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1.7K Messages


17.3K Points

Thursday, September 12th, 2024 12:45 PM

IMDb Redesigns Parents Guide

IMDb Redesigns Parents Guide

We are excited to announce the launch of IMDb’s redesigned Parent Guide subpages on IMDb.com! (Note: There have been no changes to the apps at this time) The updated pages are meant to make your IMDb experience easier and more enjoyable by providing a modern, clean and intuitive presentation of information. The newly update pages still have consistent features to view and add content and vote for the severity of each section. Additionally, at the top of every page we have included a Content Rating section, which gives you an overview of the severity of each category, as voted for by IMDb users. If you are viewing the site in English, the Content Rating section also includes the official Motion Picture Rating (MPA). The full list of certificate ratings for each country can now be found at the bottom of the page. These enhancements reflect changes suggested by IMDb customers, as well as our own in-depth research designed to enhance entertainment content, discovery, and navigation.

We hope you enjoy these latest improvements, and thank you for continuing to make IMDb the world’s most trusted source for movie, TV, and entertainment content. As always we welcome your feedback – please feel free to post your questions and comments to this thread.

— The IMDb Team



Official Solution



130 Messages


4.6K Points

2 days ago

Hello everyone,

Our team has completed some internal fixes and relaunched the updated Parents Guide experience. The issues listed previously regarding MPA certificates have now been corrected.

Please let us know if you experience any other problems and we will be happy to assist.

3 Messages


80 Points

23 days ago

I obtained two sets of MPAA/MPA list recently. One predominantly of the older videos, the other more of more recent videos, which I have merged and was working on verifying the numbers with what IMDb had. There is some conflict between the two lists. Have been working on verifying the list numbers with my videos, and discovered that IMDb has changed their "Motion Picture Rating (MPA)" sub page and no longer includes the MPAA/MPA catalog number. Seems to have happened around midnight between 11 and 12 September2024,  American Eastern Time Zone. As well as what the ones I have actually show in the credits. Does anyone here have any input with IMDb, I do not really mind their new format, though I would really appreciate if they brought back the MPAA/MPA catalog number since of the almost 56K MPAA/MPA cataloged titles I only have about 9K titles of which less than half do not have MPAA/MPA catalog numbers. Though my library does keep growing.
Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled "Motion Picture Rating (MPA)" sub page no longer includes the MPAA/MPA catalog number



1.7K Messages


17.3K Points

Hi @shano0059,

Thanks for flagging this issue.

We were aware that the new page format lost the MPA certifcate number. We are currently working to resolve this, and will update this thread once we have an update.



3 Messages


80 Points

This will probably be the first of many messages, as I progress though my two main projects of finalizing My MPAA/MPA Catalog Number list and boxing up my library, for a hopeful move, due to finding that almost $500.00 worth of disk had disappeared from my library while I was in the hospital for an operation and the house I share with other relatives was fully occupied by them, who ever did it took the time to shift what they did not take to cover up the large gaps that would have contained my Dumbo, Dune, Toy Story and Tower of Terror titles. Of which 7 were Steel Case 4K/BR's.
At the moment of 202409120951, Shark Tail does not have the Catalog Number (041134 End Credits).
May I suggest that under or behind the "Motion Picture Rating (MPA)  Rated" you could put the Catalog Number, or with the United States Ratings. I have come across that other countries appear to also have catalog numbers for videos made in their countries, which would make the Catalog Numbers more appropriate for being listed with each countries rating areas. At least in my opinion.
Thank you for this attention, and action on this matter.
Well, for now tell later, have fun, someone needs to.

2 Messages


72 Points

20 days ago

Up until a few days ago (around 09-12-24), under the "storyline" section, if you clicked on the "Motion Picture Rating MPAA", there would be some detail including what the MPAA number was for films they had rated. Now, that link takes you to the same place the justification for the rating takes you when you click on it. Did the MPAA number move to another location, or is it no longer being provided? It looks like the link on older films has been changed as well, so it appears that it is a system-wide change...

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled MPAA numbers



7.2K Messages


178.1K Points

@nightcoaster​ Please see the above reply from @Ozzy this is a known issue and we are working on a fix.  Sorry for the inconvenience in the meantime.