Taylor's profile



2.3K Messages


40.5K Points

Tuesday, May 18th, 2021 6:23 PM


INTRODUCING: Updated IMDb.com Title page experience

INTRODUCING: Updated IMDb.com Title page experience

We are excited to announce the launch of IMDb’s newly refreshed movie and TV show pages! The renewed page is meant to make your IMDb experience easy and enjoyable, and its design represents the diverse interests of global entertainment fans. The refresh reflects IMDb customer feedback and research designed to enhance entertainment content discovery and navigation.

Please note, we are gradually launching the new design to a selection of IMDb customers. If you do not yet see the design, we expect to make it broadly available in the weeks ahead. Thank you for using IMDb!

For more information, check out this Help article.

2 Messages


70 Points

3 years ago

Has anyone else noticed a change in the last week or so of IMDB's display of movies and people, etc? I know they've recently changed their layout of course, but it seems to be a sporadic loss of images on all pages - layout (with the updated format) is ok, but no images show.

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Loss of images

421 Messages


14.3K Points

3 years ago

I would also like to mention a mathemathical fact that proves that the new design is not just something as good as the previous and that it is not a matter of we just need some time to get used to it.

With the old design, you could rate a title with one click. With the new design, you need three. Open the rating window, click on the amount of stars and finally click on "Rate". This is really a bit of a nuisance for people like myself who rate a lot of titles.

45 Messages


780 Points

3 years ago

hello again,

i noticed some different in the template on the same page.

sometime, tags are not at the same place , also text/story is in  different location too !

why don't all movie page have the same structure and object location ?

maybe it is a leak of trailer or picture, but in this case, you should have a default picture to fill the empty place with "no picture" or "no trailer".

with the new movie page, my eyes get used to search the tags under the poster but today i discovered that they can be placed elsewhere too !
If there is 0 photo or 0 video, you should keep the area and write the "0 photo"/"0 video" strings ! do not remove the template zone and do not deplace the sections !

if there is no popularity, do not hide the area popularity, just write "no popularity in red" and keep the section !

Question : what is the use of the free space before  "cast & crew" ?

Best regards

10.6K Messages


225.1K Points

Interesting point.

1 Message


60 Points

3 years ago

hate the new look, I'm not using it anymore now 

2 Messages


70 Points

3 years ago


Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled HOW CAN I CHANGE IMDB TO ITS OLD THEME THIS IS WAY TOO COMPLICATED I AM IN BIG ACHE

8.3K Messages


174.3K Points

Joined Mon, Aug 2, 2021

INTRODUCING: Updated IMDb.com Title page experience
Tue, May 18, 2021
Taylor, Employee

Try this ? ?

Reply ...

Tue, May 18, 2021
ACT_1, Not Employee

Where is ...
Reference View| Change View  ? ?  (displayed here)

Your User Profile Activity Page:



[x]  Show reference view with full cast and crew (advanced view)


45 Messages


780 Points

3 years ago

in the window (div overlay) where you can rate a movie, there is little UX problem :

when you put the cursor over a star , you do not see the number (the note) you intend to give. you have to count the stars yourself !

once you rated/clicked, of course the number is displayed but it is not userfriendly !

i might remember the previous version, and i think we can see the number with mouse over , before we rate.

best regards


2 Messages


72 Points

3 years ago

IMDb has been my go to source for movie info for years now, however, new design is just horrible with extremely sloppy software development.

Not only it takes a lot longer to locate information I am looking for, but it takes eternity for the first page to load and switching between between pages takes way too long as well.

Flashy design has given away resource efficient code and unless one has access to very fast broadband and powerful computer, IMDb is becoming something that I avoid lately and I've became frequent visitor of rottentomatoes instead.


Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled IMDb is loading soooooooooooooooo slowly with new design

45 Messages


780 Points


you said "Flashy design has given away resource efficient code and unless one has access to very fast broadband and powerful computer ".

my config is 6cores/12MB memory with internet bandwith is in fiber.
and i have that slow delay too.
I noticed the problem there is wait/time delay from the top banner. maybe the ping of all the advert/outside domain contents are slow/irregular.

