4 Messages


92 Points

Wednesday, November 16th, 2022 8:34 PM


I can't login with Facebook or reset password

I used to use Facebook to login into IMDb, but I cannot reset my password either using the technique recommended. I go to the reset password page, type in my email and the captcha, and there is always an error.

The email is definitely correct because it's the one I use for Facebook. When I login using my Google account, obviously all my watchlist and old rankings are not there. I've literally got like a thousand rankings and 200 films in my watchlist, which I can't remember off the top of my head, so this is really irritating. 

Bizarrely, I am still logged in on the IMDb app on my Samsung, but I can't double check any details like my email address or do anything from there.

How can I recover my account and my watchlist etc?

This conversation has been merged. Please refer the main conversation:

Removal of IMDb Account “Sign in with Facebook”

8.3K Messages


174.3K Points

2 years ago

Joined Wed, Nov 16, 2022

Michelle, Employee
Fri, Sep 23, 2022
Removal of IMDb Account Sign in with Facebook”
