4 Messages


80 Points

Saturday, October 21st, 2023 7:01 PM



Unable to login using Facebook ID

Hi there,

I used to use Facebook sign-in to login to IMDB and haven't had to sign back in for ages but just today (21/10/2023) I loaded up the IMDB app on my iPhone and it asked me to login. 

Tried to login using the Facebook option but it doesn't do anything so tried on the IMDB website instead. 

Got the message saying that Facebook login is no longer working and to reset my password using the reset password page. 

It says to use the email address associated with my Facebook account however this is where a problem lies. 

I used an email to sign up to Facebook years ago and obviously then used the sign-in option for Facebook on IMDB also years ago. 

Since then I've changed my email address on Facebook due to no longer having access to that email account. It's been that way for a while now. 

That however leaves me with a major problem as I'm unable to reset the password as the reset password page doesn't recognise my new email address. 

Placing the original email address that I no longer have access to into the reset password page seems to work but obviously I have no way of getting to that email!!! 🙁

What can I do as I've got loads of shows and movies stored in lists that I absolutely don't want to lose?

Any help would be greatly appreciated. 

Many thanks,


P.S. I've had to create a completely new IMDB login just to post this question which isn't exactly ideal. 😟

This conversation has been merged. Please refer the main conversation:

Removal of IMDb Account “Sign in with Facebook”



1.1K Messages


11.2K Points

11 months ago

Hello @markbowen, 

Our customer service team has reached out to you directly for assistance with your account.

4 Messages


80 Points

@Jon​ Thank you. I'll take a look for the email now. Much appreciated.