2 Messages


70 Points

Tuesday, March 28th, 2023 2:08 PM


Movie Ratings Change

I'm an avid user and supporter of the website. I typically don't watch a move is the ratings on IMDB warrant doing so. Today I noticed a change in the ratings presented for movies which I personally hope is changed. Movie ratings now show a breakdown based on the location (IE country where feedback originated). What is replaced is the age/gender demographic, which IMO is far more useful. While it's interesting to see who watches movies in different countries, it is not information I use in selecting a movie. As a 63 year old male, a movie of interest to me can be vastly different than a 20 year old young women of 20. In fact, I chuckle many time to see how different the ratings are between males over 50 and males under 50 (my two sons ages group). 

Is there any way to add this breakdown back into the ratings? If not, I'd most likely, an sadly, look for another service which does offer this data.


This conversation has been merged. Please refer the main conversation:

IMDb User Ratings Page Redesign

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