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5.6K Messages


58.9K Points

Thursday, October 20th, 2022 2:07 PM

IMDb Name Page Redesign

IMDb Name Page Redesign



We are excited to announce the launch of IMDb’s redesigned Name pages! These pages are meant to make your IMDb experience easier and more enjoyable by providing better access to photos and videos, an upgraded view of an individual’s credits, and improved mobile navigation making it easier to view IMDb features on the go. These enhancements reflect changes suggested by IMDb customers, as well as our own in-depth research designed to enhance entertainment content, discovery, and navigation. More information is available in the FAQ on the help page.

We hope you enjoy these latest improvements, and thank you for continuing to make IMDb the world’s most trusted source for movie, TV, and entertainment content.

— The IMDb Team


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45 Messages


780 Points

2 years ago


i discovered the last redesign of the "Name page". After the sad new design of the title page, it is -again" a desappointment, another one. i really don't understand what coder-designer have in their head.

Did they visit imdb website on 8k huge monitor with super mouse roll wheel and a healhy thumb finger to scroll all the day ?

look at the old design :

look at the new one (sorry for the bad collage, i'm so angry i lost my patience to merge the screenshot)

now, to see a regular topic (see what the red arrow is pointing to), i have to scroll down more & more....

what it take 3 screen before,  now tooks more than 4 screens !

do i need to  buy a bigger screen  ?do i need to buy a tablet with big screen to visit imdb ?

no ! Look at all the white spaces in the new deisgn ! what a very bad  art-UX-design  work  we have here now ! very bad work !

You can even see some bad scrollbar in several DIV element !

I wish to adress you my "best regards", but i'm very desappointed. in 30y of website visits, i saw all the longtime website falling back one by one due to bad redesign.  There is only ONE (one in 30years) who successed to the redesign ( discogs ) .

I would like to express my sincere condolences to all visitors that have been condamned to see imsb pages died one by one....

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled the new Name Page Redesign is a problem : too many scroll, less information

4 Messages


90 Points

2 years ago

This function war abandoned during the second last redesign of

An example for its benefits: Open the page of Taika Waititi. Scroll down until the entry "Boy" of 2010 appears. Now, most likely several movies with the title "Boy" will have been produced in 2010. And indeed, changing the page to "All credits" ("Credits (text only)") changes the movie's production year to "2010/I", meaning that this is the first (or most important or whatever) of several movies called "Boy" produced in 2010. (Question: Why is this most important information hidden when the page is not in "Credits (text only)" mode?)

Clicking on "Boy" leads you the the movie's page where it is named as just "Boy (2010)". Before the second last redesign of the title was "Boy (2010-I)". Without this most vital information you'll never learn that there were several movies of that title in that year and which of those movies is the one in question.

I can only pray that you will re-esablish this, as said before, most vital detail in any mode of any page of anybody who was involved in that movie and, most important, on the movie's page as well.

Kind regards,

Wieland Samolak

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Roman letters at the end of a movie's year of production should be re-established.

2 Messages


90 Points

2 years ago

What can we do to have our old and preferred version back again? Just look at the comments, and how many users are saying they agree with those who are angry and disgusted that these changes have been made. And, to try to explain the changes and finish with ‘hope this helps’ is infuriating and patronising. We don’t want explanations. We want this decision to ruin IMDb reversed!  

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled We want the old version back!

48 Messages


1.4K Points

2 years ago

So, got an email (which references a post I'm unable to find) from this Sprinkler thread we're commenting on and another user said, "I am going to stop using IMDB and either use Wikipedia, or one of the open source alternatives"

Just thought I'd check, what other alternatives are there? I know about Letterboxd and TMDb (The Movie Database). Are there any other alternatives? I'll admit, having used IMDb since 2001, inertia keeps me here. Both the options I mention have not attracted my interest due to their emphasis on graphics over text, but I might be interested in something else in addition to Wikipedia if it wasn't all images and video. (Yeah, I know I'm swimming against the current.)

10.7K Messages


225.5K Points

I'm not aware of too many genuine worldwide-focused alternatives to IMDb, but there are two maybe three derivative websites serving very vaguely as mirrors of IMDb. (They have different designs from IMDb, but a vast majority of their data comes from IMDb.) One example is MovieChat, which I only use to view a rough archive of the retired IMDb message boards and subsequent posts to those boards or messages.



