4 Messages


110 Points

Thursday, March 21st, 2024 12:07 AM



Star Wars grosses on Box Office Mojo

I'm looking at the Box Office Mojo page for Star Wars, and it appears there is a problem with the total grosses. Under All Releases, the Domestic and International grosses, when added, do not equal the Worldwide total. Is this an error?





7.6K Messages


277.5K Points

11 months ago

Waffle: This looks to be the same kind of problem you saw with Gladiator about a month ago in the thread: https://community-imdb.sprinklr.com/conversations/imdbprocom/box-office-mojo/65c7d4b883b31c2b90b23071

Col Needham said it was a display bug and opened ticket #P116470511 for it, although that ticket might have been closed since the data for Gladiator was corrected.



17.7K Messages


315.6K Points

Hi @gromit82​ -

Thanks for recalling that earlier thread and ticket (#P116470511).  There was a fix deployed, and many titles were corrected (including "Gladiator"), though the ticket is still open to monitor.  I have now commented on the ticket and requested a review of the title "Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope (1977)".



2.7K Messages


28K Points

Hello All,

I can confirm that this issue has now been resolved.
