6 Messages


96 Points

Saturday, September 9th, 2023 3:28 AM


AOT reviw bombings

The highest-rated episodes of "Attack on Titan" (AOT) on IMDb, which had received ratings of 9.9, are currently experiencing a significant decline in their ratings due to what appears to be a targeted campaign of review bombing. This decline is particularly concerning because these episodes have been highly regarded for many years, and the sudden drop in ratings indicates a recent and deliberate effort to negatively impact their reputation. It is worth noting that "Attack on Titan" has been subjected to review bombing in the past, but this current wave of attacks is of particular concern.

Furthermore, the most recent episode of "Attack on Titan" has also been adversely affected by an unusually high number of 1-star reviews, preventing it from attaining the rating it likely deserves based on its actual content and quality. This issue is exacerbated by the ongoing influx of thousands of 1 and 2-star ratings on the main IMDb page for "Attack on Titan" on a weekly basis, which threatens to undermine the overall rating of the series.

It is evident that "Attack on Titan" has garnered a significant number of detractors who may be driven by jealousy of its success or dissatisfaction with its conclusion. Therefore, I would like to appeal to the IMDb staff to consider implementing protective measures to mitigate the impact of such orchestrated efforts to manipulate the ratings of episodes and the series as a whole. These measures would help safeguard the integrity of the ratings system and restore the original ratings of the affected episodes, ensuring a more accurate representation of the show's quality.

This conversation has been merged. Please refer the main conversation:

attack on titan's high rated episodes have been getting review bombed

6 Messages


96 Points

1 year ago

This is a reddit post about how a discord server is planning on doing all this