1 Message
74 Points
Overseas Membership (from Thailand, w/ lower GDP than INDIA, & IMDB PRO's magnanimity to save Thai Elephants
Dear IMDB PRO,I was a member in the past for 2--3 YEars paying the full USA PRice of $149.99 per YEAR.Yet now I noticed you are OFFERING A SPECIAL PRICE for Residents of INDIA at $59.99 Annually.Since I am in the Kingdom of Thailand, (next door to INDIA, but in fact with a lower GDP than India and residing here on a tight, fixed budget, WHY NOT OFFER THE SAME SPECIAL PRICE to the IMDB PRO users of SE ASIAN's poorer countries---THAILAND, VIETNAM, & Cambodia, Laos?I am ready, willing, and ABLE to PAY this SPECIAL RATE of $59.99 for 1 Year of IMDB PRO....(Living in Thailand as an Independent Producer/Screenwriter). Yet due to COVID-19 and my loss of my JOB....It is more affordable than the full USA rate of $149.99 for 1 year.Could IMDB show some COViD-19 largess and allow those of us in THAILAND or VIETNAM or LAOS to pay the same SPECIAL RATE as INDIA? ($59.99 for 1 Year?)Kap khun mak krap for your consideration. (Thank you very much in Thai lingo.)We are trying to SAVE the ASIAN ELEPHANTS from WILDLIFE TRAFFICKING in a film SERIES and your magnanimity helps our ELEPHANT Protection cause, Folks. Honestly. Mr. Alan James & TEAM-in-Waiting (& the Thai Elephants-in-waiting as well.)
10.7K Messages
225.6K Points
4 years ago
Wow. Lately, I've been learning something new about IMDb every week.