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310.4K Points

Wednesday, November 1st, 2023 4:50 PM

IMDb Advanced Search Redesign

IMDb Advanced Search Redesign


We are excited to announce IMDb’s Advanced Search redesign! Customers are now able to leverage all three sub-searches (Name, Title, Collaborations) on a single search page, making it easier to update search queries and navigate to desired results. The refreshed search is meant to enhance the IMDb experience for all customers worldwide, improving the discovery and navigation with easier access to celebrity, movie, and TV content on any device. The updated experience reflects feedback and suggestions from customers as well as in-depth research.

For more information about the redesign you can review our FAQ, and for more information on how to use the new Advanced Search feature you can find details on our Help Guide.


We hope you enjoy this latest improvement, and thank you for continuing to make IMDb the world's most trusted source for movie, TV, and entertainment content. 


- The IMDb team



6 Messages


126 Points

3 months ago

I really liked the new advanced search page design and new additions.

I just want a single addition to this page. There are include-exclude options at the "your lists" part of advanced search page. I created a huge film list for a country to exlude it from the search results by using "your lists" part, but it is impossible to keep the list updated. It will be great if you add "exclude" option to "country" part too.

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Advanced title search feedback



7.2K Messages


178K Points

@hinayamazaki​ Thanks for the feedback.  This is already supported, but it is somewhat of a power user feature since you have to manually edit the URL of the search results.  To exclude a country, simply insert a “!” before the country in the Advanced Title Search URL.  For example, this is all of the movies with a US country of origin from 2023 ->


to exclude the US use this link instead ->


The “!” Is also supported in other fields too, notably language which you may also find useful. Here are all of the 2023 movies not in English ->



Hope this helps. 

6 Messages


126 Points

@Col_Needham​ Thank you very much. This is exactly what i wanted.



14.2K Messages


328.3K Points

3 months ago

An option to switch off fuzzy matches would be helpful. If I enter "boys" I am not necessarily interested in "boy" titles. It could also be a sort option such as "Relevance".

The regular search does much better with this in the default popular matches. It also has "exact matches", but this is a little different as it would only return the title Boys.


2 Messages


70 Points

3 months ago

"Results pagination has been improved and now supports lengthy lists on the same page, removing the restriction to groups of 50/100/250."

The pagination "improvement"

I don't like the new infinite scroll of all the results on one page. Can you put the restriction of 50/100/250 back and make the new infinite scroll optional, please?

5 Messages


110 Points

3 months ago

Sorry if this has been asked and answered before, but is it still somehow possible to specify the role of the person being searched for, like if I only want a list of movies with them as a director and not as an actor for example? Can't seem to figure it out. It used to be possible with the earlier "all topics" functionality. Thanks!

Edit: Should've mentioned this is for "Advanced title search"


2 Messages


70 Points

That doesn't answer my question 

5 Messages


110 Points

No, I was posting a question of my own. Replies are with a darker background.

7 Messages


120 Points

@brune​ I asked about that a few weeks ago and was told it's an issue IMDb is aware of but can't be fixed until some other issue is fixed first, something along that line.  Like you, I look forward to its return.

5 Messages


110 Points

@gregmaine@Col_Needham​ Thank you! Great to know that it's being worked on, looking forward to it.



5K Messages


118.1K Points

2 months ago

With the passing of Bob Newhart announced today, I wanted to see the cast members still living from The Bob Newhart Show. Here's as close as I got:


1) This is everyone, not just actors. Hopefully the filmosearch feature to specify jobs will help that eventually.

2) Bug: Although there were 511 results, I could only display 300. After that, clicking on the "Next 50" link just refreshed the page without providing a link. When I do a browser page refresh, I get back to the first 50 with a link. I experienced the same terminus when I scrolled and clicked on the link 6 more times.

Why was I even going to the bottom of the list? Because sorting by the death date would place people without a death date at the end of the list. So I thought I'd work my way backward, especially knowing that Peter Bonerz is living. But people with custom mini-bios don't necessarily show a death date on this report. (The automated bios are short enough to see the death mentioned.)

I tried using a beginning death date of today, and edited the url with ! (not) before the date, and the system just washed that parameter out of the url.

I tried using an ending death date of today, editing the url with ! before the date, and the system washed out the !.

So, in addition to reporting the bug (#2 above), my purpose here is to ask:

Is there a way to search for people (cast/crew attached to a particular title) who have no death date using IMDb (non-Pro)?