Moreover i have no plugin in my broswer and i desactivate all autoplay video. i don't use vpn either or anti spyware on content browser.

i didn't count the extern domain, but i guess they are many. Plus there is cloudfare i guess somewhere, so the delay is more randomely than ever !
This morning i saw a adv from a XYZ domain generated by Taboola , i just let you count the size of that link : 


almost 1800 caractère for a HTML link ! there are more caracters in that than in the title + director name + tag names and other information !

Imagine the memory need to various process to catch that string, check it, use it in jquery or dom function,....

And there are many links like that in the ads..



6.7K Messages


117.7K Points

@MarcelD And just when browsers are prioritizing speed and user experience. 

Follow the IMDb Polls in Facebook and Twitter

5 Messages


194 Points

3 years ago


The new site loads my ratings very very slowww.
On any page. 
The old site didn't have that problem.

Tried several browsers.
Didn't make a difference.  

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled ratings load slow

4 Messages


144 Points

3 years ago

Well... I don't know whose idea was this but current interface is a mess. I simply hated it. I mean... It's by far the worst decision made by IMDb staff.

Is there a way to use the old, classic interface?

Thank you for your answer, not for newly bad interface.

Sincerely yours...

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Old Interface

10 Messages


290 Points

3 years ago

we need another new look

this new update is awful and slooooow and really hate iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit

and buggy

45 Messages


780 Points


do you speak about the recent update since a couple of days

or the recent from several weeks ?

Since maybe 5or7 days max, i noticed a strange display.

sometime the page is like that (missing things ):

then i reload (f5 key), and the page is like that (normal):

Last time it happened was yesterday.

10 Messages


290 Points


Same bug it is happening to me. I have to F5

And some time my ratings not showing and i go to reference view and it shows and loads quicker than this new joke update look

It is a mess the new imdb

I really hate iiiiiiiiiiitttt



7.2K Messages


177.7K Points

@usamike  Thanks for the problem report; it looks like something is timing out behind-the-scenes.  We will let the team know about this. 

80 Messages


1.1K Points

Also  the new  format looks  increasingly  squashed, with title absent  and cast atop, poster  missing .

https://www.imdb.com/title/tt10928572/?ref_=ttexrv_exrv_tt Mike 2019

Tyler Gene's UNC short Running Late https://www.imdb.com/title/tt14040834/?ref_=nm_knf_t3

TMdb's Elliott https://www.imdb.com/title/tt13457646/?ref_=ttexst_exst_tt

the Delingers' VCU short Outside  of Virginia - https://www.imdb.com/title/tt3902720/?ref_=adv_li_tt 

Hunter Brumfield and Connor Burke's VCU short Dwell, Dig, Shake https://www.imdb.com/title/tt2937756/?ref_=adv_li_tt




7.2K Messages


177.7K Points

@MxGeorgeWhite  Sorry about that — this is a timing bug.  It should always clear if you hit reload until we fix the underlying issue. 

36 Messages


486 Points

In the Android app you have to tap

1 on the star - to start the rating

2 on the upcoming mask to rate

3 on a button to send your rating

4 anywhere on the screen to immediatly dismiss the confirmation overlay

That's 2 more than it should take!

Also I nearly always come into trouble when I want to scroll to rate or to go to all episodes. I always tap on the picture slider (because it takes like 80 percent of the screen on the tablet) and have to try again because I mostly move the pictures instead the page.

The app is way too slow and unpractical and nervy - even more than the new title pages! I only use the app to check-in with commentary. Otherwise I use the browser's reference view where I get all the information fast and furious!

It's sad, because I really like the new design! (except the start/home page) It's just not usable in this form with endless clicks forward and back...

