1 Message
70 Points
Algorithm to change the known for of a colleague
I have a colleague that I've been working with professionally on the Production Management side for several years on large cable network shows and her "known for" are still student films that she worked on a decade ago. How often does the algorithm weigh out these larger shows over the smaller weighted shows?
7.5K Messages
277K Points
1 year ago
Attictale: The algorithm that determines a person's "known for" titles is kept secret by IMDb. So there is little known about it beyond what IMDb has posted at https://help.imdb.com/article/imdb/discover-watch/known-for-title-selection/GNL2E4LJVKM9QLMD#. How often something like this happens, I have no idea.
If your colleague wants to select her own preferred "known for" titles, she does have that option, but only if she pays for an IMDbPro Premium Subscription. See https://help.imdb.com/article/imdbpro/manage-your-imdb-page/manage-your-filmography/GH8XTYSWKU2P96TA# for details.
I don't work for IMDb and I have no personal interest in whether your colleague does or doesn't purchase a paid subscription. I am just mentioning that the option is there.
10.7K Messages
225.5K Points
1 year ago
Hi, Attictale. The "known for" data is manifested int two areas of an IMDb name page. If your colleague is fine with what shows up in the "known for" section, wherein the movie posters are displayed, then mitigating what shows up as the cookie-cutter (automatically-generated) mini-bio above the "known for" section is as simple as any IMDb contributor (you, me, your colleague et al..) submitting a mini-bio addition suitable for approval by IMDb data editors. Otherwise, both can be affected at once by following the advice put forward by gromit82 earlier in this thread.
1.2K Messages
12.4K Points
1 year ago
Hello @Attictale,
Known For" titles are generated automatically based on the way people typically arrive on a person's page. This is not something we are able to adjust manually. Please be aware that the ability to update your Known For requires an IMDbPro membership - more information on this can be found in our help pages.
As an IMDbPro member, you can update your Known For titles. To update your Known For titles, select the edit link located in the upper-left corner of the "Known For" section on your IMDbPro page.
If you have questions about Known For, please see our Help page.