14.2K Messages


328.3K Points



5K Messages


118.1K Points

Thanks Peter, that helps. 

Regarding the bug reported above, this time I noticed that when the page expanding stopped, this time at 150 results out of 248, the line at the top of the results said "1-150 of 0".

Too bad the Expand All link refers to the search criteria and not the search results.

2 Messages


70 Points

2 months ago

I tend to watch films in alphabetical order as it saves me a tremendous amount of time sitting there scrolling and deciding what I want to watch. After a few years I am now done with numbers and moved on to letters. The thing is that when you search for a movie and categorise it in alphabetical order it takes a very long time to scroll all the way down to the letters as it only loads 50 titles at a time. I wanted to kindly request that this be changed to pages instead, that way if I click on a title by mistake or I close down the page I can easily pick up where I left off by clicking on the page number. Rather than start from scratch and scroll down for hours on end. It would also help if it was possible to search for a page number. 

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled TV & Movie

13 Messages


182 Points

2 months ago

It has been months since this feature disappeared in any useful form.  Is it being abandoned?

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Are we ever getting the ability to search quotes by words or phrases back?

13 Messages


182 Points

1 month ago

Hi, thank you, Col, for the previous answers.  What I'm really looking for is not quite what the examples listed had.  For instance, you used the "I'll be back" and showed how you could find movies that included that quote.  What I'm looking for is the older functionality of putting in a word, say, "back" and showing a list of quotes containing that word, of which "I'll be back" was one answer that might span multiple movies, but would also (for instance) include other quotes containing "back" such as "back when I was a kid".  

The old functionality allowed word from the quote to be the seed, and the result would be a list of quotes containing the search term, followed by the movie, as in "I'll be back" - The Terminator the first hit and then "We've got to go back to the future, Marty" as the second, and not just the movie title, but the actual quotes in (as I recall) lists of 25 or 50 quotes that could be viewed without having to click on a movie and then search the movie quotes manually.

Is that coming back, or is it there and I'm just too stupid to figure out how to make the search function work?  Thanks for your previous replies and thanks in advance for your patience.

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Quote Search



14.2K Messages


328.3K Points

Col said:

"We will be including the text of the topics matched directly in the search results as before (in your example, quotes)."

But it could take some time.

2 Messages


70 Points

30 days ago

Dear IMDb community:

I've found posts complaining about the Advanced Search redesign effective last year, but cannot locate any posts regarding a solution or other options. There are three different view modes for Advanced Search results: "detailed," "grid," and "compact." There is no view mode that displays all the information found under "See more information" -- you have to select it for each search result individually. It would be very helpful and preferable to have a view mode that displayed that information for all entries. There was a way for a time that you could somehow get that older-style view, but I don't remember how, and perhaps the redesign worked its way through the site to eliminate that. I wish I could quickly see the genres, writers, directors, top cast, etc. Is there a workaround for this, an ability to return to the older Advanced Search, or an extension? As long as I'm wishing for things, it would be good to have such an "expanded" view with a "summary" toggle. I want more information, but like using "compact" view, I may or may not want to see summaries that give away too much of the story.

Finally, another thing that has been discussed, but I have not seen a solution to: Advanced Search using "or." For example, I might want to search for animation that falls into either the fantasy OR science fiction genres. I might want to search by keyword for works based on comics OR based on graphic novels. Is that possible, and I haven't figured it out? That would be a great ability.

Thank you to Col Needham, IMDb, and the community.

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Advanced Search - Show all "See more information" at Once / "or" Function

1 Message


62 Points

26 days ago


I am starting using the advanced search for titles.

But I have the following problem: the advanced search seems to be searching for an exact match which is not the case of the standard search.

For example, I want to search for the film "erine brocoviche".

With the standard search, I get:

But with the advanced search I get:

Is there a way to have the same behavior in the advanced search as the one in the standard search ?

Thank you

2 Messages


70 Points

21 days ago


A while back, it was possible to navigate to a person's page and there were links to advanced title search pages filtered by that person's role (e.g. titles in which David Lynch was an actor, titles in which Danny DeVito was a director, etc).

Now, with the new advanced title search UI, I can filter titles which have a person in its cast or crew, but not by their specific roles.

Is there still any way to accomplish this?

(BTW I am aware that the Credits section in a person's page allows filtering by role, but it doesn't offer the same degree of freedom in filtering and sorting as Advanced Title Search does)

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled How to filter advanced title search by a person's specific role?