5 Messages
1.2K Points
Ratings: Import history and data from other sites
Hi IMDb team. I've been using sites for cataloguing the movies I watch for some years now, but I never started using IMDb itself. At the moment, I have accounts at Listal and iCheckMovies. To start these accounts I had to check and rate all the movies I had ever watched, and it took a huge time to finish it up.After that, I started checking and rating the movies I watched and making up lists and stuff. However, now that I finally want to start rating and checking these movies in the IMDb site, I just don't want to spend a very long time checking all these films again.In the iCheckMovies site they have a feature that makes it possible to import the ratings from the IMDb site, so it is not necessary to check and rate it all again. I was wondering: is it possible to import my history from other sites to IMDb? I asked this to the iCheckMovies team and this is what they answered me:"Hi Renan,That would be neat, but that's up to IMDb to implement. You could try contacting them to make this a feature or to open up their API.Cheers,The iCheckMovies Team" What do you think about it? Other people from iCheckMovies and Listal also supported the idea, so I believe I'm not the only one who'd love that to come true.Thanks for your attention! Please answer me back here or in my e-mail, I'm not sure of how I'm going to be contacted or how I'll be contacted if you answer me here...Renan Araújo.Brazil.
1.9K Messages
146.1K Points
12 years ago
The problem with importing a list from another site is that without the IMDB film ID (it is in the link) you can't make everything match up completely. This could be rectified through importing by having a page where it offered you the ability to pick the right film. As you can imagine this'd need them to put in quite a bit of time and effort coding it.
There are a couple of options:
* Amazon/IMDB/LoveFilm set this feature up to allow exporting of lists between sites, which would need the ability to link the films together (as I don't think you get, for example, the ASINs on IMDB needed to link the entry there to the specific product on Amazon). This would be a powerful feature as it'd help boost the number of lists on all sites and would probably only need to be coded once (and either tweaked to work on all sites or hosted centrally on one of the sites). This system would then allow importing lists from other sites, which would also be a big boost to the Amazon family of sites.
* If IMDB just allowed you to import IMDB generated lists it'd be easy enough for some web savvy sort to produce a web-based system where you could import a list from anywhere and format it so it can be uploaded to IMDB (there is enough of an API to allow this kind of search from an external site).
It seems there is enough interest out there to create a system to allow the importing of IMDB-formatted lists and see how it goes from there. Fingers crossed this gets addressed at some point.
5 Messages
568 Points
12 years ago
(* as there is no officially available imdb-id + title + akas source there are not many programs or websites providing lists that can be exported including imdb-id's values)
So +1 to this feature.
5 Messages
568 Points
12 years ago
1.9K Messages
146.1K Points
12 years ago
* Import IMDB formatted lists - this would be easy to implement and would not only allow people to import lists they've exported from IMDB (some people export theirs and fiddle with them in spreadsheet software), but if someone had a list of IMDB films then it'd be easy for someone else to produce a little web widget that'd process this list into an IMDB-formatted lists that could be imported.
* Import other movie lists - as explained above this'd be trickier but not a big chore, just a few forms and a title search: the page could work through each list element and presented a radio buttoned list of possible films based on the title/year search (with links so someone can check them in a new window) so someone can select the right one and move on to the next film. It'd be quicker and easier than working through each film entry and searching for each one, then grabbing the link and using that to add the film to a list.
The first approach would be a good start, and you'd then have some of the underlying structure needed to make the second one work.
5 Messages
1.2K Points
12 years ago
PS: Sorry for the long time to answer it, I only received an e-mail remembering me about this today.
1.9K Messages
146.1K Points
12 years ago
That is good to know, it'd make a solution easier to implement - if the lists have the IMDB ID, and we had a way to import lists you'd exported from IMDB, then it is just a matter of formatting the list. ASINs might be trickier - I'd need to check, but usually what they do is do a Movie & TV search using the title, but it might be they have the ASINs stored and we don't see it. The staff should be able to clear that one up.
It is just a standardised way to request and receive data. IMDB do have one bu,t as far as I'm aware, it isn't comprehensive enough for people who want full flexibility.
5 Messages
1.2K Points
12 years ago
Well, then it only depends on the IMDB staff to implement it?
16 Messages
690 Points
12 years ago
2 Messages
100 Points
11 years ago
Can you tell, please, is there any opportunity to import on IMDB my ratings for movies from other websites with similar rating system?
Thank you in advance for your answer,
best regards,
3 Messages
152 Points
11 years ago
500 Messages
42.2K Points
11 years ago
This may change in the future, but for the time being we are not looking at adding an 'import' feature for lists, sorry.
1 Message
80 Points
11 years ago
a title="Click to rate: 7" rel="nofollow" span 7 /span /a (carets removed)
ie create a list formatted something like:
that sort of thing?
1 Message
120 Points
11 years ago
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122 Points
11 years ago
1 Message
102 Points
11 years ago