nic_b's profile



46 Messages


2.3K Points

Tuesday, November 14th, 2017 10:28 PM

Updates to Characters

Today we are modifying the display of Characters across IMDb.
After in-depth discussion and examination, we have decided to simplify the display of Characters on IMDb, focusing our on-going efforts towards title specific character details.  While in concept, we love the idea of character data spanning across all titles, in practice we do not feel our past experience lived up to expectations. The majority of our previous character pages were dead ends, without any related content, providing a confusing and disjointed experience.  The filmography credits were often unusable, and the bios many times were inconsistent given numerous disparate story lines. While the previous experience had drawbacks, we truly appreciate all the hard work of everyonewho contributed to characters over the years.  That said, as of today, we are simplifying the experience, allowing us to retain the character concept while building a foundation for future growth.

With today’s release we have begun this transition.  Our new character experience will support title specific images, quotes, and keywords.  Moving forward we will no longer support character filmography, biographies, videos, character lists or polls.  To aid in this transition, we are temporarily retaining our prior character experience until Dec 6th.  This will provide our users time to archive any character lists, polls or biographies which they previously created or contributed towards. If you wish to migrate any character lists or polls, we recommend rebuilding the content with an image list.  Existing character lists can also be archived by selecting the “Export this list” option. During this transition, we have temporarily retained the character search option, but will suspend support after Dec 6th.  In the coming months, we plan to re-enable character search based on our new experience.
We understand this is a significant change which was made only after careful consideration.  We appreciate your understanding.

Here is an example of the new experience


1 Message


160 Points

7 years ago

The pages are unreadable.  For *any* kind of information.  This must be a deliberate sabotage to kill IMDB.

Why would you want to do a fool thing like this?  I mean, why?  I oddly just want the regular old imdb, read the cast, crew, reviews.  You know, information about a film like you've done for 25 yrs. 

R.I.P., Wackjobs.

2 Messages


270 Points

7 years ago

I too hate the idea.  IMDb was most useful to finding out what other shows any particular actor was playing in.  For example, if I saw an actor I didn't know anything about but I liked his/her performancce, I'd look up what else the actor playeed in, there were links to the shows I was intrerested in, together with ratings, brief description of content, what other shows were people interested in, etc., and we could instantly check it out.  Now I will have to find another site  that provides all this info.  The proposed changes really suck!  Good bye, IMDb.

1 Message


142 Points

7 years ago

Well, frack. It seems that the function is shutting down already. I used to be able to find every movie and TV show with Captain Marvel, but now when I enter the character name "Captain Marvel, I only get four listings, including two with variants of the name, and that means there are a whole bunch of appearances I am not getting. And I really need to find all the movies and TV shows with a Captain Marvel in it for a research project.



5K Messages


117.9K Points

The pages are still there until Dec 6. Did you click through on the 4?
Doesn't this page help?
That is one of the 4 listed when searched for character Captain Marvel.

12 Messages


870 Points

7 years ago

Well, this is a f@*king stupid change. The very function of character pages is to be able to find out which titles include that particular character and who the character was played by. It is a very good way to get a list of movies with that particular character, as an example listing all the Jack Taylor or Jesse Stone movies in publication order. Especially if you only have the translated name of the title, it's easier to find the title in such a list than using the search feature, which has always been kind of crap.

It's idiotic to expect all the character pages to be filled to the brim with useless trivia, as you seem to have been doing. Those things are a bonus. The real gem are the connections on the page and now you're removing them? I mean seriously, I've yet to see a change on IMDb that hadn't made the user experience worse.

Of course one of the reason why the character pages weren't perhaps used as much as they could have is that you, IMDB, did not improve them. For example, there was a longstanding problem with them that you couldn't get a full list of all the episodes with that character in them. It was always limited in length and the longer version removed the actor information. That resulted in not being able get the list of all the actors playing that character easily. An example would be Laurie Forman in That 70s Show: I don't think the character page ever listed Lisa Robin Kelly, because of the episode limit. And the full list removed the actor information. I reported the bug, but nobody f@*king cared.

The thing is, if you, the IMDB, want to stay as the go-to resource for movies, you need to support and come up with more of the sophisticated uses, or the users will find alternative resources and leave you behind. (Well, you're at least throwing out people who like Kevin Smith's movies by removing a very nice resource for the characters in his universe.) The connectedness of the information and access to those connections is the very thing that sets you apart from run-of-the-mill movie sites and now you're destroying it.