5.1K Messages


118.5K Points

2 years ago

Many people have included in their posts here that few are praising the new page design. I hope not to generate a lot of comments with what I'm about to say. (Let me first admit that I use an ad blocker, so my experience is more streamlined as a result.)

I just discovered a new feature that I like a lot. When filtering the person's credits, the Project Type grouping works for any job category. So now I can look at choreography (Miscellaneous) credits by TV vs Movie. Here's an example (Miriam Nelson).

Granted, that can also be done with the filmosearch feature, but not as easily, and the job title is not displayed with each project. That matters because choreographer is lumped into Miscellaneous Crew, which also includes Stage Director and other jobs a choreographer might have held.

Also, the filmosearch version includes both TV series and TV episodes separately, which has always bothered me, especially when the person was on a later episode of a long-running show, and their filmosearch credits list the series long before the episode when sorting by release date. (filmosearch also inflates their credit count because of the series inclusion.) BTW, I know that I can filter out the series credits altogether, but sometimes a person is only listed at the series level.

And in filmosearch, each type of TV title is a separate category, so you don't just click once for TV. Miriam has 5 TV categories.

Other things I like about the new design:

+ being able to add a person to my lists directly from the Name page.

+ the Expand Category links at both the top and bottom of the list of credits, which saves time loading the credits when you think ahead

+  the information icon on each title, which provides a lot of info, potentially saving me a trip to the title page. We can even add the title to a list from the pop-up!

+ the fact that most links can be opened in a New Tab.

+ being able to filter credits by genre on the Name page

Sure, there are things I don't like, and I've posted about most of them already. But for me, the new features far outweigh them. Here are most of my negatives, including some new ones that I hadn't reported yet:

- that I have to click 3 different spots (deselect the 3 pre-chosen categories) to get all the credits in the new format (I know about the All Credits view)

- that I have to scroll within the filter pop-up to access the link for View All Credits; I've suggested it belongs at the top

- that I have to click an arrow to scroll through the person's categories (on the same line as the filter button); I preferred the old-view listing all the categories at once

- that the year and info icon is so far to the right of the title, although it's good that the years are all lined up. But why not put them (and the (i)) as the first thing on the line, esp. since they're a fixed length.

- the separation of the "popular" links in the All Topics menu above the categorized ones. (Don't like it on the title page either.) My eye goes directly to the columns of choices.

- would be nice to have a jump-link at the top of the Name page to go directly to the Credits section

- that the Seen feature isn't in the All Topics menu

- I'm forgetting at least one other item that I've posted about here.

Enough for now.

10.7K Messages


225.5K Points

Yes, there are a few awesome features. For this reason, I've only really complained about the JavaScript bloat present in the new platform as shared by both IMDb title pages and IMDb name pages, in the default view, likewise how the "all topics" menu isn't pre-loaded when the page is visited. The way "known for" looks now is such a painful waste of space (as it is supposed to look like a row of contiguous posters), but that can probably be fixed with a bookmarklet or monkey script. I've not really bothered to reflect on and complement for the cool new features, as they don't really matter than much.

3 Messages


90 Points

2 years ago

Why ruin the good thing you used to have? The new format is terrible.

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled new format

4 Messages


104 Points

2 years ago

I just created an account on this community site so I can tell you to give us an option for the old IMDB site because this one is horrible



7.4K Messages


181K Points

@zvona2222You might find our update from last week helpful, particularly the point around the “All credits” view ->

4 Messages


104 Points

@Col_Needham​ Thanks but I'm discontented with the option to every time I visit IMDB have to click on All Topics>All Credits

So if you don't bring it back unfortunately I won't use IMDB anymore to check on actors and directors, I'll go now in pursuit of another site ( luckily if there is any other than this )

I commented on this with friends and most of them are dissatisfied

11 Messages


170 Points

2 years ago

Your new layout is shockingly bad.  Pages don't load, directors pages are missing and and keeps saying 'problem, try again later'

I need imdb for my job on a daily basis.  Sort this out by going back to the old one layout.  Truly awful.  

