serguei_7368274's profile

9 Messages


190 Points

Monday, January 30th, 2023 4:55 AM



Soundtracks with more than 50 tracks


If a movie has more than 50 songs in it (which is really really uncommon, mind you), there is a problem with displaying tracks 51 and further.

As an example, Elvis (2022) has 83 songs in the soundtrack listing. The first 50 are displayed and at the bottom after song 50 there is link saying "33 more". Clicking on that link produces an error message "We are unable to load this content at this time. Please refresh the page or try again later." That is on the desktop and on the mobile website, have not tried the app.


This conversation has been merged. Please refer the main conversation:

IMDb Web Title Subpages Redesign



5.1K Messages


118.5K Points

2 years ago

Wanted to add the link to the Elvis (2022) page:

I'm seeing the old version of the page right now (I've seen the new version before), so maybe they rolled back because they're fixing something.