You may think that the cast lists and forums are your core, but you of all people should know that discussion forums and the database of information is surprisingly easily rebuilt elsewhere by crowd-sourcing, if you manage to piss off the community and drive them away. That's how you did it in the first place. With decisions like these, you're a myspace waiting to happen.



5K Messages


117.9K Points

7 years ago

@Col Needham

Can you help us understand why the Character pages must be removed before the new Search functionality will be implemented? Are you re-using the character codes, so that doing a character search would get mixed results if you leave the existing pages in place?

(I don't see any evidence of that yet, since ch0000574 is the code for Bugs Bunny under the old hand-built page, but when I open the new version for one of his titles, the nm0123354 is for the actor voicing Bugs, and I don't see the ch-code anywhere.)

Also, can you explain how you will build a good automated search for a character's filmography? Especially for something like a religious figure, whose name is frequently adopted by the general population. Ex: searching for Jesus won't just yield portrayals of the religious figure.

Because I couldn't find a way to automatically archive all the character pages there, I was going to suggest people start saving character pages to But I think that's only useful to view later if you know the url of the archived page you want. If you eliminate the ability to search for the removed pages, I suppose Google search could help with that, but I'm not clear how long they keep dead links.

Thanks in advance.

10.6K Messages


224.9K Points

Maybe the founder/CEO will explain sometime in 2018, but right now the staff is tight-lipped about why they are in such a rush to get rid of all the software for the old platform.

12 Messages


870 Points

What's so weird about this is the order this is done in, assuming the links in character pages are even going to make a comeback. Doing this in production by killing parts of the site is insane.

What you should be doing is something like this: First you build the database and copy all the information (and this can be scripted easily), then you check to see that everything was copied right. After that you set up scripts to catch up to the current state of the old pages (as they may have changed in the meantime) and the procedures to update the old pages and the new database simultaneously. Then you observe that the system works properly, write and format the new pages that use the dynamic system (that hopefully isn't too reliant on client-side scripting) and come up with the server configuration to retain the old URL scheme on the new system (or change all the links, but that's stupid because it breaks every link on other websites). Then you test it in-house. Only after that do you swap the old live version with the new test version. And, finally, now that the old version is fully static, you make final backups of the old content. (And yes, I'm assuming the new version of the site makes automated backups and generally does the right thing performance-wise, etc.)

The thing about the character pages is that you could easily just initally copy all the additional content and the links in the list of titles to the database and then make the pages dynamic (or semi-dynamic) - even if the old pages are fully static. That way you wouldn't lose anything. You could easily pull in the quotes dynamically by matching the character information in each quote in a title against the character information in the title page and even generate new character pages for them if they do not already exist. It just seems so obvious and easy to do, so I don't get this.

10.6K Messages


224.9K Points

It's like attending a school where parts of the building/campus are closed off for renovations.

12 Messages


870 Points

It's like attending a school where they're renovating maths, English and library buildings/rooms for an indefinite time during which they don't give lessons in those subjects and they start by destroying the books and study materials to make room for the renovations.

10.6K Messages


224.9K Points

I've actually experienced campuses like that, for university, high school and junior high school. For school, the wood shop and metal shop facilities were shut down for the entire duration of my attendance.

12 Messages


870 Points

Did they also sell off the equipment "for the duration"?

10.6K Messages


224.9K Points

Most likely they did.

2 Messages


210 Points

7 years ago

Does this mean that user created character bios go off into oblivion or do they have a place in the improved IMDB?  Is there any user created content in IMDB that the IMDB admins can definitively say will not be deleted to improved user experience?

10.6K Messages


224.9K Points

We can perhaps expect to see IMDb being reduced to being merely a list of titles kind of like the menus of the streaming services of Hulu, Netflix, Crackle or Amazon but with just a little bit more information like "technical specs", "copyright holder" and "budget", maybe "reviews"; like Rotten Tomatoes.

222 Messages


6.4K Points

Rotten Tomatoes is a bit of a joke. Try finding titles that are older than the 1990s, and it has more omissions than entries. 

1 Message


160 Points

7 years ago

IMDB admins, whomsoever in your staff gave you this idea was terribly terribly wrong. I am pleading you not to go through with this change. It's one of an integral part of IMDB and is used a lot by people who are an avid fan of TV shows and movies. You've to understand that some people just care about ratings and that's all they come to IMDB to see. Some enjoy new trailers(but weirdly youtube is faster in playing them- so better improve that) and see what's the new movie that's coming and that's what they come here to see. But any avid fan does seriously check out where a particular character has been elsewhere the movie he/she was watching. Like for example I found out through IMDB only that Frasier wasn't just a character in Cheers but has a whole show based on it named same as his name and boy oh boy that show is on top of my list.