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Page layout



7.4K Messages


181K Points


Pages don't load, directors pages are missing and and keeps saying 'problem, try again later'

Sorry to hear this.  Please can you provide some examples of directors pages which you describe as “missing” and details of what you mean.  Also the same for pages which do not load?  

You might find our update from last week helpful, particularly the point around the “All credits” view ->

11 Messages


170 Points

I'm sorry but the new layout is not good or interesting and frankly, awkward to navigate.  There was nothing wrong with the old version.  

For example...

48 Messages


1.4K Points

@martin_695862​ wrote: I am also concerned that IMDB may start to redesign the layout of all its other pages as time goes on - that this is only the beginning of further reduction in usability and naff layout that looks good on a mobile phone for casual browsing but which is dumbed-down, cut into bite-size chunks, and generally worsened as a serious research/contribution tool.

Yeah, this is kind of my fear going forward as well.

But one thing I learned from this debacle is, next time I see a beta preview offered, I'll have to put in some effort to check it out and provide feedback instead of just ignoring it like I've done countless times on countless websites, most I don't use at any rate like IMDb. There have been a few others who've mentioned ignoring the beta preview -- and I honestly only have a vague recollection of that and don't remember how it was introduced to users or how it asked for user input/feedback. But I've also learned over the years that management has an agenda which it tasks the design team to implement. Designers also have goals and no one wants to be the website that's not moving in the general direction of the rest of Internet. Not sure I know of a website that puts user wants/needs foremost in the design process, so it almost always feels like, "It's not broke, so we're fixing it because we can."

10.7K Messages


225.5K Points

Discerning IMDb's last generation software platform from the IMDb's new software platform isn't too difficult. Thus far, any page besides a base IMDb name page, a base IMDb title page, the IMDb home page or certain IMDb search results pages is basically generated on the older system.

7 Messages


150 Points

@xianjiro​ Exactly.  I'd bet people who (like me), tried the beta, hated it, and went back to the option of the old page, never had a reason to complain until the change was forced upon them.  That means the communication back to the designers had a small percentage of heavy critics, if any.  So if that's the public group the designers used to assure approval, it wasn't a very good way of polling.  Hopefully they will read through some of the comments here and rethink.  Until then, when I look up a name and want to see if that name is in a specific movie or show, now I need to scroll down, find the "See all" button, click it, wait, and then do ctrl-F in chrome to find the show I'm interested in.  Instead of just ctrl-F.  Then if I want to see the episode details... oh, don't start me on that programming fiasco.  Sure, the new initial page load saves bandwidth because it doesn't load the entire list.  But the only reason bandwidth became a problem was because they added unneeded pictures to each line.  What is it about people who see a pretty interface saying, "I really like it", even when usability is compromised?

And please don't respond to this with the repeated, "All Credits" post.  It's not the same thing.  Not anywhere near the same thing.

2.7K Messages


47K Points


@martin_695862​ wrote: I am also concerned that IMDB may start to redesign the layout of all its other pages as time goes on - that this is only the beginning of further reduction in usability and naff layout that looks good on a mobile phone for casual browsing but which is dumbed-down, cut into bite-size chunks, and generally worsened as a serious research/contribution tool.

Yeah, this is kind of my fear going forward as well.

Unfortunately, this is not just a fear, but reality:

When will other pages switch to the new technology and new design?

Currently, home/where-to-watch/photos/videos/title are already modernized on IMDb. We plan to modernize subpages next and eventually the rest of the site.


Discussion of the impending changes:


10.7K Messages


225.5K Points

For the most part, public outcry is not really a thing in regards to website redesigns. A few times before on this thread, the YouTube redesign of autumn 2022 has been mentioned, and while hundreds of millions of people noticed the design, only something like several dozen people have taken a little bit of time to post public opinions about it. Reddit is probably the only website in recent history that had website maintainers respond in an acquiescing manner to visitors' complaints. (In other words, the old Reddit layout exists but it is hidden.) Granted, YouTube has always been very gradual about its redesign processes, casual visitors won't even notice changes. IMDb unfortunately has seen numerous jarring changes since 2017, but even so, the various features (apart from the site-native message boards) forgone had a very tiny fan base, which sort of implies underutilization anyway.

