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17.3K Messages


311.5K Points

Thursday, April 25th, 2024 4:30 PM

IMDb Redesigns List-Like Pages

IMDb Redesigns List-Like Pages




We are excited to announce the launch of IMDb’s redesigned List pages! These pages are meant to make your IMDb experience easier and more enjoyable by providing a modern, clean presentation of information with 3 different viewing types available (detailed, grid, compact) on each List page tailoring to both written and visual preferences. We have also improved mobile navigation making it easier to view IMDb features on the go. These enhancements reflect changes suggested by IMDb customers, as well as our own in-depth research designed to enhance entertainment content, discovery, and navigation.  For more information about the redesign you can review our List Page FAQ.


We hope you enjoy these latest improvements, and thank you for continuing to make IMDb the world’s most trusted source for movie, TV, and entertainment content. 


— The IMDb Team



7.5K Messages


193.2K Points

5 months ago

I've been a member since 2008 and extremely active on IMDb (contributing various data, making polls, administrating polls, etc) for ten years. All of the changes I've encountered seem less organized and certainly less user friendly. My usage and contributions have already gone down significantly. I hate to complain but I've heard that you're looking for feedback so this is my two cents. Thanks!

4 Messages


90 Points

5 months ago

My list https://www.imdb.com/list/ls086167196/?ref_=uspf_t_1 had had steady views for years (at least over 100 views per week), but in the recent 2 weeks (eversince the new interface was official) the view count reduce noticeably (under 50, then under 10). I realised my list could no longer be found by google search (it was first or second search result before), even when using quotation search of the list title. Even when I google "best gay couples and storylines in tv series imdb" now the results do not include my list.

It's not that views are everything to me. I would still work on my lists no matter what. But I do feel kinda sad when I can't search my list and wonder what the reason is.

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Sudden low list views



7.2K Messages


178.4K Points

@VampireMike​ Thanks for the problem report; this was previously highlighted above and a ticket is open for investigation.  Sorry for the inconvenience in the meantime. 

4 Messages


90 Points

Is there a reason for my list being excluded from google search results? Eventhough I searched specifically for it, these were the only results.



7.2K Messages


178.4K Points

@VampireMike​ Thanks again for the problem report on the view counts.  We have found and fixed the issue and we will backfill the lost days soon. 

As to the Google indexing issue, we do not control the search results on Google so we are unable to advise on why your list is no longer included in the results, sorry.  



7.2K Messages


178.4K Points

@VampireMike​ In case this helps ... Google seem to be returning other IMDb lists in the search results -> https://www.google.com/search?q=%22great+horror+movies%22+site%3Aimdb.com and then the same for a closer query -> https://www.google.com/search?q=Best+Gay+Couples+and+Storylines+in+TV+Series+site:imdb.com/list/#ip=1 

4 Messages


90 Points

Thank you for responding to my concerns. I think I have to wait this out.

2 Messages


70 Points

5 months ago

When I downloaded my ratings list in January 2024, there was one field named "Title" that, if it was a TV episode, added the TV show title to the start of the episode name. When I downloaded my current rating list (05/29/2024), there is a column named "Title", and a new column named "Original Title." Neither one has the TV show title, only the episode title.
I would like to have the TV show title restored as before, or a new field with just the TV show title, or a workaround so I can get both fields.
Thank you.

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled TV show name missing from ratings download



7.2K Messages


178.4K Points

@ChuckP53​ Thanks for the problem report and sorry for the inconvenience. As noted earlier in this thread (https://community-imdb.sprinklr.com/conversations/imdbcom/imdb-redesigns-listlike-pages/662a8541586efb2637c22757?commentId=664d7675a686244c554b4318&replyId=66518c3e0aaec1421f71f706 ), we have fixed this in the general list export and the ratings export will be fixed separately. 

Hope this helps. 


3 Messages


80 Points

5 months ago

In the past the watchlist section had an option to show only the films which haven't been watched by choosing 'not rated by you' or sth similar. So the link to the list could look like 

Now I can't find this option anymore, the link doesn't work either. How can I sort my watchlist by excluding the watched ones? It was so convenient to navigate through the list when you could sort it that way. Now I'm totally lost - I can't find what I was going to watch as some of them had been added so much time before the website changed.

Could you help me to get the way to navigate correctly?

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled watchlist



7.2K Messages


178.4K Points

@MFinsternis​ Your Watchlist is intended for titles which you want to watch so we have not built a filter directly to exclude titles for which you have voted, sorry.  However, you can still achieve the same effect via Advanced Title Search, in this case -> https://www.imdb.com/search/title/?my_ratings=exclude&lists=watchlist and to switch to grid view, click the icon highlighted in red:

You can apply other filters directly on your watchlist page via the blue filter icon:

Hope this helps.