So if someone of you out there is really listening to me and trust me I am not the kind of person who spends his time babbling about politics on social media or similar crap like this, I am telling you don't make this change.

It's my sincere request, please let this particular feature be as it is.



1.3K Messages


43.8K Points

> Like for example I found out through IMDB only that Frasier wasn't just a character in Cheers but has a whole show based on it named same as his name and boy oh boy that show is on top of my list.

But couldn't you also find that out by checking the filmography for Kelsey Grammer where you would soon spot a show called 'Frasier' where Kelsey also played "Dr. Frasier Crane"?


15 Messages


542 Points

seriously? try to do that with *any* more prolific actors.

1 Message


164 Points

7 years ago

So, you're taking away the only feature I used character pages for, i.e. looking up which actors that has played a certain character? Well, that's.. just not logical in any way whatsoever.
Would you be so kind to please reconsider that change and not take away a great feature?

353 Messages


7.6K Points

It also seems like a good idea for us to view quotes that are dedicated to specific characters.

3 Messages


244 Points

7 years ago

I'd rather IMDB delete this character section and bring back the message boards. They were far more useful when looking for opinions from the average person, instead of relying on professional "critics." That gutted the site.

222 Messages


6.4K Points

Honestly, who cares about professional critics? They get paid to write rants about films they do not like. The average Internet troll can give similar "informed" opinions and they do it for free. 

4 Messages


262 Points

7 years ago

Massively disliking this decision. I often use character pages to find film prequels, sequels and chronology. This will now only be possible IF the same actor has played that character and therefore you can see by the actors credits. 
I think rather than taking time to change the character pages the time could be spent sorting out the problems.
Very disappointed and a tad annoyed.

222 Messages


6.4K Points

It gets much more annoying when you like the character, but don't particularly care or even remember the actor portraying him. 



14.1K Messages


326.7K Points

7 years ago

Regarding the reference to keywords, which gromit asked about in a previous post, I noticed this addition to the keyword submission guide:

-character Used to denote a character's appearance in a title. The formatting should be presented as the name of the character first, followed by "-character". So, for Star Wars, we'd list Han Solo as "Han-Solo-character". This can be used for both fictional characters, and fictional portrayals of real life people (including when someone is playing a fictionalized, scripted portrayal of themselves). Please note that if the character is recurring in a series the character keyword should only be added to the parent and not individual episodes.



19.1K Messages


473.7K Points

7 years ago

It is not usually clear whether a poll suggestion is a new suggestion or a character based poll recast as an image based poll. Please use this thread to provide information for these character based polls:
FAQ: List of Live Character Based Polls Recast as Image Based Polls

Please provide this information for your new image polls based on live character based polls. These polls may have the same title as the existing live character based polls. They will be treated as any new poll suggestion.

Get Satisfaction Thread:
Image List:

10 Messages


674 Points

7 years ago

Stop ruining IMDb!! There is nothing wrong with it the way it is. First the message boards now this. Just because you're the biggest and most popular online movie database currently doesn't mean you can't be overthrown. Plenty of giant seemingly indestructible companies managed to meet their end through constant poor decisions, don't take your success for granted, LISTEN TO YOUR AUDIENCE WHEN THEY DON'T LIKE SOMETHING (Don't just censor their criticisms like you did with my previous comment regarding the boards). You want your site to stand the test of time? Then don't destroy it, pretty simple really.

353 Messages


7.6K Points

Exactly, see what it's resulted in based on what's happened this year:
*No place for IMDB Contributors to discuss titles and get to know other IMDB Contributors.
*No place to find out information dedicated to Specific Characters. No place for us to view Movie Quotes dedicated to Specific Characters either.
*It's now much harder to link things in Trivia Items, easier it is to simply type in names than remember weblinks for pages.

10 Messages


674 Points

IMDb are slowly destroying themselves. In less than 5 years their site will probably no longer exist due to their constant falling popularity. Their admins are probably laughing at this comment but they don't realize how quickly a drop in popularity can escalate. Things that had been around much longer than IMDb have gone completely.