237 Messages


4.6K Points

@jeorj_euler​ as well as the massive loss of enjoyment of this site which the catastrophic removal of the message boards caused, I also miss "Where Are They Now?", alternative names, and character pages.

The character pages were a wonderful idea, being able to instantly look at somebody like Sherlock Holmes, and see all the people who had played him, photographs, quotes, and wiki bios.  Crazy that a movie site has no way to study characters actually.  Not to mention all the work which people put into them which was instantly lost.



5.1K Messages


118.5K Points


Using the collaboration search for titles, I infer that the page of your  snapshot is for

and I don't have a problem viewing his credits.

What OS/browser are you using?

Mine is Windows 11 and Chrome 108 or Firefox 107.

1 Message


60 Points

2 years ago

Why must everything be so slow? Every redesigned page is much slower than in old design… how many JavaScript libraries do you need to display a simple movie list? And I don't talk just about download speed, there is slow-down just after download, everything is sluggish. It could be done so much better… simpler and quicker.

10.7K Messages


225.5K Points

Might be interesting to check the total amount of bytes of data is downloaded just to properly display a page on the new software platform. It's sure to be way over half a megabyte, which doesn't seem like much, until things add up. Even with a fast connection, a fast GPU and lots of RAM, delays will emerge whenever any of these things are somehow (and for whatever reason) operating at nearly capacity. There is a thing called virtual RAM too, or swap, and it is slower than raw volatile RAM.

2 Messages


72 Points

2 years ago

The credits feature has been ruined by the redesign. The thumbnail images of movies add absolutely nothing and make referencing anyone with a long list of credits an unnecessarily time consuming task. The old format was far more user friendly.



7.4K Messages


181K Points

@Hangerz22You might find our update from last week helpful, particularly the point around the “All credits” view ->

10.7K Messages


225.5K Points

2 years ago

Here is a screen cap of an example of what I see most of the time whenever I click the "all topics" button:

"We are unable to load this content at this time. Please refresh the page or try again later."

11 Messages


170 Points


Yes, it's useless.  



7.4K Messages


181K Points

@jeorj_euler​ Please follow the advice in as you appear to be the only person reporting this specific issue. If you can reproduce it with a clean, modern, supported browser and operating system, off VPN, and without plug-ins, please let us know (a) which browser / system configurations were still broken like this (b) the results of a speed test from or similar (c) in which country you are located.  Thanks. 

10.7K Messages


225.5K Points

Right, but that is no excuse for designing the "all topics" to be dependent upon AJAX/fetch, which creates somewhat of an obstacle to forcing it to load automatically as the page loads. The reason for having all these third party scripts (all of my own design) in the first place is because of the terrible aspects of the design (or broken things) that have existed since apparently 2010. The situation is even worse now, because the new design is made in such a way as to "resist", so to speak, these corrective scripts. Because IMDb only party-way through the software platform migration, I'm inclined to wait until it finished before reworking the scripts.

11 Messages


170 Points


You've got to be joking.  I've just read dozens of others complaints on here!  It is still doing it, and I can't even see a person's history now at all.  

Why did you change something that worked fine before? I won't be using this anymore.  Truly hideous layout and even worse service.  

1 Message


60 Points

2 years ago

nobody needed this change, like the last not so long ago. what's worse, it's a bad change. everyone's here to tell you. you're literally wasting money paying people to do a job that's not needed, but nobody's good enough to tell your bosses.

2 Messages


84 Points

2 years ago

Option in settings to switch to old format please?

Sorry, but this "improvement" is just...not. It's clunky, unintuitive, and not at all user friendly. No one wants to read a whole other page on "how to use" your site. Formerly you could see everything at a glance, or with a bit of scrolling if the credits list was long. You even have to search for the bio link now.

2.7K Messages


47K Points


You even have to search for the bio link now.

And even worse, the bio link only has some of the relevant info on each celebrity -- for example, their social media links are not included on their bio pages. 

With the old name pages, everything used to be in one place, at a glance: the person's birthdate and birthplace, the intro paragraph from their bio, their social media links, their trivia, and most importantly, their full filmography. 

