stefano_giugliano's profile

12 Messages


532 Points

Tuesday, January 16th, 2018 3:52 PM


Add contribution status to update history table

Hello, is there a way to get a table with all the items submitted in the contribution page, with the relative status?

In this page, you need to enter item by item to check the status:

I sumbitted more than 100 records to be approved and a summary with all the statuses would help.




5K Messages


118.1K Points

7 years ago

If you are logged in as the user who made the contributions, you see the full table automatically. Here's part of what I see when I click on the link you provided above:

12 Messages


532 Points

7 years ago

Yes but you don't see the status: approved, pending, rejected etc...



5K Messages


118.1K Points

7 years ago

I interpreted your words "In this page, you need to enter item by item to check the status" as meaning you needed to type or paste the numbers into the box. Perhaps you meant that you have OPEN each item to check its status. Frankly, opening it doesn't give you the status either, unless it is one of the items they provide Tracking for.

So you want them to improve the existing table to include the status, if available?

12 Messages


532 Points




19.3K Messages


475.6K Points

Hi Stefano Giugliano,

Would you mind submitting this as an idea? Something along the lines of:

Please Include the Status in the Update History Table

Currently, on the Update History table, you need to enter item by item to check the status:

Please include the status in this table.



7.2K Messages


177.9K Points

We have converted this to an Idea and changed the subject line, thanks.



5K Messages


118.1K Points

4 years ago

Nowadays we have this page:

which shows the status for _most_ data types.