3 Messages


244 Points

Maybe Amazon is cutting costs. They figure by gutting the site they can cut back on server size and usage. It's a stupid decision on their part, because when your most devoted users are flooding you with feedback about the changes, ignoring them is the easiest way to make them leave. In decades past, there was little a person could do when companies made sudden changes to the way they did things. In the internet age, there are thousands of new websites starting up everyday. If enough people kick up a fuss, some enterprising tech designers could create a new site in a similar manner. Get some advertising revenue behind them to start up, you never know what can happen.

10.6K Messages


224.9K Points

Well, most visitors will not even notice the reductions and downgrades. Also, the matter is not covered in the news, not even at the "citizen journalist" level. I'm not aware of a single article on the world-wide web reporting on these site-specific events.

8.2K Messages


173K Points

Well, most visitors will not even notice the reductions and downgrades...
by Jeorj Euler
- - -

IF all of this was on the Old IMDb Boards
there could be millions of comments & complaints
Perhaps that is why IMDb decided to  delete the Boards and hide changes and such on GS
where most Users do not know about or want to sign up

- - -

Now 82,950,000 Users
IMDb member since December 2017

- - -

10.6K Messages


224.9K Points

To be literal, I'd have to disagree. The quantity of users to chime in with disapproval would max out at about 500 or so, a higher number than here, but still low and certainly not millions. I don't why you're taking note of search results that only show what is going on, on GS.

10 Messages


674 Points

Jeorj Euler millions of people have already given up on IMDb and millions more will follow.

8.2K Messages


173K Points

To be literal, I'd have to disagree.
The quantity of users to chime in with disapproval
would max out at about 500 or so, a higher number than here,
but still low and certainly not millions.
I don't why you're taking note of search results that only show what is going on, on GS.
by Jeorj Euler
Found a few posts on this topic on other sites

without GS ...

as you remember ... IMDb Boards had a limit of 600 posts per thread
Started out with no limit and ...

Most replies to one post -
8,900 on Feb 15, 2002 and many more each week
"Jennifer 'Love' Hewitt-Yay or Nay?"
 mollymae1 : Thu Dec 30 12:11:40 1999
 Reply number 8,255 by ACT1 : Mon Dec 31, 2001
 Listed in "Actors & Actresses: Discuss your favorite performers." Message Board

 Tue Mar 29 2005 - Freddy vs. Jason
 2,306 replies
[Post deleted] This message has been deleted by an administrator - Mon Jan 28 2008

Message Boards started May 7 1999
New Message Boards started Aug 6 2002
"We have decided to disable IMDb's message boards on February 20, 2017"
- - -

Dhalgren, people who are unaware of the situation will not understand why you want to boycott,
and rest assured, most of the people who visit the IMDb site are unaware.
by Jeorj Euler

IMDb does not care if 10,000 users want to boycott

952,643 Users Registered in November 2017
Fri Dec 01 2017 29,998 registered
Sat Dec 02 2017 35,550
Sun Dec 03 2017 36,250
Mon Dec 04 2017

Now there are..
Only a few actually do anything on IMDb and less at SG  (56,310 Members)

IF IMDb removed the POLLS - Then there would be heaps plenty complaints !!!

10.6K Messages


224.9K Points

Until I see articles, blogs and vlogs (e.g. YouTube videos) surfacing, I won't be convinced as to the multitude of people who care, one way or the other, about what is going on with the IMDb site. There are only half a dozen videos on YouTube featuring a person ranting about or at least acknowledging that the message boards went offline.

10 Messages


674 Points

@Jeorj Euler and I suppose you were convinced Hillary would win as well. :P

10.6K Messages


224.9K Points

No. I was not convinced she would win the election for POTUS. The polls were unconvincing :P

Maybe I see your point. I'm not too sure. Even if a lot of web stuff surfaced addressing the matter, I still might not be convinced, but at least I would have something to work with. My interpretation of the lack of voices on the matter is that awareness of the matter is extremely low. You can't care if you don't know.

353 Messages


7.6K Points

7 years ago

For instance, if someone wants to see all the quotes Yoda has to offer, they'd need someplace to go to:

As stated above, quote pages of pages don't have any option of viewing quotes that are only spoken by specific characters.



14.1K Messages


326.7K Points

The new character pages have that, specific to each film:

262 Messages


8.2K Points

A main character page that lists all the character quotes from all the titles they had was very helpful. This new format, not so much. 

3 Messages


412 Points

7 years ago

If there's a way to screw good things up or make bad things worse, IMDb will find it eventually and do it "to improve the experience."  I'm surprised anyone is still surprised by this.