Now, with the redesign, only some of that stuff is available on the name pages, and all of it is broken up into several different subpages (most of which are not easy to find the links to directly from the name pages). 

A lot of people have complained about the "Known For" part of the redesigned name pages. But that isn't really the problem, since that also existed on the older version of the name pages.

The bigger problem is the removal of the full filmography from the name pages, combined with placing movie images/posters into the truncated filmography that now appears on the name pages. Those changes were unnecessary and they are causing the vast majority of the problems people are complaining about here.




7.4K Messages


181K Points


Now, with the redesign, only some of that stuff is available on the name pages, and all of it is broken up into several different subpages (most of which are not easy to find the links to directly from the name pages). 

Sorry, but none of these things have been removed from the new name pages. No changes have been made to the name subpages either, and we ensured that all content / links present on the old name pages are still on the new ones. If there is anything missing it is simply an oversight and we will take a look — please provide a specific example using to illustrate, thanks. 

[Edited on 12/14 to acknowledge that the "Available on Prime Video" widget has been removed, although more wide availability information has been added to each individual title in a filmography to compensate instead; discussion and details here]


2.7K Messages


47K Points



Regarding people's full filmographies, I didn't realize it until you brought it up, but apparently that info is still there on name pages, but only with a bunch of counterintuitive clicks to pull it up.

A related problem is that the name pages seemingly arbitrarily choose which project type to feature as the default for each person, which leads to odd results, like making it appear at first glance that Fred Armisen is more known for being a composer than an actor, and Barbara Streisand more known for being an actress than a musician. (I realize some of these problems predate the redesign, but these problems are more pronounced with the redesign, because the different modules for accessing filmography credits are now somewhat buried behind counterintuitive filter buttons rather than text labels like the old design.)

Fred Armisen

Barbra Streisand

"Did you Know" section

Here are some examples of name pages where the "Did you Know" section has been removed in the new redesign:

Tiphany Adams

Hannah Diamond

Arthur Hughes


Regarding birthplaces, with the old design the birthplaces were prominently stated at the top of the page next to the birthdates. The new redesign only states the birthdates, with no mention of birthplaces, at the tops of the pages (except for people who have narrative bios that mention their birthplaces). That led me to believe that birthplaces are now omitted from name pages. After receiving your response I looked more closely and realized that birthplaces are still on name pages, but they are placed way down the pages toward the bottom, after some irrelevant stuff (like the huge module for "IMDb Best of 2022").  I prefer listing birthplaces along with birthdates at the tops of pages, as in the old design. 

Subpages and "All Topics" menu

As for the subpages, while it's true that these have always been separated from each other, my point is they were all more easily accessible from each person's name pages, which was essentially a usable "master page" for each person. Now, with the redesign, the links to many of the subpages are buried under the cryptically labeled "All topics" menu, which is practically hidden in the top right corner of the page, separated from other labels that clearly have something to do with the person  (like "Biography" and "Awards"), making this stuff nearly impossible to find unless someone tells you where to look. Here was my feedback on this issue, previously stated in this same thread:

The choices I see in the top right-hand corner are "Biography," "Awards," "Trivia," "IMDbPro," then a button with a search image and the vague text label "All topics," then a button to share on social media, in that order.

The top part of the screen should be completely redesigned to include more options in a true top menu. I would list them in an order something like this: "Biography," "Credits," "Photos," "Awards," "News," "Did you know?," and then maybe a "More" option. Each of those choices should allow for a pull-down menu from which additional choices could be selected.  The vague "All topics" button could be done away with, and the choices currently presented there could be incorporated into the menu items in my list. 

That would allow for a true top menu that would be more intuitive and useful, and it would not take up much more room than the current design.

p.s. Also, "IMDbPro" could be eliminated from the "top"/"corner" menu, because there is already a link to "IMDbPro STARMETER" right below it.

Part of the confusion for me with the current corner menu is that "All topics" is separated from the other choices by the intervening "IMDbPro" option. This makes it look like "IMDbPro" and "All topics" do not relate to the celebrity on whose page these choices appear, but rather are general options to log in to IMDbPro or explore "all topics" on IMDb generally. 

