. It's $142 annually but with Tax and Var, I'm guessing it's about what I'm paying. But I don't understand why, when I'm logged in, I am offered a free trial to IMDBPro. If I'm paying the same price why am I not a Pro subscriber?

28 Messages


934 Points

6 years ago

Col, frankly, I don't know if I'm subscribed to the Pro version. I suspect I'm not. When I log in, I don't see IMDBPro anywhere in the header of the site, just IMDB. When I get to a place where there is an IMDBPro button, when I click no it, I'm taken to a subscribe page. So I'm guessing my $163 per year is for a standard subscription, not the pro version.Subsequent to my above message, I clicked on the pro link you provided. I'm taken to a "Start Free Trial" page. At the top right of the page it says..."Hi, Craig! Are you an industry professional?Not you? Log outSo I'm assuming that I'm logged in under my regular IMDB subscription but that I do NOT have a pro subscription.I'm off to vote!Thanks for your help, Col.

28 Messages


934 Points

6 years ago

I looked up subscription rates and it states that IMDB is free but IMDBPro is a subscription. So I must be paying for IMDBPro. Why I'm taken to a free trial page for IMDBPro is beyond me, although that would be consistent with the site is designed (poorly).



7.6K Messages


277.7K Points

6 years ago

Craig: If you are unable to access IMDbPro even though you are paying for it, here is my suggestion on how to get help.Log out of IMDb and go to should see a box on screen that says "Log in for IMDbPro member support | Log in for IMDb general Support". Click the X to close that box. You should then see a page that says "IMDb Contact Us".Click the option for "Log in/Sign up questions".In the "Select an issue" menu, select "Login & other account issues".In the "Select issue details" menu, select "Unable to login/other login issues".Click "E-mail".On the next screen, fill in your e-mail address and name where indicated. Then, in the "Enter additional information" box, explain that you are a paid IMDbPro subscriber yet you are unable to access the Pro site, providing all the details you have indicated above in this thread. Then click "Send e-mail".Hopefully the staff should be able to get you your access to the Pro site.

28 Messages


934 Points

I sent the message, thanks.Just one more way that IMDB continues to amaze me with it's issues and poor design. Wanna bet they don't give me any credit for paying for something I'm not getting?

10.7K Messages


225.6K Points

I'd imagine that they can extend your subscription by an amount of time equivalent to how long your were unable to access IMDbPro's features, or they could indeed reimburse part of your payment.

28 Messages


934 Points

I would hope, thanks Jeorj. Most importanly, I need to get access to the site and get what I'm paying for.

2.5K Messages


69.2K Points

6 years ago

Craig, I have to admit that I didn’t read the whole thread, but you said that the film is ”in post”. Do you have confirmed credits (meaning, that are the end credits even finalized), release dates etc? I mean sure, you can probably add the film even when it’s not yet released, but it’s probably easier when the film is completed, credits finalized and the film actually ”released”. This is one of those ”just saying” type of posts.

28 Messages


934 Points

Understood. I do not have any knowledge of any credits put together yet.Either way, I was able to finally get the form submitted about 4 days ago, but I have seen no update on my page. I'm assuming that imdb will take it's usualy 10-15 days to make the update so I'll wait until then before I check into why it's not there.Thanks for your comment.

28 Messages


934 Points

6 years ago

Back in November I was finally able to complete the form and send it but my film credit never appeared. It seems pretty impossible to figure out how to send a message to IMDb support. The only option I found is for billing.Any ideas of what I need to do to get that credit on my page?

2.4K Messages


81.2K Points

6 years ago

Craig, Find the notification mail you have received after submitting your edition, and share it's 18 digit number here. You can also use it to check the reason why it was rejected by IMDb on (view contribution details).

8 Messages


352 Points

I do have a link to the film with a password but I'm not supposed to give that out. Maybe few screenshots?

2.4K Messages


81.2K Points

No need at this stage. You might be able to retrieve and share the 18 digit submission ID on the page I have you the link for. This information is essential if you want to get help from an IMDb staff.

8 Messages


352 Points

6 years ago

Thanks Vincent. I don't remember receiving an email but I'll check.I went to my contribution page via the link and it gave me what's below. I don't have anything that fits #1. I'll try number 2. This is very frustrating. It must have taken me 4 hours to get everything right so that the form could be submitted (back in Nov.). It shouldn't be this hard! So frustrating.Provide one of the following:In the "Miscellaneous Link" section of the new title submission form, add links to third party sites detailing the production.In the "Explanation for missing information" box at the top of the new title contribution form, add additional information detailing your case for your title to be listed on IMDb.

8 Messages


352 Points

6 years ago

In the resubmit form, it says the film title is not valid. What make a title valid? Does the production company have to inform God?I spent 10 days in Denver shooting this film. Is there some sort of registration process that the production company has to go through before I can get credit?If they don't, does that mean I'll never be able to add this credit?

2.4K Messages


81.2K Points

Please read carefully all instructions on screen especially if the section background is pink or yellow: I guess that the submitted format of your title doez not comply with the formatting rules, e.g. did you add the year between parenthesis at the end of the title?