3 Messages


80 Points

Hello @Col_Needham,

Thank you for your help! It's not the same, but better than nothing! I was so sad when I saw the watchlist changes. So, now my day's improved. 
I hope that the team will return that option back. It was really handy.


70 Messages


984 Points

5 months ago

I have discovered a couple of other strange idiosyncrasies that I didn't expect.

1. With the previous version, when I sorted a list by IMDb rating (which I do frequently) they were initially displayed in top-down (best to worst) sequence. Now they are initially displayed in bottom-up (worst to best) sequence, which is useful sometimes but generally not as useful as top-down. Also, the bottom-up sequence is not the exact reverse (as one would expect) of the top-down sequence, because the tie breaker for movies with the same IMDb rating (popularity, I understand) is in the same sequence regardless of which way the rating is sorted (making the list far less useful when sorted in bottom-up sequence because worst to best is not the opposite of best to worst).

To clarify: When the IMDb rating is sorted top-down, movies with the same IMDb rating are sorted from most to least popular (both rating and tie breaker are sorted from best to worst), but when the IMDb rating is sorted bottom-up, movies with the same IMDb rating are still sorted from most to least popular (the rating is sorted from worst to best but the tie breaker is sorted from best to worst). This is what causes the bottom-up sort to not be the exact reverse of the top-down sort.

2. The Genre filters don't work as I expected them to because they are And-ed instead of Or-ed. If I select Thriller, Crime, Mystery, and Film-Noir (because I have a general idea of what I want to watch), instead of displaying movies that specify ANY of those genres, it only displays movies that specify ALL of those genres. (If I am in the mood to watch Sci-Fi / Fantasy, a list of movies that specify either Sci-Fi or Fantasy is generally more useful than a list of only those movies that specify both Sci-Fi and Fantasy.)


1 Message


74 Points

5 months ago

I'm confused, how do I switch back to a compact layout? The smallest is currently more than twice as big as it used to be, I must be missing something?

4 Messages


92 Points

5 months ago

Hi! After the recent change in the data export process, the "Year" (of release) in the exported csv file with my ratings is determined in a different way than what was there before and what is shown on the movies' pages on IMDb - e.g. several movies I watched on festivals in 2023 are shown as released in 2024 in the file (but not on IMDb). Here are a few examples:

Anatomy of a Fall, tt17009710
Blaga's Lessons, tt27996716
Bonnard: Pierre & Marthe, tt23004264
Jeanne du Barry, tt17277414
Poor Things, tt14230458
The Beast, tt14407336
The Taste of Things, tt19760052

For following movie, there is no "Year" in the export, although it is shown as released in 1956 on IMDb: The Kreutzer Sonata, tt0209335.

I hope that this can be fixed, so that the "Year" in the exported file matches again with the official year of release, as stated on IMDb.

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Year of release not correct in "Your Ratings" export



7.2K Messages


178.4K Points

@lfenerdjThanks for the problem report and sorry for the inconvenience. As noted earlier in this thread (https://community-imdb.sprinklr.com/conversations/imdbcom/imdb-redesigns-listlike-pages/662a8541586efb2637c22757?commentId=664d7675a686244c554b4318&replyId=66518c3e0aaec1421f71f706 ), we have fixed this in the general list export and the ratings export will be fixed separately. 

Hope this helps. 

4 Messages


92 Points

@Col_Needham Three months passed, but the ratings export still includes the US release dates, and not the general ones. As an example, Antonioni's film Story of a Love Affair (tt0042355) is shown as released in 1975 (both in columns "Year" and "Release Date") instead of 1950, although it is shown properly on the film's page. Any chance that the value in column "Year" gets fixed soon?



59 Messages


2.5K Points

Hi @lfenerdj This ratings export issue has been fixed.

4 Messages


92 Points

@nic_b​ Thank you, it looks fine indeed.

4 Messages


92 Points

5 months ago


The new export format of the notes has now apparently been localized to the set language.This leads to the problem that the first release date of a film is no longer displayed, but rather the date of the selected country.All names are missing in the Director column.
Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Rating Export with new format has wrong Release Date

4 Messages


92 Points

By the way: I think the idea of ​​localized titles and original titles in the export is very good



7.2K Messages


178.4K Points

@Chris4FilmsThanks for the problem report and sorry for the inconvenience.  This is a known bug (reported above) and we will be working on a fix.  In the meantime, if you export your list(s) using US/English settings, the directors will be included (yes, it is a weird bug).  

The release dates will remain localised, however, in all exports other than ratings, we now export the earliest release year, regardless of your local settings.  The ratings export is scheduled to be fixed soon. 

250 Messages


5.4K Points

5 months ago

In a list's grid view, I see that "watch options" is a button under some titles.  I dislike this button, because I have to click to see a pop-up with its options.  Before the redesign, a list displayed titles with streaming options without requiring me to click (I could click if I wanted to see more than one option).