45 Messages


780 Points


at the beginning i though it was a cache problem, that why i do F5 and multiple ctrl+F5 and clean cash. But it happen again today.

here the f12 console error message, i hope it will help to solve  :

 (i hope sprinklr use the CODE balise like phpforum cause i will use it!)

"Warning: fragment with name titleMainHero already exists.
graphql-tag enforces all fragment names across your application to be unique; read more about
this in the docs: http://dev.apollodata.com/core/fragments.html#unique-names"  c0afb58b5df9a1522325d44ea048eb5707193c04.b8c6f941a14156c373e2.js:1:101320
TypeError: window.csa is not a function
Stack trace:
TypeError: window.csa is not a function
Stack trace:
TypeError: window.csa is not a function
Stack trace:
[FallbackIcon] Requested "poster", which is not a supported fallback type. ff3dca1675ac0dde7be56b023ddce815ef048e16.c576b0ba698d36b850a8.js:1:293995
[FallbackIcon] Requested "publicity", which is not a supported fallback type. ff3dca1675ac0dde7be56b023ddce815ef048e16.c576b0ba698d36b850a8.js:1:293995
[FallbackIcon] Requested "poster", which is not a supported fallback type. ff3dca1675ac0dde7be56b023ddce815ef048e16.c576b0ba698d36b850a8.js:1:293995


here's a sample of screenshot in case CODE balise is not used by Sprinklr .

i don't know if it will be usefull but here a file from html of the webpage visited https://www.imdb.com/title/tt9777666/

the txt file (only 24h free service donwload) because Sprinklr does not allow upload file :

best regards

ps : imdb should have a bugzilla account to manage that !



7.2K Messages


177.7K Points

Thanks @usamike — this is very useful. 

10 Messages


290 Points


not fixed. happening to me with films series main site




7.2K Messages


177.7K Points

@usamike @MxGeorgeWhite @waltdisneypixar  Thanks again for the problem reports -- this should be fixed now.  Please let us know if it returns. 

5 Messages


104 Points

3 years ago

The new design still sucks, and IMDb still doesn't care what its users want.

252 Messages


5.7K Points


You're right. It's no longer a matter of having to get used to the new look, I still can't, maybe I could if the site isn't so slow, so damn slow. I used to spend hours looking for content, often adding missing data and stuff, it was fast, easy and fun, but it’s not like that anymore. Today after a few minutes I give up because the pages take an eternity to load. Too bad.

3 Messages


80 Points

3 years ago

Floating white text on a transparent background is a spectacularly poor choice for the menus.  Can you at least make that test selectable to highlight it?

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Why are the menus intentionally illegible?



7.2K Messages


177.7K Points

@Keranthis  Thanks for the feedback -- it sounds like something on your system is interfering with the display of our pages so please see https://help.imdb.com/article/imdb/general-information/why-is-imdb-displaying-differently-on-my-browser/GF2ZAR69V859XLHF

If this does not solve the problem, please can you let us know which page(s) is/are affected and ideally provide a screenshot or two, thanks. 

3 Messages


80 Points

I'm using Chrome, and the suggestion to use a incognito seems to fix the issue, but clearing the cache and cookies did not resolve it in a standard window.  Attaching a screenshot, but it appears to affect the menu regardless of page.

2 Messages


70 Points

3 years ago

the subject line should have been enough   did it change when amazon took over ?  

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled website changed please put it back and get new admins

8 Messages


192 Points

3 years ago

I've given this (hideous) site a few weeks and it hasn't grown on me at all. I hate it as much as the first time it ever so slowly loaded on my screen. I have an i7 3.4ghz with 16g RAM... that should be enough to run a darn movie site. My latest speed test came in at just over 100mbps. THIS SITE SUCKS! Hate it - hate it - hate it




7.2K Messages


177.7K Points

Thanks for the feedback on loading times and sorry to hear about the slowness for you. We continuously measure various aspects of page load times from hundreds of millions of customers across all eight million titles on IMDb.  We have been tuning the performance of the new technology throughout the beta period and now post-launch. The slow speeds you describe are not remotely typical and the majority of title pages now have an initial page load time faster than the old technology across a majority of hardware (mobile & desktop) and customers. As noted earlier in this thread, we do some late loading of additional content (notably rating history) once the page has rendered which can create a perception of a slower load.  However, we are continuing to work on improvements there too. 

