5 Messages


176 Points

Tuesday, April 2nd, 2024 9:48 PM



Tagged production photo not showing up on my profile?

If I am tagged in a production's photo, how do I get that to show up on my own name profile? 

I was hoping it was possible to do that without screenshotting (since you can't download a photo) and reuploading it to my profile and retagging everyone. 

The last info is from 7 years ago here.

If anyone has any insight please let me know. 

Accepted Solution



1.3K Messages


12.8K Points

11 months ago

Hello @iamconfusedsendhelp,

Images that are uploaded to an IMDb title page will only appear in the photo gallery for that title and are not extended to tagged name pages. This is an effort to protect a person's photo gallery from unwanted user-uploaded images.

As you have an IMDbPro membership and claimed name page, you can upload a copy of the image and submit this to your name page individually. To do this:

  1. To update your photos while logged in to your membership, please go to your IMDbPro page
  2. Click on the gray icon box that says "Add Image"

You can download the image here, just right click and select "Save image as":

5 Messages


176 Points

Thank you :) screenshot is the only way that works due to file size, but good to know the right method!