2 Messages
80 Points
need to remove old reel and all references to it
I need to remove an old reel and all references to it. It was really bad and a big pain. The Letter. https://pro.imdb.com/title/tt3553948/?ref_=nm_ovrvw_cr_kf_1
2 Messages
80 Points
I need to remove an old reel and all references to it. It was really bad and a big pain. The Letter. https://pro.imdb.com/title/tt3553948/?ref_=nm_ovrvw_cr_kf_1
7.5K Messages
182.5K Points
1 year ago
@DKARRQUILLQUEST First for context, on IMDbPro a reel is a video uploaded to an IMDb page in order to showcase a person's work -> https://help.imdb.com/article/contribution/images-videos/how-can-i-add-video-content-to-imdb/GTAM5N8FE79XSY3E We do not see a reel attached to your name page so we assume any such reel was deleted after you posted this request? If not, please explain the issue in further detail and we will be happy to help where possible.
2 Messages
80 Points
1 year ago
It's in the Page View Info. https://pro.imdb.com/name/nm6310846?ref_=nv_usr_profile