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370 Points

Thursday, May 8th, 2014 10:10 PM

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Create Chromecast app

Is there any plans to make the IMDb app work with Chromecast?

3 Messages


232 Points

9 years ago

+1 I've been asking for this since Chromecast was born in 2013. With IMDB being such a popular app, with good developer support, I'm surprised casting trailers to Chromecast hasn't been baked in yet.

4 Messages


266 Points

9 years ago

Almost every other trailer app has this. I really wish IMDB had it as well. Maybe even an auto play frature that will play the next trailer after some time has elapsed. That would encourage people to watch more trailers.

1 Message


102 Points

9 years ago

Makes perfect sense... can't believe ChromeCast isn't supported yet! 

3 Messages


232 Points

9 years ago

Gut feeling IS IMDB is just a puppet of Amazon to provide push through sales of Amazon Prime/Video, therefore in no way do they want to promote the Chromecast.

3 Messages


232 Points

9 years ago

Just realised Amazon owns IMDb, so Chromecast support will never arrive https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IMDb?wp...

4 Messages


266 Points

That makes a lot of sense. I guess I'm going to find a different app for trailers. Amazon apparently had already tainted this service.

1 Message


62 Points

7 years ago

The omission of support for Chromecast is a real pity. If the influence of Amazon is the reason for this omission, It’d be pretty sad.

4 Messages


266 Points

7 years ago

This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled Chromecast.

Chromecast to cast trailers to a TV

2 Messages


222 Points

7 years ago

This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled Chromecast & App casting.

Ability to cast movie trailers to Tv monitors

2 Messages


112 Points

7 years ago

This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled I love the app! It would be amazing to have a Chromecast option when browsing mov....

2 Messages


102 Points

7 years ago

This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled Chromecast.

Please update app to allow trailers to be sent to chromecast via android.

1 Message


64 Points

6 years ago

If amazon is the reason, I wouldn’t mind if there was a link to it after the trailer played that I could choose to press if I wanted to see the movie

1 Message


62 Points

5 years ago

Now that Amazon can cast to chrome, it's time to update IMDb

2 Messages


88 Points

What exactly do you refer to? The "Prime Video" app?
On iOS the app still does not Chromecast.