2 Messages
80 Points
Looking for the movie title of a thriller from the 1970ies
Hello movie fans,
I have been looking for a Thriller film from the 1970ies (or 1980ies).
So my memory may be off in some aspects but this is what I think I remember
The protagonist is an engineer or a mathematician who possesses some valuable information (formula, or equation). He is chased by some larger entity, a company, or a group of men, who want that information.
I also remember that there is a woman who helps him throughout the movie.
I also remember that it ends with the protagonist getting on a boat or ferry to flee from the situation, an act that was arranged by that woman.
I would appreciate all kids of hints or guesses or the title.
7.4K Messages
181.2K Points
11 months ago
@AngeZar88 The movie Torn Curtain (1966) has all of the elements you describe.