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled dislike "watch options" in list's grid view

3 Messages


82 Points

4 months ago

I've exported my list of movies (~1200 titles) today and noticed that the directors column in the .csv still exists, but is not filled anymore. Is this a bug or is there a setting I can change?

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled List export - Directors column not filled



7.2K Messages


178.4K Points

@wickerschizo​ Thanks for the problem report and sorry for the inconvenience.  This is a known bug (reported above) and we will be working on a fix.  In the meantime, if you export your list(s) using US/English settings, the directors will be included (yes, it is a weird bug).  

3 Messages


82 Points

Thanks, the workaround worked fine!

70 Messages


984 Points

4 months ago

I just discovered another odd problem. If my Description field contains a link and I click on it,

it takes me into edit mode for my Description field briefly before following the link.

This occurs when using either Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge.

8.4K Messages


175.4K Points

4 months ago

Bring back 'Date Created'
Created   January 9 2016 : 8 years ago
- - -


Watchlist (TV)
261 titles Public
Modified Jun 04, 2024
Created 8 years ago • Modified 6 days ago
- - -

Wayback Machine
March 1 2023

Watchlist (TV)
193 titles | Public
Modified 27 February 2023 | Created 9 January 2016




7.2K Messages


178.4K Points

@ACT_1​ Please can you explain the problem in more detail? 

8.4K Messages


175.4K Points

@Col_Needham​ 😎

Add actual Created & Modified dates with "___ ago" ??


Sundance Interest List 2024
26 titles
Public Modified Jun 09, 2024


by Col Needham • Created 4 months ago • Modified 3 days ago


Love Machina: Added 13 Jan 2024
Reinas:             Added 20 Jan 2024

Sundance Film Festival 2024
43 titles
Public Modified Jun 09, 2024


by Col Needham • Created 4 months ago • Modified 3 days ago


Hit Man:                      Added 13 Jan 2024

I Saw the TV Glow:     Added 09 Jun 2024

Sundance London 2024
15 titles
Public Modified Jun 09, 2024


by Col Needham • Created 1 week ago • Modified 4 days ago

SXSW 2024
15 titles
Public Modified Jun 08, 2024


by Col Needham • Created 4 months ago • Modified 4 days ago

Watchlist (2025+)
121 titles
Public Modified Jun 05, 2024


by Col Needham • Created 12 years ago • Modified 1 week ago


Avatar 3:             Added 13 Jan 2012
Bring Her Back:  Added 05 Jun 2024

= = =

Add Date Created to Title & Name pages??



3 Messages


180 Points

4 months ago

I like the exporting of the lists that provides the original title and the title in the country of choice.  Would it be possible to change the release date to match the original premiere date since that better coincides with the information that most users would want?  I'd prefer to know when a movie premiered (e.g., at Cannes), than when it was released in my home country.

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Release Date listed on an exported List file

4 Messages


92 Points

I prefer the original premiere date, too. 



7.2K Messages


178.4K Points

@matt_jervey​ Thanks for the feedback.  We are looking at options for this. 

2 Messages


70 Points

4 months ago

Hi - noticed that when I export ratings now, the title of the episode is the same as the original title, which should be the name of the show.  It makes it difficult to consolidate all of the ratings for the same show.

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Export Ratings



7.2K Messages


178.4K Points

@imdbreviewer6885Thanks for the problem report and sorry for the inconvenience. As noted earlier in this thread (https://community-imdb.sprinklr.com/conversations/imdbcom/imdb-redesigns-listlike-pages/662a8541586efb2637c22757?commentId=664d7675a686244c554b4318&replyId=66518c3e0aaec1421f71f706 ), we have fixed this in the general list export and the ratings export will be fixed separately. 

5 Messages


152 Points

4 months ago

Hi, for years I have been using a URL of the following format


and command line tools like "curl" or "wget" to automatically export my lists to local csv files. The "xxxxxxxxx" would be the unique list id number found in the URL of each list. It appears that of today this no longer works (it gives a 404 not found error).

I was wondering if this was done on purpose and why would you remove an easy way to export lists, and is there some other URL that I can access that will do the same thing. Currently all I see available is a manual multi-step process using something call "Your exports". I have 6 lists plus watchlist and ratings and this is a really inefficient way to get everything down to my computer.

Please reconsider and add back *some* way to programmatically export lists. I have spent years creating and maintaining some of my lists and ratings and I would like to be able to back them up regularly plus I use the csv data for some of the lists for other things I do on my computer that can't be done on the website.


Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled IMDb list export URL no longer working



5K Messages


118.1K Points

I too used a bookmark to export a list.

Ironically, it was my "quick workaround" to see the date when I rated a title.



7.2K Messages


178.4K Points

@robbie3999​ Thanks for the feedback.  This was done on purpose. The previous export was unreliable, especially as list sizes increased so we switched to a more reliable batch mode export process.  We are unable to support a single export URL due to the new multi-step process, sorry, however you should still be able to programmatically access the exports.