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2.3K Messages


40.5K Points

Wednesday, December 2nd, 2020 7:28 PM


Title pages — new version available for sneak peek

IMDb is working on updates to the Title page. The new version of the page is mobile-responsive, meaning all features are available on devices of all sizes, and has a modern look and feel — otherwise it maintains all the functionality of the current page, though some features have moved on the page.

The new version of the page is available to a limited group of fans during a beta period. During the beta, some features are still under construction, and you may encounter bugs.

UPDATE: now available!

  • Recently viewed
  • Related News
  • Awards & Top 250
  • More like this
  • Character” links are now included in the Cast section.
  • The Episodes section now includes a link to all top-rated episodes for TV series.

For more information, check out this Help article.

4 Messages


94 Points

4 years ago

First of all, I actually love imdb and it was my No.1 go-to site for everything entertainment related - until I recently learned about this new design.

I am so sorry to be so negative already in the title, but are you serious about this?

This is no rant and I am really trying to not step on any toes, but it is going to be hard not to.

I am merely seeking answers and would be very happy, if you'd decide to give some.

My questions are:

1. Why do you want to change the design?

2. Do you really need to do this?

3. ...I am sorry, I really only have this single question: "Why?"

I really am surprised I can not find anything about this on this forum - does that mean, everyone here is happy with it?

The new design you seem to be not so sure about yourself (why else the sneak peak?) is really aweful.

I can not and don't want to be diplomatic with this: it is aweful.

The old design offers a neat and userfriendly experience. The clarity is perfect. Every section immediately catches the eye.

Why would you want to change this into...., well what you changed it into?

It looks like someone did it in Wordpress or Jomla - not a professional web designer.

If you take a "sneak peak" from the old design the site looses clarity at once.

There are sections not done yet:

More like this
This feature is currently under construction.


Everything is too big - you have to scroll right from the beginning.

Why do you need to place an ad between every section and around the main page (even if it is for a show or movie)?

You are mainly a site to transport information - you could be financed out of your bosses wallet. There is no need for this!

Or is Mr. Bezos not happy with his income?

There have to be more people thinking the same, where are you?

Please consider to say something and change IMDB's mind about this!

Thank you.

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Is this webUI change for the worse real?

10.6K Messages


224.9K Points

We should keep the owner of Amazon and The Washington Post out of this. While he may have some powers of intervention, we cannot reasonably expect him to use them, since the layout of the IMDb interface is probably of no direct concern to him.

4 Messages


94 Points

While he may have some powers of intervention, we cannot reasonably expect him to use them, since the layout of the IMDb interface is probably of no direct concern to him.

:D Hahaha, right - that is very diplomatic for "he probably doesn't give a sh*t."

4 Messages


90 Points

4 years ago

This is a complaint - with the new format, mousing over the pictures doesn't tell you who the actor(s) in the shot are.

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled no mouse over



5K Messages


117.9K Points

I'd suggest you use the bug report link provided at the top of the title page.


Use the first choice (was broken) so you're given the option to describe the issue.

4 Messages


90 Points

4 years ago

When reviewing the new version, there is a link that says "report an issue". All well and good. I click the link, get taken to the following page, where I find the appropriate option, which is "was different or missing". So far, still so good, but then when I click on that option, then click "Next", I'm taken to a page where it says "Thank you for your feedback! Your input is being reviewed in order to make improvements!" Huh? What feedback is going to be reviewed? I clicked on the option "was different or missing". What, do you have a psychic working for you?

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled can't report issues with new version

4 Messages


94 Points

4 years ago

So, now that my post conveniently was moved to an already existing topic, hence obscuring the urgency or meaning about how much your new design hits the fan for other users, I have no choice to go on here, hoping the bosses read this and take it to heart.

After reading the OP in here and also realizing that this is a beta test, I had a look at the new design on my tablet and was surprised, how well it works - for mobile devices.

It still does absolutely not, in no way, work for normal Desktop Computers.

Everything that's wrong about it, has already been said by other posters in this thread - I agree 100% with them.

I never use my mobile devices for consuming great amounts of information, because I'd like to keep my eyesight and love my neck too much for exchanging them with glasses with lenes like Coke-bottle-bottoms and the mobility of a stick. Getting fat infront of my computer is enough problem for me ;).

So it would be really great, if you people could consider to simply use two versions: one design for mobile and one for desktop - technically nowadays absolutely no problem and keeping everybody happy. Isn't that what you are aiming for anyway?

As I already said in my other post, I love Imdb and I really would love to continue using it - but on desktop computers the new design is not just bad, it is repulsive.

