

17.7K Messages


316K Points

Wednesday, June 29th, 2022 7:31 PM


Removal of Coming Soon, In Theaters, and DVD & Blu-ray releases pages

    Effective today, we have removed the Coming Soon, In Theaters, and DVD & Blu-ray releases pages from our site. You can access our Showtimes page for movies in theaters now and the Release Dates page for upcoming movies. For DVD & Blu-ray releases, please see Hot New Releases on AmazonAs the world’s most popular and authoritative source for movie, TV and celebrity content, IMDb continuously makes improvements to our website and apps based on our customers’ feedback and the usage of our many features.Thanks for your continued support in IMDb – please feel free to post your questions and comments to this thread.

2 Messages


70 Points

3 years ago

There used to be a coming soon link, from where you could check out the movies released by date. This way, I could checkout the recently released movies that I have missed, with good rating/story, so I could watch it. This link is now gone. It was an excellent feature. My use of imdb will now reduce drastically. Any other way to access that list? Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Coming Soon Link



2.3K Messages


40.5K Points

Hi @zilchy  Thanks for your feedback. Please note that you're welcome to reference the Release Dates page as an alternative to view upcoming releases.



7.5K Messages


182.5K Points

@zilchy​ You can also generate such a list from advanced title search at http://www.imdb.com/search/title/  For an example of how to do this, please see this recent thread -> https://community-imdb.sprinklr.com/conversations/imdbcom/search-last-month-release-movies/62b6da8f71951105f179ed16?commentId=62b76e9f1186097eca9415fd&replyId=62b984d01186097eca945d7f  Hope this helps 

28 Messages


506 Points

@zilchy​ it was a great feature

10 Messages


142 Points

3 years ago

This change seems real recent.  Any idea why this is happening?  I tested on my phone and it does not redirect but both Firefox and Edge redirect. Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled "/movies-coming-soon/" url now redirects to "/calendar/" url



14.7K Messages


333.3K Points

Removal of Coming Soon, In Theaters, and DVD & Blu-ray releases pages

10 Messages


142 Points

looks like I missed that post...lol.  Damn I prefer the old "Coming Soon".  I actually parse the html in an app and it gave me the min meta and poster I needed.  That new url would just give me the IMDb_ID and I'd now have to add a new request....yuk.

10 Messages


142 Points

3 years ago

"IMDb continuously makes improvements to our website"I have to disagree.  I find the removal of "Coming Soon" to be the opposite of that statement.  Since the "/calendar/" no longer has the meta info of the old url I then opted to see if an advanced search might be able to take it's place.  So on July 8th, 22 "Thor: Love and Thunder" releases.  I then used an advanced title search of...https://www.imdb.com/search/title/?title_type=feature&release_date=2022-07-06,2022-07-09&countries=us&languages=en&sort=release_date,ascIt does not show up.  What did I do wrong there?

1.7K Messages


22.9K Points

@Ken62465​ First release date listed on the page is a 23 June premiere date: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt10648342/releaseinfo So that's why it does not show up with that link. If you make it 23 June it shows up. Maybe a filter like "first wide release" would solve this issue.

10 Messages


142 Points

Ya I spotted that Premiered date mismatch issue after the fact.  Man I'm already missing that "Coming Soon".  It was sweet and I parsed it for use in an app that's now a problem users are complaining about so you know where I pointed the finger..lol.  If they added a "Theatrical Release Date" filter that might solve the issue with trying to substitute in using the advanced title search.  What a shame!

2 Messages


70 Points

3 years ago

So you guys made it that the New Release Tab redirects straight to Amazon. Which genius came up with this idea. The only reason I come to IMDb on a daily basis is to check for new release ON IMDB. If I wanted to go to Amazon id go to Amazon. What even is this? I want to see the IMDb rating not the Amazon rating. Is now everything slowly becoming Amazon? what a joke Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled IMDb New Release direct link to Amazon - WHY

1 Message


62 Points

3 years ago

What a joke. You remove features and call it an improvement? Starting tomorrow my coffee shop will stop using coffee in our espresso. We are happy to continuously make improvements to our service based on our customer´s feedback. Thank you.

2 Messages


96 Points

3 years ago

The Coming Soon functionality was vastly superior to the new calendar page. Being able to see brief movie descriptions, as well as top billed cast members was a great way to see what movies I might be interested in. Now the calendar just gives me a movie title and a date. This is a regression, not an improvement. 

