2.3K Messages
40.5K Points
IMDb Now Available in More Languages
English | Français | Deutsch | हिन्दी | Italiano | Português | Español We are excited to announce the launch of IMDb’s expanded language experience, which makes IMDb more accessible to global users. This means you will see the user interface, movie and show titles, plots, and metadata in your language of preference, when available. You can change your language of preference with the click of a button using the new language selector drop down found on the navigation bar, and contribute to missing local content via the new “Add a Plot in Your Language” button. Localized content is now available in the following eight languages, on select pages of the IMDb website: French (France)French (Canada)GermanHindiItalianPortuguese (Brazil)Spanish (Mexico)Spanish (Spain)For more information on the IMDb expanded language experience, including information on how to set your preferences please visit the Language Support FAQ.Thanks as always for all of your feedback – please feel free to post your questions or comments to this thread.
4 Messages
80 Points
3 years ago
The cast listings in French translate the word "as" (in "actor's_name" as "character's_name") by the most common equivalent of "as" in French which is "comme". The resulting mention : "nom_de_l'acteur" comme "nom_du_personnage" is eerily unfamiliar to the french ear, and, depending on your level of acquaintance with english, sounds either as slightly ridiculous or as a blatant anglicism/americanism. The correct translation for "as" in this context is : "dans le rôle de" or, if the name of the character starts with a vowel :"dans le rôle d' ". In case the proposed correct translation is felt to be too long, or too complex to use properly because of the possible elision of "de" into "d' ", replacing "comme" by either a simple colon or nothing at all, would still be a significant improvement of the translation over the current situation. A possible further complication is that French Canadians might feel perfectly comfortable with that americanism (honestly, I have no idea about that), but imdb translations already account for such local variations. I hope those in charge will consider my proposal, submit it to native french speakers, and/or professional translators and adopt a better translation. Thanks Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Translation of cast listings to french (as spoken in France, at least)
1 Message
60 Points
3 years ago
Please add Arabic language
9 Messages
204 Points
3 years ago
Please add Persian language
1 Message
60 Points
3 years ago
I'd like to point out some errors in the Italian localization of IMDb, I hope they will be fixed at some point. I'm a native Italian and professional media translator, and these are my suggestions: In each film page "Trivia" is currently translated as "Quiz" but should be "Curiosità". In the cast listing the word "as" ("actor's_name" as "character's_name") is translated as "come" but it should be "nel ruolo di" (which works for all genders). "Also known as" is translated as "Celebre anche come", which sounds like "famous as" but not every movie is "famous", a correct translation would be "Conosciuto anche come" (or "Altri titoli" even). "Sound mix" is translated as "Mix di suoni" but should be "Missaggio audio" (or the classic "Colonna sonora"). "Runtime" is translated as "Tempo di esecuzione" but should be "Durata".
2 Messages
70 Points
3 years ago
When IMDB will be have fully translated website to Polish language ? Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Polish language support.
1 Message
64 Points
3 years ago
please add persian, indonesian, arabic and chinese languages.
2 Messages
70 Points
3 years ago
I know and like IMDb since years. But I have a question for you: I am German but I would prefer to read this site completely in English. I now get a mixture of both, English and German, and it really drives me nuts. On other sites, i.e Amazon you can choose your preferred language. It would be great to be able to do this on the IMDb site too. Would be great if you could consider it.
1 Message
62 Points
3 years ago
How i can help with translation into Russian?
1 Message
60 Points
2 years ago
If possible, add the Greek language. Also, add the option to add alternative names for cast members using non-Latin alphabets, similar to other media databases(for example the name "Robert Downey Junior" using the Greek alphabet is "Ρόμπερτ Ντάουνι Τζούνιορ").
2 Messages
144 Points
2 years ago
Thank you for yours efforts to make IMDb accessible to a wider audience by adding translations. Here a some wrong translations into German: Critical Reviews translates to "Rezensionen von Kritikern" (instead of Kritische Rezensionen) Credits would be best translated as "Filmografie" (instead of Guthaben) In the Credits Section, everything ist divided into Upcoming and Previous. Previous translates to "Vergangen" (instead of Zurück) Thanks for your effort. If you need further help, hit me up! All the best from Germany, Fabian
2 Messages
70 Points
2 years ago
Hi, in German translation IMDb calls Editors "Cutter". This is an old-fashioned term. These days we call Editors Editors, same as in English. Could someone arrange to change this? Thank you Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled German translation
2 Messages
76 Points
2 years ago
The term “Credits” in the IMDb UI is translated as „Gutschriften“. „Gutschriften“, though, is the correct translation for a different meaning – as in “credit note”: a „Gutschrift“ is the opposite of an invoice! The correct translation for credits in the meaning of film credits is either „Würdigungen“ (a rather formal translation) or just „Nennungen“. If you were looking for a meaning along the line of “participations“, „Mitwirkungen“ would be the right term. Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Error in German UI translation
2 Messages
80 Points
2 years ago
The translations of job titles or even the word "credits" from English to German are incredibly wrong. For Example: "Electrical dept." has been translated to Elektrik but the correct term is "Licht". A DOP ist "Regisseur der Fotografie", the correct term is "Bildgestalter" or "Kameramann". You need to find someone who actually speaks German Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled German translations
2 Messages
72 Points
2 years ago
Hi. Please add a Ukrainian interface. As a professional UI translator, I can help. Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Ukrainian interface
2 Messages
70 Points
2 years ago
Hi everybody. I must point out that there's a severe translation error in Italian in the directing category. What in English is named "first assistant Director" or A.D. must be translated with "Aiuto Regista" not "Assistente alla Regia" or "Primo assistente alla Regia" because in Italian that corresponds with the english "2nd assistant director". I know it sounds strange but that is. Here the Aiuto Regista is your First Assistant Director. What is more strange is that this kind of nomenclature works only for the directing dep. In all the others dep. "Assistente" is higher profile than "Aiuto". So now everyone who has worked as A.D. is shown with a lower job qualification in the Italian version of the site. I hope somebody will take care of this issue. Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Serious translation error in Italian