Please see https://help.imdb.com/article/imdb/general-information/why-is-imdb-displaying-differently-on-my-browser/GF2ZAR69V859XLHF particularly the point on ad blockers and other plugins. Note that poorly configured ad blockers are likely to slow IMDb pages. If after disabling any plug-ins and trying a private / incognito window to access IMDb, you are still experiencing these loading times, please let us know which hardware / operating system / browser(s) you have tried and in which country you are located.  If disabling plug-ins fixes the problem then please contact the suppliers of whichever plugin impacted the performance. 

If you are accessing IMDb via a mobile web browser on iOS or Android, please also let us know if you see the same slow loading problems with the IMDb app. The app should always offer a faster experience. 

Hope this helps. 


8 Messages


192 Points

@Col_Needham Thanks Col.... but all that is just too much work. I'm not going to disable all my add-ons just so this one site works, and then re-enable them when I log out - that's just not the solution. I generally don't have loading issues on any other site, and didn't on this one before the downgrade. But it's OK.... I have been finding other sites have most of the info i want, but rarely in one place like this one does - so sometimes I am forced to look here, and wanted to say again how unfortunate it is that my favorite movie info/trivia site is now a "last-ditch effort" to find fun facts about film. The general appearance, and slow nature of the site really strips away a lot of the fun associated with the research.



7.2K Messages


177.7K Points

@Todd_Gack Okay that's fair enough and obviously your choice.  Generally just opening an incognito window will disable plug-ins so it would have been a quick check; we were just interested in seeing if it was a defective ad blocker.

We are simply not seeing the reported slowness in our monitoring across billions of page views now served on the new technology platform. Are you at least willing to tell us in which country you are located, what operating system / browser you have, and which (if any) ad blockers are enabled? This would help us see if there are any patterns. 

10.6K Messages


225.1K Points

I find it slightly hard to believe that the problem is site-specific, but there can be problems present in some Web browsers that cause the some websites to take a long time to even begin being downloaded when the sites are first visited each time the browser is started. There are so many steps involved in retrieving anything through the world-wide Web: (1) name resolution, (2) establishing the connection, (3) checking the authenticity certificates, (4) negotiating the cipher, (5) processing the HTTP headers, and (6) finally rendering the HTML, JavaScript, CSS. image files, video files, audio files and embedded documents.

45 Messages


780 Points

in (6.5) you can add :
 slowing the whole information because it is HTTPS and not HTTP

then in (6.6) , add the client side software overload like : antivirus + firewall  + VPN

and i don't speak about the client side hardware problem , neither the other hardware security  layer with the router (firewall inside..? QoS..? ).

Good luck to the imdb coder/devOps to find the bottleneck !


252 Messages


5.7K Points

Yes, the app is faster and not sluggish because there are no spinners that slow down the page on the desktop and mobile version, but there are also drawbacks: slideshow trailers/pictures that cannot be turn off and no festival and award pages so it has to be combined with the mobile web. It looks better visually (light theme), but I uninstalled it anyway due to the aforementioned flaws.

I have no luck with my (once) favorite site whatever I do, but still living in hope. 😄

10.6K Messages


225.1K Points

Just to note, that bit about the steps for authenticity and cipher was more or less a reference to HTTPS. Indeed, I forgot to mention the prying antivirus services that may be present on a system, and I didn't really want to bring up how Internet backbones in addition to ISPs work in some parts of the globe, the traffic shaping nonsense.

4 Messages


118 Points

3 years ago

I have had a regular IMDB account for well over a decade, and I am watching a ONCE great internet resource being "tweaked" so that some metrics that show more involvement will allow someone to justify this horrid interface.

