4 Messages


102 Points

Saturday, May 4th, 2024 6:55 AM


No Status

IMDB Advanced Search page should have a filter for parental guidance.

Hi! I've been using IMDB for a long time to check movie ratings and inappropriate scenes. The "Parents Guide" has been very helpful for me in this regard. However, lately, it's been difficult to find family-friendly movies to watch with my family. I believe adding a section to the "Advanced Search" page on IMDB to filter movies based on the ratings of content like inappropriate scenes would be quite beneficial. I've shared this idea with IMDB, and they suggested that I post it here to see how others would react. I think such a feature could be easily implemented and would be helpful. What are your thoughts? (Sorry for english)

This conversation has been merged. Please refer the main conversation:

Advanced search by parents guide categories

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