13 Messages


182 Points

Thursday, August 15th, 2024 12:44 AM


Quote Search

Hi, thank you, Col, for the previous answers.  What I'm really looking for is not quite what the examples listed had.  For instance, you used the "I'll be back" and showed how you could find movies that included that quote.  What I'm looking for is the older functionality of putting in a word, say, "back" and showing a list of quotes containing that word, of which "I'll be back" was one answer that might span multiple movies, but would also (for instance) include other quotes containing "back" such as "back when I was a kid".  

The old functionality allowed word from the quote to be the seed, and the result would be a list of quotes containing the search term, followed by the movie, as in "I'll be back" - The Terminator the first hit and then "We've got to go back to the future, Marty" as the second, and not just the movie title, but the actual quotes in (as I recall) lists of 25 or 50 quotes that could be viewed without having to click on a movie and then search the movie quotes manually.

Is that coming back, or is it there and I'm just too stupid to figure out how to make the search function work?  Thanks for your previous replies and thanks in advance for your patience.

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IMDb Advanced Search Redesign



14.2K Messages


328.3K Points

1 month ago

Col said:

"We will be including the text of the topics matched directly in the search results as before (in your example, quotes)."

But it could take some time.