By the way, thanks for causing me to take an even closer look at the redesign. I am realizing that it is not quite as bad as I had believed. A lot of the problems actually have to do with how the information is presented, rather than the absence of the information. But overall there are still a lot of improvements that could be made...




5.1K Messages


118.5K Points


Specific things missing:

Related News  (saw that it's on the left instead of right now)

On Prime Video

User Polls (I have seen this on other people)


I confirmed using the filmosearch for this person that IMDb has 9 Prime Videos, so that category is not absent for lack of data.




7.4K Messages


181K Points

@bderoes​ Thanks for the examples ...

Related News  (saw that it's on the left instead of right now)

We are not sure what you mean by "on the left" ... the news widget is further down the page after "Did You Know?" and before "Contribute to this page" and then also in the "All topics" menu -- it is in the "Popular" section at the top. 

On Prime Video

This has been expanded to all our supported streaming providers so it is in the pop-up "(i)" menu to the right of the year of each title.  For example:

User Polls (I have seen this on other people)

Ah, but this person is not the direct subject of any of these polls so this was confusing; if a name actually appears as an option in a poll, the widget is still present.  For example, see 

Hope this helps.



14.5K Messages


331.5K Points


And if a name is linked in the introduction of a poll, the poll should also appear on the name page. This appears to be happening correctly.

There is a small issue with the poll widget that I tried to report in the feedback form during testing: No thumbnail image shows up when the poll is based on an image list.




7.4K Messages


181K Points

@Peter_pbn​ Thanks -- that's a good one.  We will make sure the team sees it (and sorry it got lost on the original feedback form). 



5.1K Messages


118.5K Points


Having Prime Video information on each title is not comparable to having a list of titles that are available. I'm reporting the absence of this widget from the old layout:

(Side note: amazing that you've already forgotten that Related News was on the right column of the old layout. Hence my missing it initially in the new layout.)

Edited to add: It might be nice to see a Watch Options link in the upper part of the Name Page (over the Add to List button, as it is on Title pages) with the Prime Video list as the pop-up. 


10.7K Messages


225.5K Points

Great catch, bderoes! I tended not to think of that feature since I'm often looking at the name pages about people who aren't credited in a movie or show that is available to watch for free (or so) on Amazon's streaming service with a Prime subscription.



7.4K Messages


181K Points

@bderoes​ Thanks for the extra explanation ...

Having Prime Video information on each title is not comparable to having a list of titles that are available.

I understand the difference now and will amend my post above, sorry; it turns out this was a deliberate removal partly due to only one provider being supported, and therefore the resulting lack of clarity and accuracy on full availability.  This better belongs as an additional filter option with support for all of the providers we cover though (as on the iOS app) vs. a separate widget.  We will take this suggestion back to the team. 

It might be nice to see a Watch Options link in the upper part of the Name Page (over the Add to List button, as it is on Title pages) with the Prime Video list as the pop-up.

Thanks. In the meantime you can filter by availability (still only for Prime Video) and title type via any of the views which place you on /name/filmosearch (such as "by Rating"). For example,,desc&mode=detail&page=1&title_type=movie&watch_option=has_video_amazon_instant_video 

(Side note: amazing that you've already forgotten that Related News was on the right column of the old layout. Hence my missing it initially in the new layout.)

Ah sorry, I consider the page as having a main section and a right- hand side vs. a left and a right :-) Anyway, glad you found it, regardless of the terminology. 

48 Messages


1.4K Points

2 years ago

Here's another example of what I find so freakin' annoying about this 'improvement':

It's possible you might guess whose page I'm looking at, but I doubt it, even from the pictures that are shown. Give up?

What does the crap I've circled in yellow have to do with -name withheld since we don't have spoiler tags-?



5.1K Messages


118.5K Points


If you go through the gallery, the person in question does appear at #104 of 132.

1 Message


60 Points

2 years ago

In general, I like it. But it would be very useful to see in the Credits section the Top 3 genres of each item, its rating and my rating without a need to click every time on the Info button.



7.4K Messages


181K Points

@Jeksonic​ Thanks -- is this is a request to make the detailed pop-up automatically open upon mouse-over vs. a click?