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17.6K Points

Sunday, February 5th, 2023 1:38 PM


Problems with the new Movie Connections design

I don't know if there's a previous thread for this, I didn't immediately see it, but please move this post there if needed. I see that the "movie connections" page has now moved to the new design, even for us "refence view" users. I won't go too much into my personal feelings about the overall design with too much spacing between entries and such, which is really an opinion that affects all the new design pages. However I need to address my main problem with the new design, especially for us "reference view" users. I'm not sure how most users use the page, but what I use that page for is mainly one of these two things: - When I notice it in a movie I watch, I visit the page to find out the reference/spoof/featuring of the connection I noticed have already been noted on the page, in order to contribute it if not - When I watch documentaries/featurettes etc. for movies, I search the page to see if said featurette/documentary is cross-referenced on IMDb, and as the first place to see if said documentary/featurette is registered on IMDb at all and, more often than not, I contribute such missing cross references if I can't find them, and some times even do new title contributions for missing documentaries and featurettes. And for those usages, the new design is now completely useless, since now all categories get condensed if there are more than 5 entries in it, and you have to click on a "more" or "all" button to see them all, and I can't see any "expand all sections" button anywhere. Some times, but not always, searching for a title that IS featured somewhere down the line of a condensed section with the browser, yields a result, but when clicking through the finds a find in a hidden section just jumps the page way down, and you can only guess which section it is in and expand it to actually see the result. For users of the "reference view", as it is designed to be used (to ease the contribution process), this page really needs to be expanded in all sections by default, so please implement this ASAP! And really, I'd also like to see arguments as to why this page is condensed at all. Who could possibly be helped on such a page by only the top 5 entries in each category?

This conversation has been merged. Please refer the main conversation:

IMDb Web Title Subpages Redesign

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