joe_guest_7322848's profile

1 Message


70 Points

Wednesday, July 8th, 2015 11:43 AM


Key Creative Credits on Overview Page

Imdb Staff - can you please change the overview page so that Costume Designers and Set Decorators are included with other key creative dept heads on the Overview page ?? You have Editor, Production Designer, Cinematographer, Composer and Casting Director. Costume Designers and Set Decorators are CRITICALLY important creative positions; BOTH get nominated for Oscars (casting directors don't, even if maybe they should). It really sends the wrong impression out into the world & could even be construed as sexist - historically costume designers have been women etc...

As an industry professional, it can also be frustrating when quickly researching crew that worked on a film - for DPs we just click on the title and see 'oh Roger Deakins shot it', but for Set Decorators and Costume Designers, you have to go one level deeper and then sometimes you're rifling through other depts to get to Costume Designer.

Thank you!
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