2 Messages


72 Points

Sunday, September 10th, 2023 2:22 PM


No Status

What, if a rating is false or forged?

When I was the first time searching for the Korean Series "King the Land", it had an IMDb rating of 8.0. That was on 24.06.2023. When I was checking it again on 13.08.2023, suddenly it was rated with just 3.5! I was wondering because this series was mentioned at that time as the best series in 2023 on MyDramaList. Now, I just finished watching the series and I really couldn't believe that it still had a rating of just 4.2. If anyone of you would have seen this series, you would agree, that these voting is based on false voting and I strongly believe that it was produced by a script and therefor forged. Can you please check in your log files, if this can be the case and change it to the real rating? I saw, that the first 8 episodes have much more votes (8.078 to 15.052) than the rest of the series and all of them have the bad rating (2.9 to 4.4). from episode 9 on, the voters are much less (530 to 1112) and the rating much higher (between 7.7 and 8.9!). This difference can be explained, that the false script based voting happend before episode 9 was released.

Ratings are for me a crucial information and decision provider, if I would watch a movie or series or not. And I believe, many other visitors of IMDb do the same. If I know, that these ratings can be manipulated, the reliability of IMDb and it's information is gone.

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Fake reviews for King The Land (2023)

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