2 Messages


70 Points

Tuesday, June 27th, 2023 11:56 AM


New design of Awards page makes no sense

I just want to say that the new design of the Awards page is absolutely awful! I am a library cataloger, specializing in video cataloging, and use IMDb daily to help flesh out details in my records.

The previous design of showing each award in a grid, grouping winning categories together, made it very easy to quickly differentiate wins vs nominations. The new design has all the categories listed in no discernable order, and since some of the awards may be collapsed, I can't even count on using Control-F to find all instances of "winner".

In addition, the old design displayed the awards alphabetically (with the exception of the big ones (Academy, BAFTA, etc.) at the top). Since I need to track certain awards and not others, it was relatively easy to scroll through an alphabetical list and know approximately where to find them on the page. The order of awards on the new design appears to be completely random, making it extremely difficult to find what I need.

I'm not sure who thought this randomization of information would be helpful to anyone. I have been using IMDb to help with video cataloging for 20 years, and until this recent change, loved being able to find everything I needed in one place. I am seriously thinking about abandoning it for this purpose and visiting the websites for each award instead.

This conversation has been merged. Please refer the main conversation:

IMDb Web Title Subpages Redesign

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