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70 Points
Need Help Identifying a Black and White Film on Turner Classic Movies
Can you help to find the name of a black and white Turner Classic movie? The movie timeline was from approximately the mid 1940's to the mid 1950's.
Most importantly, I should have documented the time and date. I have seen approximately the last fifteen minutes of this movie.
One night between 10:00 and 12 midnight, I was channel searching. First go around I noticed a young girl approximately 12 -13 years old who was Possibly a Bit Player. Which wasn't so important. Still channel searching I came upon a man in a light-colored suite. (Again, a black & white movie). It was known by the picture’s contrast. His hair was light in color. Parted on the right and swept to the left and then back. He was singing the words to the Copacabana song. (Verbatim). Just as it is known today. (without mentioning Copacabana). The Copacabana song is known as one of Barry Manilow's signature songs. The man sang it like Frank Sinatra slow and just saying the words. Not as upbeat as it is today. In this movie it wasn't a complete song. The man sung: Rico he wore a diamond. He was escorted to his chair. He saw Lola dancing there and when she finished. He called her over, but Rico went a bit too far. Tony sailed across the bar and then the punches flew, and chairs were smashed in two. There was a single gunshot but just who shot who?
Note: This was sung as a man and woman were sitting and talking at a table in a luxurious night club. At first the man was standing at a microphone stand. As the camera pulled back the man was singing. The man and woman at the table became center along with the audio (them speaking). The man singing was just seen by his torso behind the couple at the table.
Additionally, the time period of the movie seems to be between 1945-1955. I have seen the movie Lola and this was not it.
I blocked out what the people were saying at the table to concentrate on the background singing. I then ran for a pen and a piece of paper. I return and hit the information button on the remote. "No info given". I didn't know what to do. I realize I don't have a lot of information but I'm still looking for the name of this movie. Hoping you can help. Thank you much.
7.4K Messages
181.2K Points
14 days ago
@RJmoviefan The Barry Manilow song was only released in 1978 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Copacabana_(song)) so using this search -> https://www.imdb.com/search/title/?title_type=feature,tv_movie&release_date=1978-01-01,&soundtracks=Copacabana&sort=release_date,asc could it be:
Copacabana (1985)
47 Messages
718 Points
14 days ago
Lol That's a lot of unnecessary information to take in.
It can't possibly have been the song Copacabana being sung unless it was made after the late '70s.
Are you positive it wasn't "Mac the Knife" the guy was singing?