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My Approved Credits aren't Appearing on My Profile Unless I Expand to see All Credits
Hello, wondering how to solve this glitch– my contribution was approved but even though my name is in the end scroll, and these edits were approved, the two episodes that have aired are not showing up on my "previous" credits unless I go to expand my profile. Bizarre bc everyone else on my tea
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Moving episodes from one TV series to another
I appreciate any advice. Thanks I'm sorry, but I'm not clear about exactly what steps I should take to move episodes from one series to another. My attempt just changed the episode numbers and kept them in the parent series. Here is my step-by-step attempt for each episode. 1) clicked "Edi
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Review Declined
I've had a review submission declined three times and can't figure out why the third time was not the charm. I've had a few reviews declined before and it's always films of a racially sensitive topic, so there is a pattern, but in most cases, there is nothing thar would be against the guidelines. In
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What's the movie's name?!??
I've been trying to identify this movie for two-three years, literally. All I can recall is: - it's a crime mystery/ thriller cat-and-mouse - it's set in remote and/or snowy setting - it's most likely from 2000s to maybe 2015-6 - it's about a serial killer, child molester/kidnapper - the pro
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Top 250 TV Show - Don't understand
Mr Sunshine (Korean drama - 2018) is arguably and objectively one of the best TV shows out there, whether you like the genre or not. I know your ratings/rankings methods are top secret, but I'd like to understand why, while standing at 8.8 rating and 5,360 reviews (Aug 23rd), this show is not includ
Accepted Solution
submitting multiple items but approved in the wrong order
'Greetings, I recently submitted a post with two items but they were approved in the wrong order, for example, for the conversation to make sense, the first item should be on the bottom and versa. I am absolutely positive I submitted them correctly. Can someone correct and/or address this issue?
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Can someone delete a pending contribution?
I requested an image deletion but would nix if I could because upon further inspection everything looks good. Had to do with poster/primary image size - not used to square, then rectangle. A bit different with podcasts, but as-is works. Contribution #220222-183801-579102 Thanks for any help canc
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Incorrect death information
Last month a English comedian called Tony Knight died in an accident, and someone (without doing due diligence) added this death info to an American actors page despite the fact their ages, careers, spouse, obituary etc did not match up, they shared a name only. Now I do not know if this comedian ev
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How to find and track photos I've added to the larger IMDb website?
I've never added pictures for myself because I'm not an actor. I've only ever added pictures for movies and TV show episodes. Like cover photos or behind the scenes photos. I know each photo submission has an 18 digit contribution number like all other submissions, but I've been adding photos for a
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James Caan death
Greetings, I submitted a correction (#220723-181151-679000) for the death of death of James Caan, I corrected the death from "natural causes" to "heart attack and coronary artery disease" as stated from the article below, but the result from the imdb staff was "needs attention", I submitted the corr
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Duplicate Keywords - List #32 (Proposals for Permanent Merger and Auto-Conversion) (family keywords)
Here is the next installment of my lists of proposed keywords for permanent merger and auto-conversion. I am posting this for fellow contributors to review first and raise any objections or questions. I will wait at least 14 days before changing this post to a "problem" post and asking IMDb
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Is this a glitch or something new?
On the drop down menu for the 'writers' section, it displays data I've never seen before.
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Why do photo deletions from a title not get listed in update history?
At least one photo added into the movie Stripes (1981) is not from the movie. I submitted it to be deleted but it wasn't and now the submission doesn't even show up in my Update History and I didn't delete it. I get that this photo has
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Accepted Solution
Approved submission not gone live
Re submission #220905-060050-517000 Hi, The above submission for a character name correction was approved a couple of days back, however to date it has not changed on the IMDb page here Hot Metal; Unleash the Kracken Please can it be looked at & corrected on the live page. Thanks D
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Movie review not getting published. What's the problem?
Hi, my review (my account ) for this movie was submitted twice but both times nothing happened (I just received the email receipt). I'm really wondering if there's a bug with this database entry because th
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Why can't I correct the misinformation on my profile?
I've been trying to correct misinformation displayed on my profile time and time again and it keeps coming back as rejected, despite me providing proof. It's incredibly frustrating to not have an email address or a person to refer to and ask for further help. Could I please ask for someone to assist
No Action Needed
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completed status
Hello - There are a few films in my filmography that are stuck in "completed" status. They haven't been released and from what I gather they don't intend to be. Does this mean they will be stuck in completed forever or is there a way to list them in a way so that at least show up in the appropriate
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1970s Action/Crime Movie with Shootouts, Lots of Cars, and a Guy with a Rifle Gets Crushed By His Own Car
I remember seeing an action sequence from movie that appeared to be from the 70s that involved lots of criminals prepared for a shootout. There was a guy with a rifle under his own car (using it as "cover") on the highway or freeway and was firing long-distance shots at other cars, but opposing peo
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Got more bogus duplicate declines
Got a dozen more bogus duplicate declines to hopefully get pushed through. Been getting these since about July. 241009-193048-782000 241009-192945-526000 241009-192815-690000 241009-192706-620000 241009-192545-732000 241009-192351-449000 241009-192133-672000 241009-191953-585000 241009-191651-14500
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La voix du rossignol (1925)
The date shown for this short is 1925, but it was first released in France in 1923, as indicated in the release dates subpage. Shouldn't the date be 1923 then? Perhaps I am missing something.
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