12 Messages


130 Points

Sunday, September 10th, 2023 9:59 AM


Mass Review Bombing on Attack On Titan

Dear IMDb Team,

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to express my concerns about the recent fluctuations in the IMDb ratings for the anime series "Attack on Titan." Over the past week, the show has experienced a significant drop in its rating due to what appears to be a coordinated effort by some users to negatively review the series for hateful reasons. Someone called Amir created a Discord server so people can join him to mass review bomb the Attack on Titans episodes.

According to your FAQ, IMDB rating are supposed to be accurate and provide a fun and useful opinion of a serie. However, many people from different communities created many accounts to mass review bomb some of the highest rated episodes of Attack on Titan.
For example :
S4 EP29 going from 9.7 to 9.5 in 2 days (the episode was out in march 2023)
S3 EP18 going from the 3rd better rated episode of all time in IMDB to 9.8 in a few days (the episode aired in 2019)
The episodes of the anime series that were 9.9 are now less. 

All that the fans have achieved over the last few years for their favorite series has disappeared because of a large group of people having fun rating the episodes badly, it's very frustrating.

Perhaps you can check the number of recent votes on the Attack of Titans episodes (last 2 weeks) to see that they're getting mass review bombed. It’s not a few people that are upset about this but the entier Attack on Titan community.

I can send you proofs that this really is a coordinated effort to mass review bomb Attack  on Titan, such as conversations on discord or twitter, people calling to raid the rating with many accounts and being proud about it etc. It became a game and IMDB isn’t made for that, I think that if there is no actions taken by IMDB it will encourage those who will review bomb tv shows or movies.

I kindly request that IMDb take appropriate measures to address this issue, such as investigating and addressing these mass review bombings and ensuring that the ratings accurately reflect the opinions of genuine viewers who use your platform to share their thoughts on movies and TV shows.

Maintaining the credibility of user-generated ratings is crucial to IMDb's mission, and I believe that taking action to prevent such incidents will benefit both the platform and its users.

Thank you for your attention to this matter, and I look forward to hearing from you regarding any steps that may be taken to address this issue.

This conversation has been merged. Please refer the main conversation:

attack on titan's high rated episodes have been getting review bombed

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