bradley_kent's profile

1.3K Messages


23.4K Points

Wednesday, March 9th, 2022 1:29 AM



When it comes to keywords, certain titles are more "entitled" than other titles

Apparently some titles are more “entitled” than other titles when it comes to keywords.

There are three titles that still retain “haunted” instead of “haunting”:

  1. Gekljouban Jujutsu Kalsen O (2021)

2.  His House (2020)

3. Das schaurige Haus (2020)

“haunted” (three titles) should be merged into “haunting” (1268 titles) and then barred as a keyword.

There are three titles that still retain “paranormal” instead of “paranormal-phenomenon”:

1. Nancy Drew (2019-)

2. Haunted: Latin America (2021-)

3. Star (II) (2021)

“paranormal (three titles) should be merged into “paranormal-phenomenon” (1568) and then barred as a keyword.

There new two title that still retain ”supernatural” instead of “supernatural power”:

  1. Jeepers Creepers: Reborn (2021)

2. Encounter (III) (2021)

“Supernatural” (two titles) should be merged into “supernatural-power” (5547 titles) and then barred as a keyword.

Attempts to make the deletions/corrections on these titles have not been accepted. Don’t know why these titles are sacrosanct. Why?

8.5K Messages


176.1K Points

3 years ago

Add some clickable links here ??

Check status later ...



2.7K Messages


47K Points

3 years ago

@bradley_kent Are you able to delete any other keywords from these particular titles?

If not, then most likely these titles have been "protected" by IDMb staff from keyword editing. Sometimes staff do this after keyword pages are vandalized. There is a discussion of keyword protection in this thread (note where Thomas says "We've taken the appropriate steps to prevent any more deletes."). 

To add to your list, I am pretty sure that the keywords on Caligula (1979) are protected from deletion. On this title, I have never been able to delete any keywords. I have been able to edit (change) keywords on this title, but sometimes it takes a couple attempts.

Caligula (1979)

1.3K Messages


23.4K Points

3 years ago

Yes, I have been able to delete or correct other keywords on these titles... AND these keywords on other titles.  They seem like such strange titles to be "protected"!


1.3K Messages


23.4K Points

3 years ago

How about a response? Explanation? Anything?



17.5K Messages


313K Points

3 years ago

Hi bradley_kent -

Thanks for reporting these outliers, the keywords have been merged and mapped accordingly.