I refuse to use the new reddit interface, and luckily the old.reddit prefix allows me to use the superior old way.  The main points have been made multiple times here, but allow me to ask the IMDB staff some basic questions again.

Why is there no option to view the original design, especially seeing the clear dislike of the new one?  New viewers could be on the new interface without knowing the previous one, and you could keep your existing users happy.

Why are you not listening to your user base?  If we are taking the time to create accounts, and offer our input, then perhaps we are more vested than a new user.

What is the reason for forcing a clear mobile design on desktop users?

Do you think that cramming advertising in everywhere will lead to revenue?  I am like most and do not want ads pushed at me.  Allow me to decide if I want to use up my resources.

What was the design criteria and who would have elected this?  Were there other options?  Did you ask your user base which flavor they preferred?

When will you admit this is bad?

Are you brave enough to take a poll?



72 Messages


758 Points


Use the website in "reference view"; it makes a big difference.

4 Messages


118 Points


Thank you, and I have done that, but when I use a new pc or browser I get vomited on by the new version.

I really just want the option to permanently have the older version, when using an app, android browser or desktop.  And I am also curious to hear their reasoning.

Thanks again for the suggestion and response.



7.2K Messages


177.7K Points

@DrFB  Thanks for the feedback.  Your questions have been covered in more depth earlier across the thread so we will provide some links below. We will also briefly answer them directly below, however, first please ensure you are accessing IMDb with a modern, supported browser with any ad blockers or other plugins which may interfere with the page layout disabled. For details, please see https://help.imdb.com/article/imdb/general-information/why-is-imdb-displaying-differently-on-my-browser/GF2ZAR69V859XLHF 

To briefly answer your questions in the order presented:

  • It is not practical to continue to provide access to the old pages as the technology powering them is obsolete and is being phased out, sorry. We offer reference view for users who dislike the new design. 
  • The new title pages are the result of us listening to our users via years of both solicited and unsolicited feedback. This is all part of a multi-year program to update IMDb. 
  • No design is ever going to be universally liked, especially given we have hundreds of millions of users. The complaints posted are here are, by definition, valid for those people making them, however, they are not always representative of the wider IMDb audience who are happily using the new interface. However, we have already made some adjustments based on some of the feedback here and there will be more in future. Any design is always a work-in-progress. The feedback will also shape how we design and test future updates beyond the main title page. 
  • The design is responsive and so it displays differently on desktop devices vs. mobile devices yet it is powered by the same technology.  You can see this by making your browser window both larger and smaller. 
  • IMDb is an advertising supported site.  The ads are what enable us to provide the service and to invest in growing IMDb for the future.  Our ad load is below that of many other major ad supported websites. 
  • The pages have been extensively tested before launch and in a public beta for 6+ months, during which time different configurations and placements have been tested. 
  • We do not think the design is bad. We track a large number of real-time metrics on all of our pages and we are very happy with how users are engaging with the new design.  
  • Actual usage data speaks better than any unreliable online poll which can be too easily influenced by people who are not actually users. 

Hope the above helps.  I will now cut-and-paste a reply from last month with more detail which in turn references older posts in this thread with even more detail.  Unfortunately Sprinklr have made some navigation changes recently which means that links to past posts do not always open at the desired point (they are aware of this issue) so I need to post the full text below vs. simply linking to the July post. The links at the end may also require a little of scrolling to reach my comments as a result of these issues on Sprinklr. 

Update from early July:

Thanks for the feedback and for your concern over IMDb’s future.  We are fully aware that IMDb is a service built by and built for entertainment fans. This should be clear in the Contributor Zone and specifically in the Contributor’s Charter.  Our aims remain as described on https://help.imdb.com/article/imdb/general-information/what-is-imdb/G836CY29Z4SGNMK5 — to create the world’s largest collection of entertainment information.  We do this by making IMDb as accessible as possible across many devices and platforms on a global basis. 

