5 Messages


102 Points

Monday, January 18th, 2021 2:23 AM


Why Do Some Reviews Get Published Faster Than Others?

I haven't written many reviews, but when I do, it says that they have to be reviewed, which takes days. I am wondering why mine take days to get published while others are published the same day?

10.6K Messages


225.3K Points

4 years ago

I've speculated that as the trust relationship between the IMDb data-editing staff and a given IMDb Contributor does nothing but improve over the course of time, in regards to some IMDb data types, the content or updates submitted by that contributor for those data types are scrutinized quite as deeply, unless the IMDb object being to be updated is commonly at risk of being erroneously updated by large numbers of contributors, regardless of their respective submission accuracy ratings. In the case of movie reviews, they are expected to be likely opinionated, which is wholeheartedly allowed, but regardless they are supposed to be checked for guideline violations that a simple automated script will not be able to detect, unless the content of the review is just so simple itself.

74 Messages


2.8K Points

It's obvious that some editors are easy going and let things slide that some others are very fussy about. If you look at reviews of films with controversial topics from 10 years ago, you'll see many things now that would get them declined. These old reviews were probably approved in less overly sensitive times while some sjw today utilizes their fake power to decline something based on their political views, not the imdb guidelines.

I've had reviews declined then posted the reference number here and found it to be approved. You've got a variety of personalities obviously working for them. I looked back at reviews I wrote in November and none were declined. But then two were declined and I made tweaks that either were approved or declined, some more than twice. I suggest to writers to save their declined work and resubmit it after a week, hopefully with the roulette wheel spinning to someone else who is more easy going and not so militant. 

5 Messages


102 Points

I agree with you that the rules get unequally applied. But my question is about how long it takes to get them approved. I've tried to double-review something before because so much time went by, I wondered if I hit "post" when I was done.

My biggest gripe right now is how people are using political beliefs and other opinions to Down vote/Up Vote movies they haven't even seen. It has really ruined the ability to tell if a movie is quality by looking at the average rating number. 

I have a review that I wrote on 1-16 that says "Pending" - so it hasn't been rejected - it's just hanging there. It's for WandaVision, which has gotten a lot of press and opinions + and -. As of this morning (look at reviews and sort by "date"), 34 reviews have been published from today (1-18), and a bunch (I stopped counting at 90) published from yesterday (1-17). So why is mine still hanging?

I was critical of other reviews (per User Review Guidelines, "Resist the temptation to review on other reviews or features visible on the page.") But that's being done all over the place for WV. From "So many questions...you people need to pay more attention" to "Review bombs are the unfortunate result of the popularity of this franchise". Many say you mustn't rush to judgment from seeing only 2 episodes in, by making a low score, then go on to give it a high score themselves in their own rush to judgement - not at all hypocritical.

Clearly there is some algorithm that gives many reviews a pass. Many reviews use profanity, replacing vowels with '*' or "$', and they go right through. I just don't know what I did to tick off the Great Algorithm so mine apparently are always waiting for a human to review.

10.6K Messages


225.3K Points

Also, week of the quarter, day of the week, and time of day, factor into this.



578 Messages


11.2K Points

Jeorj has it right here - there are multiple reasons why a review might be delayed in publication.


My suggestion would be follow the rules to the letter, even if you see other people commenting on other reviews you should not do this as your review will just be removed when we notice even if the original data editor misses it.


Keep an eye on the contribution times page - we get thousands of user reviews a day so this is one we can sometimes have a multiple day lag on.



578 Messages


11.2K Points

@Bartman your review has been published and can be seen here:




Whilst I disagree with it (I enjoyed the show a lot) I couldn't see any breach of guidelines.


I think you might better serve your review readers by not comparing the show to others that they might not have seen, and to review based on the content in the show. 

8.4K Messages


174.7K Points

4 years ago


Joined Mon, Jan 18, 2021 

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and You read this ...

Data Processing Times:

Data Type      SLA          Oldest Item           Unprocessed Items
User Reviews Platinum  15 January 2021    4,734
- - -


Some others that post Reviews:
IMDb member since Sun Jun 8 2003

https://www.imdb.com/user/ur2467618/ratings  - 24,767 titles 
https://www.imdb.com/user/ur2467618/reviews  - 25,036 Reviews

IMDb member since Fri Jan 30 2009

https://www.imdb.com/user/ur20552756/ratings  - 18,167 titles
https://www.imdb.com/user/ur20552756/reviews - 18,181 Reviews
IMDb member since Sun Jun 15 2003

https://www.imdb.com/user/ur2483625/ratings  - 17,358 titles 
https://www.imdb.com/user/ur2483625/reviews - 17,381 Reviews 
IMDb member since Sat Nov 25 2006
https://www.imdb.com/user/ur13134536/ratings - 11 titles 
https://www.imdb.com/user/ur13134536/reviews - 16,428 Reviews  
IMDb member since May 2000
https://www.imdb.com/user/ur0482513/ratings - 17,671 titles 
https://www.imdb.com/user/ur0482513/reviews - 14,710 Reviews

5 Messages


102 Points

Wow. Thank you. I had no idea the volume of data that IMDB has to process. I think I also did not understand what the date means on a review. I thought it meant the date the review was created. Is it the date the review was approved? If so, then I have no idea how quickly those other reviews took to get approved, and made an incorrect assumption.

Also, based on the examples of reviewers you show, I will never again worry that I watch too many movies or TV shows.

8.4K Messages


174.7K Points

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