3 Messages


80 Points

Thursday, September 12th, 2024 8:24 AM


"Motion Picture Rating (MPA)" sub page no longer includes the MPAA/MPA catalog number

I obtained two sets of MPAA/MPA list recently. One predominantly of the older videos, the other more of more recent videos, which I have merged and was working on verifying the numbers with what IMDb had. There is some conflict between the two lists. Have been working on verifying the list numbers with my videos, and discovered that IMDb has changed their "Motion Picture Rating (MPA)" sub page and no longer includes the MPAA/MPA catalog number. Seems to have happened around midnight between 11 and 12 September2024,  American Eastern Time Zone. As well as what the ones I have actually show in the credits. Does anyone here have any input with IMDb, I do not really mind their new format, though I would really appreciate if they brought back the MPAA/MPA catalog number since of the almost 56K MPAA/MPA cataloged titles I only have about 9K titles of which less than half do not have MPAA/MPA catalog numbers. Though my library does keep growing.

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IMDb Redesigns Parents Guide

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