For contributors we already offer a data driven view of titles which can be set by a registration preference as described here and we will continue to offer this view. This view was created in collaboration with our top contributors and focuses on the data. 

For professionals we offer IMDbPro where the information is optimised for the needs of entertainment industry professionals. 

For everyone else, our website and mobile apps are aimed at people like ourselves — entertainment fans. Both customer feedback which we have received and active research which we have undertaken showed that the majority of IMDb customers (and future customers) wanted a more consistent and visually appealing version of IMDb. UX design on the web and in apps has evolved significantly since IMDb’s last major web design refresh in 2010 and we were falling behind. It became clear that incremental changes to the existing interface were not going to be enough, especially when built upon an outdated technology (I have written more on this point elsewhere in this thread so I will refer you to more of the background at the end of this post). Movies and TV are a visual art-form and so trailers, videos and photos are important in the IMDb customer experience.  Consistency and simplicity are also important, especially as customers increasingly move across the web, mobile web and apps. We are also aware we need to make IMDb more accessible, extendible, and especially, more relevant globally as we reach the next 100 million customers (and beyond) in languages other than English.  None of these things were going to be practical with an 10+ year old design and outdated software. 

The easy path would have been to change nothing and watch IMDb slowly fall apart, however, we love the service we provide, we want it to continue to grow, and we feel we have a duty to ensure that all of the information which has been contributed over the last 30+ years not only remains accessible to current audiences, but also reaches new global audiences. As a top contributor myself, I love the fact that content I added to IMDb decades ago is available today to people in countries I have never visited, on devices I have never seen and in languages which I do not speak. 

We are genuinely sorry that not everyone likes the design and we appreciate that change is hard. We also cannot please everyone, but we already offer a separate data centric view for those customers who do not like the extra focus on visuals in the new design.

All designs are works-in-progress, but the new pages tested well with customers and meet the aims we set out to achieve today. The pages also work well for both new / casual customers and expert customers alike.  For the former, the layout is clean and clear — such customers can move through the page and discover all of the content in well labelled sections and explore more from each section. For the latter, the “All Topics” menu provides fast and convenient access to all of the subpages. Our tests show that expert users can reach everything faster on the new pages than the old.  If you have not taken the time to look at “All Topics” then you are missing out on the power of the new page.  I probably use IMDb more than most people posting here — I have a 13,000+ rating history covering every movie I have seen since 1/1/1980 and over 400 public or private lists logging my full entertainment experience. I also use IMDb for every viewing decision. In addition to being IMDb’s biggest fan, it is also my career so I am on IMDb in one form or another almost constantly whether for pleasure or for work. I have been using the new pages since it was first possible to test them (staff only access) last October and in my experience they are a significant upgrade to the previous version. 

For reference, here are the earlier posts with more background if you want to take a look: 





Hope this helps. 

36 Messages


486 Points

„Actual usage data speaks better than any unreliable online poll which can be too easily influenced by people who are not actually users.“

What about bots? Couldn't that usage simply be actions by bots or crawlers? Besides: Of course you should be happy about the engaging of the new users - they're tormenting their mouses by clicking and scrolling extensively until they have to buy a new one or getting carpal tunnel syndrome...

I will only use the reference view from here on out, simply because of the better loading time and data usage. The new title pages are simply an unusable overloaded portal to the actual data.

And I will stop checking in because the Android app is way too nervy just to check in with commentary. With the old layout I could check in with the browser, which now is no longer possible. At least I can still rate in the reference view...

4 Messages


118 Points

@Col_Needham I appreciate the quick and detailed reply.  The reply alone is indicative of a positive culture and it makes me happy that IMDB is aware and responding.  I agree that no design will make everyone happy, and that is why your reference view is a great option.  Maybe offer a link on the front page for "older or slower" devices.  This will appease some and make it appear as the new version is better and faster.  I am also not a fan of the video playing sections of the page, but as you can tell, I prefer sleek and clean versus heavy, cluttered and "feature rich.

Thanks again for listening and replying.