2 Messages
70 Points
Serious translation error in Italian
Hi everybody. I must point out that there's a severe translation error in Italian in the directing category.
What in English is named "first assistant Director" or A.D. must be translated with "Aiuto Regista" not "Assistente alla Regia" or "Primo assistente alla Regia" because in Italian that corresponds with the english "2nd assistant director".
I know it sounds strange but that is. Here the Aiuto Regista is your First Assistant Director. What is more strange is that this kind of nomenclature works only for the directing dep. In all the others dep. "Assistente" is higher profile than "Aiuto".
So now everyone who has worked as A.D. is shown with a lower job qualification in the Italian version of the site.
I hope somebody will take care of this issue.
892 Messages
9.6K Points
2 years ago
Hello hello,
Thank you for letting us know!
I have escalated this and it should be corrected soon.
Happy Holidays!