hurdy_gurdy_man's profile

59 Messages


1.4K Points

Sunday, June 17th, 2018 6:16 PM

Someone's been mass-deleting plot keywords of several films.

I have just visited the keywords page of Animal House, a movie with over 100,000 user votes; so safe to assume it is fairly popular. In the past I distinctly recall it having over 100 keywords. Now I see that it has only 35. That too really odd keywords only with all general keywords entirely deleted. I have submitted corrections on several of them so you might not see the same page if you open it, but I do have the list of keywords that I found on the page:

academic probation
angel on shoulder
binge drinking
college campus
college dean
college expulsion
college freshman
college senior
college student
crosley automobile
devil on shoulder
disciplinary hearing
extramarital affair
female nudity
fraternity initiation
fraternity pledge
grade point average
homecoming parade
honor court
husband wife relationship
male nudity
may december romance
mid term exam
older woman younger man relationship
pot smoking
pre vietnam war
reference to richard nixon
riding a motorcycle inside a house
running over a fire hydrant
school expulsion
social satire
student council
toga party
You can see that general keywords which were on the page before such as fraternity, beer, motorcycle, car-crash etc. have been deleted to replace them with such odd rare keywords.
This has also happened elsewhere on several similarly popular titles. I remember visiting the page for A Few Good Men sometime back where the keywords were less than 30. Maybe the same situation is there even now. That is just one example that comes to my mind.

I am sure this is the work of one troublemaker who perhaps seems to think that 40 or 50 should be the top limit for the number of keywords on a page and only extremely specific keywords should remain while all general keywords should be removed. Is there any way IMDb admins can take steps to prevent this?

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8.6K Messages


176.8K Points

7 years ago

I have just visited the keywords page of Animal House,
In the past I distinctly recall it having over 100 keywords.
Now I see that it has only 35.
by Hurdy Gurdy Man
Joined on March 17, 2013
- - -


June 17 2018

Animal House  (1978)
100,226 IMDb users have given a weighted average vote of 7.6 / 10
Showing all 35 plot keywords

July 28 2021

115,059 IMDb users have given a weighted average vote of 7.5 / 10

Showing all 229 plot keywords

- - -


Internet Archive Wayback Machine*/

Dec 8 2015
Showing all 152 plot keywords

You can look up other Dates...




14.5K Messages


331.1K Points

The title had 189 keywords in February this year, but apparently it was reduced to 35 that month. I agree that seems extreme.

59 Messages


1.4K Points

@ ACT_1: That webpage was extremely helpful. Will help me do some urgent damage control.

1.4K Messages


23.7K Points

I've had this happen with several titles for which I originally contributed many keywords.  Never touched this title, so, oh, my...

Can the person who made these deletions be contacted?  Can the keyword list from February be reinstated?

181 Messages


4.8K Points

7 years ago

Hi Hurdy Gurdy Man, thanks for this report. We've taken the appropriate steps to prevent any more deletes. Once we have contacted the contributors involved we will reinstate any keywords that should not have been removed.

755 Messages


20.4K Points

6 years ago

Hello Hurdy Gurdy Man,

Thanks for your various reports and patience whilst we looked into this.

I have looked into this and cleaned up the titles reported.  We have indeed reached out to the user responsible and have taken internal steps to prevent this from happening again.

Have a great day!

1K Messages


30.2K Points

6 years ago

I'm finding many titles where someone has inexplicably removed a mass of keywords. Here's an example I found today.

Keyword list for THE FLYING DEUCES (1939) from 2012:

Keyword list from today:

Anyone familiar with the movie will find it bizarre that important keywords like shark, bed-spring, horse, and others have been removed. I understand that beautiful-woman has been ruled useless (and I agree). But do the rules no longer permit keywords like laurel-and-hardy and public-domain?

This is far from the worst example. Some person or persons must think keyword lists should be strictly and arbitrarily limited. Whoever they are, I hope they are no longer contributing.



1.2K Messages


36.3K Points

6 years ago

Hi J.

Thanks for your post.

I have restored the missing keywords now, please allow up to 24 hours for this to reflect on all platforms.
