1 Message
72 Points
Videos on our page - Changing the order of the list & Featured videos
We need to be able to change the order of videos on our page and how they are shown. Please fix. Similar to how we can feature photos and the order in which they appear.
There appears to be no function for this currently.
Currently, the video page shows 2 videos. We need to have control over what videos are displayed.
Secondly, once you click to see all videos. We need to have control in the order in which those videos appear. Newer videos go to the top of the list.
190 Messages
1.9K Points
2 months ago
Hello @sb44,
Thank you for your suggestion! At this time is not possible to change the order of the videos on your page. Your Demo Reels will be arranged by upload date.
However, we have updated the post to an "Idea" so other community members can vote/comment on this feature improvement and staff can monitor interest.