2 Messages


70 Points

Saturday, April 29th, 2023 11:26 PM


No Status

IMDB Account - How to bring back content?

I originally saved my account via Facebook a few years ago and had to make changes to due personal device transfer recently. Unfortunately it instead created a brand-new blank account, which I didn't want to do. My information is still saved onto the site, but is there a way I can get full access back to the original account again?

I did try logging back in multiple times, but it always seems to set-up a brand-new account over and over and over and over again. Instead of allowing to just log in - I had to sign in using something else. Is there any way I can fix this problem and get back access properly with all the stuff I saved onto the site (ratings and lists) through another way without restarting it by "Sign In"?

Please let me know as soon as you can,

Lewis McIntosh 

This conversation has been merged. Please refer the main conversation:

Removal of IMDb Account “Sign in with Facebook”

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