I for one, would look for another source, if the new design like it is right now (2021/01/03) would become permanent.


2 Messages


70 Points

4 years ago

I've tried submitting feedback but whatever I picked it didn't let me add a comment, just said "thanks for the comment", so here goes...

When you search for something, get a list of autocomplete suggestions and click away somewhere on the page, the autocomplete should close but it doesn't.

It's a small yet irritating problem. Escape works but if you click away first, you need to click back into the search field and then press escape. That's just bad...



5K Messages


117.9K Points


The first selection on the feedback page will give you space to explain the issue.

I've reported that page's failure before, and employee replied by saying we should just use the first option.

2 Messages


70 Points

Ahh, well that is another failure but I'm glad they know about it.

I'll send my comment through the form as well. then. Thanks for pointing this out!

5 Messages


304 Points

4 years ago

Are there any new or improved functions to the movie pages or is the redesign all "cosmetic"?

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled redesign

9 Messages


310 Points

4 years ago

Please add "seen" button to the page of serie. 
Title : https://www.imdb.com/title/tt2306299/

Seen : https://www.imdb.com/seen/tt2306299/

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Series Seen Button

1 Message


60 Points

4 years ago

I am a web designer and love the new design. It is very well laid out and organized. Title pages doesn't look like from 90s anymore. I have only one problem so far. Rating a title is not very intuitive. The old design wasn't best either but the new design make it even more complicated. First, when i want to rate a title i always click on the current rating which bring me to the detailed user ratings page, not the rate button. You couldn't be able to click on the rating on the old design. The other problem is that when you try to rate a  title you have to count the stars. It wouldn't be a problem if there would be only 3 stars but there are 10 which makes it unnecessarally complicated to rate a title. It would be helpful to see the rating while hovering the mouse on the stars.  I don't mean exactly like the old design which you cannot tell if you have just rated the title or not because there is no indication when you rated a title.

2 Messages


70 Points

4 years ago

I like the new page version/layout but I am having an issue (maybe I am blind) locating the feature that was on the old page titled "More Like This".  I used this quite a bit to find other movies to watch that were similar or had similar actors. 

Am I missing this same functionality on the new page version?

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled New Page Version of "More Like This" feature?

1 Message


62 Points


I also miss the "More like this" feature. It was useful to find "close" movies to a given one. It is not the same as personalized user recommendations "top picks" since these take into account all the ratings.




2.3K Messages


40.5K Points

Hi @ktmwgr 

You should find that the "More like this" feature has now been included in the sneak peek. 



5K Messages


117.9K Points

As with other carousel functions on the new design, when I reduce the window to half the screen width, no carousel "pusher" arrow appears. It's worse for this section, because there's no link to see a full page of More like this.

2 Messages


70 Points

4 years ago

Section "More like this" no longer appears in the films' view

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled How can I see the "More like this" section again?

8.2K Messages


173K Points

Joined Thu, Jan 7, 2021 
- - -


How can I see "More like this" ...  ? ?

IMDb Community Forums > Search: "More like this"





5K Messages


117.9K Points

Use the link at the top of the title page to revert back to the old version.

1 Message


60 Points

4 years ago

Showing the number of episodes below the actor/actress' name in series maybe considered as spoilers as it may reveals a death of a character due to 1 or 2 episodes less than others.




5K Messages


117.9K Points

#episodes is not new to this design.

7 Messages


296 Points

Still a valid suggestion for an improvement, though.



5K Messages


117.9K Points

I strongly prefer the prior version of the cast list, with actor names in one column, character names in the next, and episodes to the side. I do NOT like to zig-zag when I'm looking for who played character X.

262 Messages


8.2K Points

4 years ago

First Impression - I think the improvement is okay,  the only real issue I can see for now is the credit list. I preferred it as a simple and professional list and not a bunch of icons clustered together. 

2 Messages


92 Points

4 years ago

Like others have noted, this new update is terrible and attempts to fix things that do not need to be fixed. Please reconsider the changes. Thank you.

2 Messages


74 Points

4 years ago

Under "more like this" section, could you please put back the genres under each film. As a title and rating are not enough for finding new films of interest. To me, the genres under the "more like this" are essential.

2 Messages


74 Points

4 years ago

Please allow desktop users the ability to keep a "condensed mode" or option like that, as where info was shown before, you now need an extra click on an "I" and wait for the info to be loaded, then presented, as if desktop users had the same little screen real estate as mobile and tablet users, and therefore have the need for extra information to be hidden and the user needs to expand it.