4 Messages


82 Points

Wednesday, August 9th, 2023 8:45 PM


year missing on birthdays

seems like imdb mesed up something (again). I see many entries without a year. so is this. It's 1990: https://www.imdb.com/name/nm3231728/?ref_=ttfc_fc_cr6


I can't add the year myself for some reason too, site's getting worse and worse. Would be nice if someone could add it.

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4 Messages


82 Points

2 years ago

With "I see many entries without a year." I mean that it wasn't like that a year ago for example. I've never seen so much people with just dates but no year. It seems to me they vanished due to a display or data issue. The birthdays seem to be not editable anymore too. I just can't change anything! Only the birthplace is changeable!