10 Messages


142 Points

@jboss​ 100% agree!  That's why I poked fun of the claimed "IMDb continuously makes improvements"...not in this case they didn't by a land slide.

28 Messages


506 Points

@jboss​ agreed

1 Message


60 Points

3 years ago

I loved the "Coming Soon" page, at a glance you could see not just the film, add to watch list, watch the trailer, see the cast list etc, but could also track the stars who are in the film and trace their history and find out about their past films. Please do everyone a favor and sack the idiot who told you this change was for the better, after that put the "Coming Soon" page back. Either that, or tell everyone the truth, that you are now owned by Amazon and are working to boost their profits....... 

2 Messages


70 Points

3 years ago

Can you put the Coming Soon list back to the way it was?It used to have all the movies' info (often with a poster) that listed who was in each film, who it was by and brief synopses of each. This was super helpful in determining what to get excited about.Now it is just a list of titles - and you have to click each title in order to find out anything about it. Good feeling gone!The title list can be in addition to the detailed list - maybe as a separate tab or along the side of detailed list, but this new list is no longer user-friendly. Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled You ruined your Coming Soon list

28 Messages


506 Points

@Modelcitizen42​ ditto do that

2 Messages


70 Points

3 years ago

Hello I would like to ask is there a way to see the list of relased movies order by relase date for certain month of certain year? There used to be a different relase calender than it is now, where you had movies listed for a curent month in exact order they would be played in theaters, together with their description rating etc., and you had the option to change the month and year at the top of the page, to see movies in theaters on that specific timeframe. Now all you can see in relase calender are upcomming movies for next 12 months and that's it, no more options to see the movies that were already in theaters, say two years ago. If this feature is for some reason removed Than I think that a critical use of this site has also been removed, it was a usefull feature. If There is still a way to do this, than please guide me how, as it seems that I am completelly lost searching for this - ever since the site was redesigned, the relase calendatr onlyx showed upcoming relases, but I could still acces past relases by manually puting a certain month and year into adress bar, but now that is impossible as well. so I dont know how to see the old list of movies relased for examle in january 2018, and have them listed by relase date with exact weeks theyy were in theaters Best Regards Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Relase calender broken?



14.7K Messages


333.3K Points

Removal of Coming Soon, In Theaters, and DVD & Blu-ray releases pages For a similar feature, try https://www.boxofficemojo.com/calendar/

28 Messages


506 Points

@Peter_pbn​  isn't it an issue that you have to point to a separate site to get a "similar" feature?imdb was a central hub(and still is for the most part) for just about all things movies, but some of these changes are kind of killing that a little.

2 Messages


70 Points

3 years ago

Why is the "Announced" section missing in the new version of IMDB? Can it be added? Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Missing section in new version of IMDB

1 Message


68 Points

3 years ago

Dislike. I was using the list to monitor new bluray releases filtered by genres and IMDB rating.

28 Messages


506 Points

3 years ago

Coming soon was a very useful page for me, and I would regularly use it weekly, would love if you'd consider bringing it back. and the original one not the recent one that was identical to the release calender page. it was so much more in depth than just a list of whats coming, with the details and posters and you could go back to see what you missed. I can't go back on the release dates page to see if i've missed any releases. please either bring back coming soon, or combine it with release dates so that release date calendar page has more detales and the ability to go back and see other dates.

28 Messages


506 Points

3 years ago

Coming soon was a very useful page for me, and I would regularly use it weekly, would love if you'd consider bringing it back. and the original one not the recent one that was identical to the release calender page. it was so much more in depth than just a list of whats coming, with the details and posters and you could go back to see what you missed. I can't go back on the release dates page to see if i've missed any releases. please either bring back coming soon, or combine it with release dates so that release date calendar page has more details and the ability to go back and see other months and dates.

2 Messages


80 Points

3 years ago

It appears you have also removed the list of what TV shows an actor will be appearing in in the near future. This used to be in a separate app, which you must have bought and have only been showing 2 shows maximum for each actor.  This was the feature if IMDB I used the most and now I do not know of any place to find this information.

2 Messages


70 Points

2 years ago

Why has the "coming soon" page been changed to a list of only titles? Now instead of seeing all the relevant info on the page as you scroll you have to click each individual title to get it. The list also seems to be significantly shorter in quantity of movies listed. Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Stop ruining the site!