2 Messages


70 Points

Tuesday, July 26th, 2022 7:33 AM


Relase calender broken?


I would like to ask is there a way to see the list of relased movies order by relase date for certain month of certain year?

There used to be a different relase calender than it is now, where you had movies listed for a curent month in exact order they would be played in theaters, together with their description rating etc., and you had the option to change the month and year at the top of the page, to see movies in theaters on that specific timeframe.

Now all you can see in relase calender are upcomming movies for next 12 months and that's it, no more options to see the movies that were already in theaters, say two years ago. If this feature is for some reason removed Than I think that a critical use of this site has also been removed, it was a usefull feature.

If There is still a way to do this, than please guide me how, as it seems that I am completelly lost searching for this - ever since the site was redesigned, the relase calendatr onlyx showed upcoming relases, but I could still acces past relases by manually puting a certain month and year into adress bar, but now that is impossible as well. so I dont know how to see the old list of movies relased for examle in january 2018, and have them listed by relase date with exact weeks theyy were in theaters

Best Regards

This conversation has been merged. Please refer the main conversation:

Removal of Coming Soon, In Theaters, and DVD & Blu-ray releases pages



14.5K Messages


330.8K Points

2 years ago