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5.4K Messages


57.3K Points

Thursday, October 20th, 2022 2:07 PM

IMDb Name Page Redesign

IMDb Name Page Redesign



We are excited to announce the launch of IMDb’s redesigned Name pages! These pages are meant to make your IMDb experience easier and more enjoyable by providing better access to photos and videos, an upgraded view of an individual’s credits, and improved mobile navigation making it easier to view IMDb features on the go. These enhancements reflect changes suggested by IMDb customers, as well as our own in-depth research designed to enhance entertainment content, discovery, and navigation. More information is available in the FAQ on the help page.

We hope you enjoy these latest improvements, and thank you for continuing to make IMDb the world’s most trusted source for movie, TV, and entertainment content.

— The IMDb Team


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8 Messages


166 Points

2 years ago

Please make an option to remain on the old format, it's way better.

10.6K Messages


225.3K Points

Because the old format is somewhat uncomfortable to experience while using the web browser of a mobile device, such a format will never return. You may notice that sites like Sprinklr, the very forum we're using to communicate, automatically adjusts appearance based upon the zoom/magnification setting in your browser. That's just food for thought.

8 Messages


166 Points

Mobile devices already have been showing the new style, big pictures, lots and lots of scrolling, that's the problem with the new format on any device, big pictures and too much scrolling!

2 Messages


70 Points

2 years ago

Note: Please fire your designer, this new version blows. Straight out of 2005. Blinding white space amount, tiny text, impossible to casually navigate, no dark mode., and on and on.

Face it , it's terrible. I am sure IMDB arrogance won't change what they worked "so hard" on.

I'm out

3 Messages


350 Points

2 years ago

The funny part is that this is being sold as a slick and fast version while in fact each page load requires almost twice the bandwidth what it was with the good and tried reference view (it hasn't been a featherlight champion either for a long time, that must be said).  Perhaps even funnier is that on a site, which is dedicated to moving pictures, of that transferred data only 30% is visual content.

While the above is just nitpicking, forcefully sticking to a single design, truth if you will, seems rather odd.  People have different preferences, and so have had applications for many decades.  Just because there are multiple options, or even themes, doesn't mean that the brand would be lost behind countless menus and selections.

I guess this is what this is all about.   Users do not bring in the money, advertisers do.  Having a compact text view automatically is good for the user but bad for the business.  The world has very quickly shifted to service and subscription based model.  I wonder when the next "design refresh" comes if there is even a non-subscription option left.

It has been a good 20 years with IMDb so far, but eventually everything good must come to an end I'm afraid.  Not that previously all was better.  Using a typical connection way back then it would have taken several minutes just to load the "new refreshed look".

2 Messages


70 Points

2 years ago

Dear IMDB, 2003 called and they want their designer back. This new option blows..  Blinding amount of white space, impossible to casually navigate. tiny text, no dark mode, and on, and on. 

We know you won't change it because you  already wasted truck loads of money on it. but

really though, have a good look, it's bad. 

10 Messages


220 Points

2 years ago

how can i go back to the old layout view which was alot better for older people 

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled how can i go back to the old layout view

3 Messages


92 Points

2 years ago

This format SUCKS.  How can I go back to the original format.

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled New format

2 Messages


70 Points

2 years ago

Literally unusable.  I'm flabbergasted by the utter incompetence of this latest redesign. Please, dear God, go back and FIRE whoever did this.

2 Messages


72 Points

2 years ago

I prefer the old format. This one seems awkward and difficult to navigate.

10.6K Messages


225.3K Points

Hi, Kid Shelleen. You're expected to click the "all topics" button in order to access the menu that has roughly all of the stuff found on the ever-present navigation panel of the last generation IMDb platform. By all means, let us know, if this process is giving you arthritis. Personally I'm all ears. Hahaha.

7 Messages


150 Points

2 years ago

Since (at least for me) all the other pages I regularly view have remained in the old style, when can I expect those to take on the new format and make me even more upset when using this great web site?

268 Messages


5.9K Points

2 years ago

I prefer phone version of View all credits, it's perfect (just like before):

On desktop it's little complicated, too much scrolling or sorting things... but, that's just me, didn't read whole thread, sorry. 😶‍🌫️



5K Messages


118.1K Points


I'm seeing the show/hide categorized version on desktop too:




7.2K Messages


178.4K Points

@plur62​ The mobile "All credits" view lacks the episode details though, so it does not meet the objective of the page, sorry.  The current linkage is just a bug as referenced earlier in this thread. Now that the new name pages are fully launched at 100% of customers, we will be updating the mobile view to always point to the desktop view of the all credits page. 



5K Messages


118.1K Points


Here's an example of the old page:

It had a place-holder "image".

268 Messages


5.9K Points

@Col_Needham​ sorry, but new "View all credits" on mobile phones looks ridiculous now, I can't see anything without zooming in, it is desktop version, not compatible to phones. Who's idea is to launch new site without checking if everything is working properly?

5 Messages


106 Points

2 years ago

I really do not like the new page design and format at all. Is there an option to have the information displayed in the previous format. I much prefer the "classic" layout and look to this new design.



5K Messages


118.1K Points


Check out the All Credits version, available on the All Topics menu and on the bottom of the Filters menu.

