2.3K Messages
40.5K Points
Title pages — new version available for sneak peek
IMDb is working on updates to the Title page. The new version of the page is mobile-responsive, meaning all features are available on devices of all sizes, and has a modern look and feel — otherwise it maintains all the functionality of the current page, though some features have moved on the page.
The new version of the page is available to a limited group of fans during a beta period. During the beta, some features are still under construction, and you may encounter bugs.
UPDATE: now available!
- Recently viewed
- Related News
- Awards & Top 250
- More like this
- “Character” links are now included in the Cast section.
- The Episodes section now includes a link to all top-rated episodes for TV series.
For more information, check out this Help article.
26 Messages
728 Points
4 years ago
I occasionally use the imdb-app but most of the time the web browser since it's hard to get a overview with just the app, ie the web browser is the main tool.
To the imdb folks:
You have to ask your self what the main purpose for a visit to imdb for the regular user?
It's definitely not for looking at fancy pictures but foremost to find info about a movie or a tv series such as ratings, story line summary and user reviews. That information should be the main focus and shall also appear on top the title page. Everything else is secondary and could be placed whatever is desired.
Since you're only looking for mobile responsive solution, please don't wreck IMDB to something worse.
But if there are plans to make a major change of the Title Page please make sure people can adjust, enable/disable and place elements where it make most sense for their own user experience.
Bottom line: the user experience is up to the user, not to the taste of a single UX designer.
4 Messages
100 Points
4 years ago
Today imdb started showing a message on all movie-info pages, near the top of the page. It says, "Get a sneak peek of the new version of this page". How do I make it so this message is not displayed? Dug through account settings and links in the message itself - nothing.
If it can't be turned off, then how long is it gonna stay on the pages?
26 Messages
728 Points
4 years ago
With all the different attempts to analyze "platform statistics", I do have some understanding of "mobile first". But does a good mobile support really mean "desktop" degradation?
Visitor numbers based on the platform may not be the only thing you should consider when it comes to a "priority platform". I, and probably many others use IMDB in principle only because of reviews and ratings. I have no idea what the distribution of "useful" posts looks like from different platforms but would not be surprised if the desktop share is significantly higher if we talk about "creating good reviews" and not just about the visitor. Maybe it's the regular "visits" that generate revenue but reduce the number of "good reviews" then will the number of visits guaranteed to decrease.
We are all different but I think a mobile device (ie tablet or smartphone) is a useless tool for creating high quality posts. As little as I try to cut down a tree with a pad saw when a chainsaw is available, just as little I write a post from a mobile device when I have a computer. I may be old-fashioned but I think the right tool should be used for the right task. An opinion that should fit on this forum. :)
26 Messages
728 Points
4 years ago
Suggestion: keep the current design as "classic.imdb.com" and then you can go bananas with the new design.
2 Messages
78 Points
4 years ago
This is the second time you try to "improve" the title page and except making it more smartphone like nothing else is improved to be honest. No one asked for this. Page is bloated on PC, it will be a mistake to force this look on your users.
- Leave an option for people to use classic design. And have a way of tracking how many people are using which design. This way you will see what people like.
- make it more compact, people are here for details aka text.. not for fancy UI elements.
Movie information is well placed on the classic view, why would you bloat it and make it less user friendly?
1 Message
142 Points
4 years ago
Hello, one of the main concerns for me is an amount of scrolling which is at least 2 x times more than before e.g. to reach Cast section. I've attached current and new UI examples, current one is more compact and thus practical to use. Thanks
6 Messages
250 Points
4 years ago
I like the new look, and I'm grateful to you for your continued work here.
The page is clear and very readable.
You've mentioned that "more like this" is being worked on, and I'm looking forward to that because it's something I use a lot. In fact, if that could be enhanced it'd be great.
I just wanted to put some positivity here because any changes always attract strongly negative comments.
26 Messages
728 Points
4 years ago
I have visited a number of forums and websites where the element sizes are adapted to the screen size.
My suggestion: do the same on IMDB ie please make sure one can see the story line summary and ratings on the top start page. And please add a link from summary to the complete story line.
5K Messages
118.4K Points
4 years ago
It seems the feedback form is broken.
It looks different than before, and did NOT allow me to describe what was missing/broken.
I don't see an Edit Page button at the bottom of the page.
That's a lot of Help pages that'll need revision if that goes.
(I do see Edit icons next to some clusters of data. But not the big button.)
1 Message
62 Points
4 years ago
I really like this new design, but please add back "More like this" section.
4 Messages
90 Points
4 years ago
I miss the info about movie connections, i.e. predecessor, successor etc. of the movies. Would be nice to see that next to trivia or so.
The storyline now has been moved so that scrolling is necessary. I personally think, it is more important than the cast and should be close to the top.
All the icons, video links etc. seem to be over-sized. For information that in the old version was easily visible at a glnce you now need to scroll. On a desktop I am tempted to resize the page (make it smaller). But it does not help much, I just get borders at the left and right.
I wonder why page that worked well need to be reworked to make it worse - or at least not better. If you rework them, try to improve things.
97 Messages
3.4K Points
4 years ago
Lose the "K" please :-)
I miss seeing how many people have "voted"/given a rating, just shoving 76K instead of 76 101 looks like the score is just based on 76 peoples opinion.
What does "K" stand for anyways, I’m guessing it means thousands, but this is an international site, and the use of "K" is not something that is familiar to other countries (I'm Norwegian).
5K Messages
118.4K Points
4 years ago
I can't find the runtime on the title page of this episode
even though it shows clearly just under the name of the episode on the older version of the page.
I don't like that the series page displays the runtime down at the bottom of the page under Tech Specs, especially given how much scrolling you've added to the page. Again, the old version shows it directly under the title.
3 Messages
96 Points
4 years ago
I think it looks good BUT i am not a fan of the way they took away the iconic list-style formatting of the credits, cast, etc. If they can find a way to merge/do something that takes a little from both then I think that would be best. :/
1 Message
60 Points
4 years ago
The new design is too busy visually, in my honest opinion. Most notably, the change to the cast layout. Having it split into two columns is off-putting, to put it mildy. I tried to let it sink in, but it seems no amount of time will make me feel any more comfortable with violating what I believe to be a cardinal rule of layout design. Maybe they're trying to increase the image size of each cast member and so want to still fit as many people as they can before needing to toggle the expansion, but it is overwhelming. The eyes shouldn't need to dart both side to side, up and down and diagonally in order to scan the page to find a cast member. Lists should remain lists. To me, it's a pretty fundamental rule that each column in a table/matrix should denote a unique field or type. To smoosh the same object (cast member) together into two columns looks and feels so wrong to me in ways that I am struggling to find the words to describe.