1 Message


72 Points

Friday, February 4th, 2022 12:38 PM



Search aspect ratio

Hello I'm looking for a search string guide for primarily two types of inquiries: 1) aspect ratio On the advanced search page it says that you can search movies by aspect ratio, in the keyword field. However it doesn't work, when you use the imdb syntax (1.85 : 1 or 2.39 : 1 etc). Nicknames, such as silver ratio, widescreen cinema standard, ultra panavision etc doesn't work either. 2) Two word plot searches Say you want to look for a film by 2 words that might appear in the plot. As of now it only works if said words are newt to eachother, in that order they appear in the search field. E.g. for the film Cinema Paradiso the words grizzled projectionist will show the film in the search results if typed in that order, but not in reverse order (projectionist grizzled). When searching keywords you can seperate inputs with a comma for multiple word search, but that syntax doesn't work with plot search. I haven't been able to find a way or explanation for either problems. So any help would be appreciated. Regards



1.3K Messages


13K Points

3 years ago

Hello @tiglatpileser,  Thank you for your feedback. The "keyword" search does not support searching specifically for 'aspect ratio'. For searching and filtering by aspect ratio, please vote on this existing idea thread : Advanced Title Search aspect ratioFor Plot searches, you can try using "Search Within a Topic", for example: https://www.imdb.com/search/title-text/?plot=projectionist+grizzled
