14 Messages
340 Points
Title Pages: Why are background extras listed above the crew and producers ?
On episodic TV listings, it makes NO SENSE to list hundreds of uncredited background artists above crew from producers down ! WHy do I have to scroll endlessly to find the people that way more meaningfully actually make the show. Can you just list the first 20 or so cast and then have a “more” button ?
10.7K Messages
225.4K Points
6 years ago
2.4K Messages
81.2K Points
6 years ago
You are a subscribed contributor, and in your preferences (https://www.imdb.com/preferences/general), you have ticked "Show reference view...", therefore you get the full cast and crew on one page. The cast is always displayed first, hence you may have loads of uncredited actors before even reaching the director.
If you untick "Show reference view", (if I remember right) your default display will list only the top 20 (?) actors, with a "Show more" link before displaying the director.
Is the latter what you are after ?
10.7K Messages
225.4K Points
6 years ago
If you know what a bookmarklet is, then you already know what to do, otherwise to "install" the tool, you would highlight the aforementioned source code (a JavaScript URI), copy it (to the clipboard) and paste it into URL field of a browser bookmark, whether already existing or newly created.
To use a bookmarklet, you "visit" it while having the particular webpage (in all of the Web) as the active tab in your browser. You don't need to understand JavaScript or any scripting language to use a bookmarklet.
The properly-encoded URI for that same source code is javascript:(function()%7Bvar%20e=document.querySelectorAll(%22h4.dataHeaderWithBorder%22),i;for(i=0;i%3Ce.length;i++)if(/%5E%20*Series%20Produced%20by%20*$/i.test(e%5Bi%5D.textContent.replace(/%5B%20%5Cxa0%5Ct%5Cn%5D+/mg,%22%20%22)))e%5Bi%5D.scrollIntoView();%7D)(); by the way. I previously presented this with line breaks and indentation to make it easier to read and thereby easier to understand, which in turn helps a semi-experienced individual screen it for malicious script behavior and errors in the flow of control that could unintentionally cause problems with resource allocation on any computer on which it is executed, meaning that trusting me would not be requisite for understanding that the script is safe.
8 Messages
142 Points
1 year ago
This is still a continued problem. I understand people wanting credit, but we use hundreds of BG in a film / TV Show or whatever. If you speak you get a screen credit (if it's SAG, not always the same for Non-Union) and could be checked by the end credit's. If it's a star actor doing a fun cameo and it can be confirmed then that is fun. There needs to be a solution, with the problem being you can't certify a BG person. They are BG, which makes them "Cast" but more part of the Crew. But since again you can't confirm this, then they either shouldn't be allowed in the "Uncredited" or set up a Background Performer section. It really has become a little silly. I have even seen people at comic con who are BG performers with no screen credits or a ton of "Uncredited" setting up a place for autographs. I have worked with some and know they are BG and not a speaking cast member. Please find a solution... I know there is another thread only started 10 years ago... so I guess we will see.