4 Messages
132 Points
How can I search for a character?
How can I search for the name of a character to find out what show or movie the character was in and what actor played the character? (example: I searched for the character Allison Mackenzie, but the results were all actresses and other actual people. I finally remembered that she was a character in Peyton Place played by Mia Farrow.)
7.4K Messages
275.9K Points
5 years ago
The plan was for character search to eventually be brought back, but I have no idea when that will actually happen.
Right now, your best bet may be to do a Google search using the character name and imdb. In some cases, your results may be dominated by actual people with that name, but it's also possible that you may find the title with the character somewhere in the results list.
14.4K Messages
329.7K Points
5 years ago
19.4K Messages
476.9K Points
5 years ago
As gromit82 points out above, it is no longer possible to do a character search within IMDb. However, you can do an equivalent search using Google. In your case, use this for the search term in Google:
site:imdb.com "Allison Mackenzie"
This produces this search results:
Results include:
Peyton Place (1957) - Diane Varsi as Allison MacKenzie - IMDb
Mia Farrow as Allison Mackenzie, Allison MacKenzie - IMDb
Barbara Williams as Sister Allison MacKenzie - IMDb
= = =
This is the general form:
site:imdb.com {Search_Term},
where {Search_Term} is your specific search term such as "Allison Mackenzie"
= = =
In anticipation of IMDb deprecating character pages, I produced this list of the first 1000 characters on IMDb:
Links to Internet Archive of Character Pages
Character Code / Link to Archived Page / Character Name
19 Messages
340 Points
4 years ago
Since CHARACTERS are no longer listed as searchable objects, how can we find the episode(s) of a show the characters was in as a guest? He's not listed in the "Full Cast" listing (it seems truncated).
Specifically, I was looking for Batman's appearance in "The Adventures of Superman" and there was no way to do a character search.
6 Messages
80 Points
4 years ago
Why can't one anymore search charachters so, that if you for example write 'Sherlock Holmes', it would show you EVERY film, series etc. that include that charachter and who played it and where????
2 Messages
62 Points
3 years ago
I really miss this feature. The search just lists individual results you may have to go to page 14 of the responses to get a character. e.g. site:imdb.com "zeus" - you won't get a single response that covers each movie with zeus. I used to use this for a lot of angels, gods, superheroes, even bond. I hope they put the feature back in soon.
11 Messages
120 Points
3 years ago
There used to be a feature where one could find characters (usually ones that appeared n more than one film) along with who played them in which films.
It was VERY handy for playing film related games as well as for serious research.
Wondering why this great feature was eliminated and IF it will ever come back !