17.7K Messages
315.5K Points
Removal of IMDb Account “Sign in with Facebook”

Effective October 06, 2022, you will no longer be able to use “Sign in with Facebook“ to access your IMDb account. You can maintain access to your account and any saved information by setting a password on your IMDb account using the reset password process. Once you have done this, you will be able to use the “Sign in with IMDb” option for any future logins.
If you previously used "Sign in with Facebook" to access your IMDb account, please take the following steps to retain access to your account:
- Go to the IMDb Reset Password Page.
- Input the email associated with your Facebook account and select "Continue". You will receive an email with a link to reset your IMDb password.
- Return to the IMDb sign in page and select "Sign in with IMDb" to log in to IMDb with your email and new password.
If you have previously followed these instructions or have already set a password for your IMDb account, please return to the sign in page and use the "Sign in with IMDb" login method.
If you do not reset your password, you will not be able to access your IMDb account and the associated data (e.g. contributions, lists, ratings, recommendations, etc.).
For details on other IMDb account issues, please visit our help page: IMDb login/registration issues
Please feel free to post any questions to this thread.
2 Messages
70 Points
2 years ago
Hi there,
I just received an email from you. It says „
Dear IMDb Customer,
We are contacting you as someone who has signed-in to IMDb in the past using the Facebook login option.
On October 6, 2022, IMDb will no longer offer Facebook as a means of signing-in to the site. To ensure you maintain access to your account and any saved information, please follow the link below to update your password.“
Did this really come from you or is it a scam?
Thanks in advance
2.8K Messages
84.6K Points
2 years ago
Given the fact I don't even have a Facebook account, I obviously have no dog in this race, but I think people who do use this method to log in might want to know why this was decided.
2 Messages
70 Points
2 years ago
Recieved email below: please advise if legitimate
This is an automatic message from the IMDb registration system.
Per your request, we have changed the password associated with your account.
If you did not request this change, please contact us at https://www.imdb.com/contact
IMDb help
4 Messages
80 Points
2 years ago
Hi, what happens to the watchlist I had on the account with facebook login, When I login with my new login the watchlist is empty? I went back to the old one and I exported the ;list but there is no way of importing it to the new one!
3 Messages
100 Points
2 years ago
I was under the impression it was more secure to use Facebook login when offered yet you are removing it. Why are you removing it? If it's for security reasons would you recommend that I remove Facebook login from other sites where I use it?
1 Message
60 Points
2 years ago
I followed all the instructions about moving my facebook account to an IMDb account and now all my ratings and watchlist are gone.
4 Messages
80 Points
2 years ago
I was thankfully able to get in since the change of not using Facebook to login… which was a hard process since it wanted to go to the original email address I used when I made Facebook not the one I’ve since changed my Facebook email to be so wasn’t sure I’d be able to login to that old email address…
so finally got logged in and all my data and lists and ratings are all gone! I’ve had my account since 2007 filling in data of everything I’ve watched in over a decade and it’s all gone! Help me get this back!
674 Messages
8.5K Points
2 years ago
I had always logged in with my Facebook Account till now, where an old E-Mail Adress was connected, which i dont have the password longer. Now i cant login with it longer and the old E-Mail adress is connected here and i cant use it longer now. What can we do now?
674 Messages
8.5K Points
2 years ago
I havent seen it before today, my old E-Mail Adress to which i have no password longer now was in the Facebook account and is connected with the IMDB account which I cant use now longer cause to change the password and so on I need to access the old E-Mail Adress. Can you please help?
674 Messages
8.5K Points
2 years ago
Now i have a new account and it takes days again till the submissions will get accepted or not and so on, please help
674 Messages
8.5K Points
2 years ago
Cant you change the e-mail adress of my original account to the one which is connected with this spinklr account?
2 Messages
70 Points
2 years ago
I created an account with Facebook but can't login via Facebook (different account than I'm posting this with) so I tried entering my email associated with my Facebook account to change to an IMDb account, but it just gave an error saying "There was a problem We're sorry. We weren't able to identify you given the information provided." I really want to recover my account since I've rated many movies but at the moment am not able to login or switch the account away from Facebook.
2 Messages
70 Points
2 years ago
Noticed that IMDB no longer supports FB login since 6th of October. – So today I couldn't access my user from the computer anymore, only from the mobile app.
When I tried to log in with my email that was connected to FB, my watchlists were no longer available. So I decided to delete my "empty" imdb account and tried log in again with email. Turns out my empty account was somehow related to the account that was linked with Facebook, so I accidentally deleted all my data that I had gathered for years... Many watchlists and thousands of movie ratings.
Can I somehow recover anything? I have a csv file with an old watchlist, but imdb doesn't seem to have an import function, or is it possible? If I can’t recover anything at least can I import CSV files?
2 Messages
70 Points
2 years ago
I've just seen that they've removed the Facebook login and it won't let me reset my password using the email address my Facebook is currently associated with. I can reset it with an old email address which Facebook was originally set up with but no longer exists and I can't access, so I'm unable to log in on the website.
I am actually still logged in on the app, but all I can see there is my account name, not what email address it is associated with or any ability to reset it from there. Any help would be appreciated
2 Messages
70 Points
2 years ago
When I try to login in with my Facebook email it makes a new account but I already have one with that email. I've tried forgotten password but that only applies to the new email not the old one when I logged in using facebook