10.6K Messages


225.3K Points

Hi, Stardust. Would you be so kind as to compare (or contrast) exhibit α [link=nm0000033] and  exhibit β [link=nm0000033/filmotype] with one another (both about Alfred Hitchcock), then report back here what your thoughts are?

5 Messages


106 Points

@jeorj_euler​ I prefer the filmotype version; however, I also like the full text version of the biography to show up first at the top of the page for the artist/actor/director without all the thumbnail photos. On the 033 version you have to scroll way down the page to get to biographical details. I like to read the bio details about the person first. That's the main reason I use IMDb. Otherwise I would just look everyone up on wikipedia. The other things I research the most are the music composer, soundtracks, and filming locations.

10.6K Messages


225.3K Points

Yeah, I've pointed out how the text-only view is missing a number of things that the last generation standard view had, but naturally that is why it is known as "(text only)". Thus, I've suggested that there be a name reference view, so that people can see a sample of the biography, a sample of the image gallery and a comprehensive filmography without having to flip any toggle switches. That would basically be analogous to title reference view.

5 Messages


106 Points

@bderoes​ It took me a while, but  finally found the "All Topics" menu, but I don't see anything that says "all credits". Perhaps that is only available on the Pro version?This is part of the problem for me, the pages are now so busy with to many things popping up and videos playing and other distractions that I can't find the things I really want and all the clutter makes it very confusing to get to the core content I'm looking for.



5K Messages


118.1K Points


It's also on the bottom of the All Topics menu, left column.

All topics

10.6K Messages


225.3K Points

For folks navigating the mobile version of the site, the desired hyperlink is in a menu within a menu:

All Topics > Credits > All Credits

Similar is the case with the desktop, except there would be fewer clicks, since the contents of all the submenus are visible in one coherent HTML "div" overlay panel upon the "all topics" menu loading.

5 Messages


106 Points

@bderoes​ If I do a search for a movie such as the new Slumberland Netflix movie, then select "All Topics" - there is no option that says "All Credits". If I search for a person, then the option is there. That's why I couldn't find it earlier because I was looking up information on a particular film.




5K Messages


118.1K Points



This thread is about the Name pages, not the Title pages.

10.6K Messages


225.3K Points

The "all topics" feature isn't yet present in title reference view, thankfully, so for those of us who have that as our default view, we're not as prone to forget whether we're viewing an IMDb title page or an IMDb name page. Now, that I think about it, I find it odd that people who don't have title reference view are neglecting to take note that the name page redesign is just as problematic as the title page redesign, seeing as how the belong to the same platform and experience the same inefficiencies.

7 Messages


146 Points

2 years ago

I still cannot figure out how this new page redesign makes things "easier". Biographical information was the whole point of profile pages. Birth year/place and death year/place was the focal point. Now the emphasis seems to be on photos and videos for profile pages. They are much harder to navigate. The previous version was still working on Microsoft Edge until yesterday. Total bummer.....




7.2K Messages


178.4K Points

@rev678​  Thanks for the feedback.  You might find our update from yesterday helpful, particularly the point around the “All credits” view ->

31 Messages


456 Points

2 years ago

This is exhausting.  Another format change based on the 'how can we screw things up now' strategy.  I would prefer returning layouts available 15 or 20yrs ago, but we're not going to see that.  Sadly the posted comments here contain expected responses.  And for the most part, IMDB doesn't care what the users think, or like or don't like.  Somebody in charge has their agenda to cram down the throats of everyone. 

The agenda highlights here are pretty much the same as other websites.

  • put way too much info on each page, because our viewers are too stupid to actually read text, and choose a reasonable hyperlink (and this may be valid)
  • make sure all the photos are large enough to be viewed across the room
  • don't use a clean, logical presentation style ... but instead make things look like the bedroom wall of a ADHD teenager, with crap throw up everywhere at the same time
  • make sure the page is so busy, the viewer doesn't know where to look, but not so bad he has a stroke
  • make sure the pages work for a user's phone first, and then for a computer user (and make it look goofy at the same time), because the programmers we hire are too lazy to achieve a good presentation for multiple platforms.

Get rid of all of the photos -- I can select them if I want.

Organize and tidy up the layout -- I know how to read.

Go back 20yrs please.

31 Messages


456 Points

Sorry Sandy but I can't be sure what you're even asking.  So I'll assume you wish an example.  I enter a great favourite of mine, James Garner ... what do I see on the page -- his name (dates) + 2 photo + first 6 lines of bio .... and that's all.  This is just plain stupid.  That's what I mean by photos you can see across a room.  Then I scroll down a page ... more photos ... then 'Known for', which is just more photos.

It's just wasteful and sloppy.  Maybe the obtuse need the onslaught of information slowed down by excessive use of images, but many of us just need a clean presentation.



7.2K Messages


178.4K Points

@racliff​ Thanks for the feedback.  You might find our update from yesterday helpful, particularly the point around the “All credits” view ->

4 Messages


98 Points

2 years ago

Guys, on the bright side, at least it beats this from 2015

10.6K Messages


225.3K Points

Hahaha! That's a good point, but no. I mean, I'm really going to miss the two-column format. As for the advertisements, I simply used a browser addon to block them.

230 Messages


4.4K Points

2 years ago

This is a good start for this superior new format isn't it!