martin_695862's profile

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Saturday, September 14th, 2024 8:07 PM


Logic error in form validation - previously "green" cast revert to "yellow" status after "Save for Later"

I have noticed a logic error that has started happening in the past couple of days, concerning the form validation.

If I add credit orders to existing unordered credits for a title (any title) and add a "Cast Complete" flag, I may encounter check boxes which have to be acknowledged, for "Confirmation
I have confirm that the cast listing is complete" and "Please confirm this person received a major credit on this title. An order number of 1, 2 or 3". These give a "yellow" status for the relevant cast or "cast complete" entry until the check boxes are checked. Perfectly normal.

If I check the relevant boxes and press the "Re-check" button, the fields turn green. But... if I press the "Save for Later" button and then click on the submission ID to continue making changes to that submission, the check boxes revert to unchecked and the fields revert to yellow. Until a couple of days ago, both "Re-check" and "Save for Later" preserved the check boxes and the green colour.

This means that after saving the partly-completed form for later and then resuming, it is always necessary to go through re-checking any check boxes which have lost the status that I earlier gave them.

I have reproduced this error with about 10 different titles.

This conversation has been merged. Please refer the main conversation:

Cast list warning and 'This is a different person' acknowledgments not being saved

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